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中医美容学(第2版)/国际标准化英文版中医教材 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117286107
  • 条形码:9787117286107 ; 978-7-117-28610-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中医美容学(第2版)/国际标准化英文版中医教材 内容简介


中医美容学(第2版)/国际标准化英文版中医教材 目录

Part I A Comprehensive Digest
Chapter 1 Introduction
Section 1 Concepts, Key Features, and Classifications in Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine
Key Features
Section 2 Relationship to Non-Medical Cosmetics and Other Subjects
Relationship to Non-Medical Cosmetics
Relationship to Other Related Subjects
Section 3 Historical Overview
The Origin of Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine ——from Antiquity to Pre-Qin Dynasty (Before 211 BC)
The Germination of Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine ——Qin, Han Dynasties and Three Kingdoms Period (221 BC to 264 A.D.)
The Establishment of Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine ——from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties (265 to 960 A.D.)
The Development of Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine ——the Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties (960 to 1911 A.D.)
The Rise of Modern Cosmetology in Chinese Medicine ——Modern Times (Since 191 1 A.D.)
Chapter 2 The Aesthetics of Physical Beauty in Chinese Medicine Cosmetology
Section 1 The Traditional Aesthetics Basics of Chinese Medicine Cosmetology
The Significance of Yin-Yang and the Five Phases
The Aesthetic Significance of Zhonghe
The Aesthetic Significance of Wenzhi
The Aesthetic Significance of Charm
Section 2 Physical Aesthetic Appreciation in Chinese Medicine Cosmetology
Physical Beauty and Medical Physical Beauty
The Content of Physical Aesthetic Appreciation
Standards of Physical Aesthetic Appreciation in Modern Chinese Medicine Cosmetology
Chapter 3 The Theoretical Basis of Chinese Medicine in Chinese Medicine Cosmetology
Section 1 Disease Causes and Mechanisms
Six Pathogenic Factors
Internal Damage due to the Seven Emotions
Improper Diet
Damage due to Uneven Balance of Work and Rest
Various Damage
Secondary Etiology
Congenital Diseases and Aging
Section 2 Collecting Data by the Four Examinations
The Main Points of the Four Examinations in Chinese Cosmetology
The Main Points of Diagnosis in Chinese Cosmetology
Section 3 Pattern Differentiation
Pattern Differentiation of the Six Pathogenic Diseases
Pattern Differentiation According to Qi, Blood, and Fluids
Pattern Differentiation According to Zang-F-u Disease
Channels and Collaterals
Pattern Differentiation According to Local Symptoms
Chapter 4 Treatment Principles
Section 1 Internal Treatment Principles
Medicinal Treatment
Dietary Treatment
Section 2 External Treatment Principles
Commonly Used Principles, Methods and Medicinals
Common Medicinal Forms for External Use
Commonly Used External Treatment Techniques with Chinese Herbs
Section 3 Herbal Face Masques
Commonly Used Types of Face Masques
Methods of Application
Methods of Removing the Face Masque
Section 4 Acne and Dermal Eruption Clearing Methods
Operation Procedures and Methods
Chapter 5 Skin Care in Traditional Chinese Cosmetology
Section 1 Concept
Section 2 Skin Type and Distinction
Section 3 Basic Facial Skin Care
Section 4 Conventional Techniques of Cosmetic Acupressure on the Face and the Head
Section 5 Skin Care Complications and Prevention and Handling of Accidents
Skin Sensitivities
Skin Scalding
Chapter 6 Common Instruments Used in Chinese Medical Cosmetology
Section 1 Herbal Ultraviolet Anion Steamer
Section 2 Ultrasonic Therapy Apparatus
Section 3 Cold Spray Apparatus
Chapter 7 Cosmetics and Chinese Medicinal Cosmetics
Section 1 The Relationship between Cosmetics, Medicinal Cosmetics and Chinese Medicinal Cosmetics
The Concept and Relationship among Cosmetics, Medicines and Medicinal Cosmetics
The Concept of Chinese Medicinal Cosmetics
Section 2 Classification and Function of Modern Cosmetics
Cleansing Cosmetics
Care Cosmetics
Nourishing Cosmetics
Beautifying Cosmetics

rfuming Cosmetics
Special Purpose Cosmetics
Section 3 The Characteristics and Classifications of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Cosmetics
The Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Cosmetics
The Categorization and Compounding of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Cosmetics
The Application of Chinese Medicine to Modern Cosmetics

Part Ⅱ Special Discussion
Chapter 8 Face and Head Cosmetology
Section 1 The Channels and Collaterals on the Face and Head
The Relationship between Channels and Collaterals on the Face and Head Cosmetic
Channels and Acupoints in Common Use for Facial Cosmetics
Section 2 Anatomy of the Head and Face and Basic Knowledge of the Skin
Head and Facial Beauty
Basic Knowledge of the Eyes
Basic Knowledge of the Skin
Basic Knowledge of Skin Appendages
Section 3 Health Care Cosmetic of the Head and Face
Aging and Rejuvenation (Zhu Yan)
Prevention and Elimination of Wrinkles (Fang Zhou Qu Zhou)
Moisturing and Brightening Face (Run Mian Ze Mian)
Moistening and Beautifying the Lips (Run Chun Yan Chon)
Dental Care (Mei Chi)
Oral Hygiene (Xiang Kou Chu Chou)
Improving Eyesight (Ming Mu)
Moistening Hair (Run Fa)
Hair Regeneration and Stabilization (Sheng Fa Gu Fa)
Section 4 Therapeutic Cosmetics of the Face and Head
Facial Discoloration (Li Hei Ban)
Freckles (Que Ban)
Nevus Pigmentosus (Hei Zhi)
Acne (Fen Ci)
Facial Flat Warts (Bian Hou)
Seborrheic Dermatitis (Mian You Feng)
Cosmetic Dermatitis (Fen Hua Chuang)
Solar Dermatitis (Ri Shai Chuang)
Milium (Si Mian)
Rosacea (Jiu Zha Bi)
Dark Eyelids (Jian Yan)
Under-eye Bags (Yan Dai)
Stye (Zhen Yan)
Bail-like Swollen Eyelid (Bao Xu Ru Qiu)
Ptosis (Shang Bao Xia Chui)
Cheilitis (Chun Feng)

rioral dermatitis (Kou Wen Chuang)
Chronic Hoarseness (Man Hou Yin)
Androgenic Alopecla (Fa Zhu Tuo Fa)
Alopecta Areata (You Feng)
Canities (Bai Fa)
Chapter 9 Body and Cosmetology
Section 1 The Channels and Collaterals on the Body and Cosmetology
The Relationship between Channels and Collaterals of the Body and Cosmetology
Commonly Used Channels and Acupuncture Points on the Body in Cosmetology
Section 2 Health Care Cosmetics of the Body and Four Limbs
Fragrance and Deodorization (Xiang Ti Chu Chou)
Breast Augmentation (Feng Ru Long Xiong)
Hands Care and Beautification (Mei Shou)
Section 3 Therapeutical Cosmetics of the Body and Four
Cracking Sores (Cun Lie Chuang)
Hangnails (Shou Zu Ni Lu)
Tinea Manuum (E Zhang Feng)
Onychomycosis (Hui Zhi Jia)
Vitiligo (Bai Bo Feng)
Obesity (Fei Pang Zheng)
Crab Feet Swelling (Xie Zu Zhong)
Hypertrichosis ( yi Mao E Fa)

Disease Photos
