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Pediatrics(儿科学)(第2版/申昆玲/本科儿科(配增值) 版权信息

Pediatrics(儿科学)(第2版/申昆玲/本科儿科(配增值) 本书特色

(1)本套教材读者对象为五年制儿科专业(方向)本科生,内容方面紧扣本科教学的教学要求,精减扼要,注重\\\\\\\"三基\\\\\\\"。 (2)本套教材在上一版基础上补充新内容,*新知识,着重强调和增补发展较快的基础理论知识,删除少见病及陈旧的内容。 (3)本套教材强调儿科与成人的区别,在疾病的病因、发病机制、临床表现及治疗等方面均突出儿童的特点;其次,包含了儿科疾病的诊断和治疗方法,如病史询问、体格检查、儿科一般治疗措施等内容。可以供儿科专业的本科生使用,也可以作为非本专业的研究生使用教材或非本专业本科生的选修课程教材,同时,儿科住院医生也可将它作为参考。 (4)本套教材为融合教材,增加课件(PPT)、同步练习、案例、多媒体等增值栏目,内容丰富,立体化打造儿科精品教材。

Pediatrics(儿科学)(第2版/申昆玲/本科儿科(配增值) 内容简介


Pediatrics(儿科学)(第2版/申昆玲/本科儿科(配增值) 目录

Chapter 1 Growth,Development and Health Care 1.1 Overview of Child Growth and Development 1.2 Child Growth 1.3 Child Development and Behavior 1.4 Child Health Care Chapter 2 Pediatric Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders 2.1 Infant and Young Child Feeding 2.2 Obesity 2.3 Pediatric Undemutrition 2.4 Vitamin D Deficiency and Nutritional Rickets Chapter 3 Neonatal Diseases 3.1 Definition and Classification ofNewboms 3.2 Neonatal Asphyxia and Resuscitation 3.3 Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome 3.4 Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 3.5 Neonatal Jaundice 3.6 Hypoxic—Ischemic Encephalopathy 3.7 Intracranial Hemorrhage 3.8 Neonatal Sepsis 3.9 Neonatal Meningitis 3.10 Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis 3.11 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Chapter 4 Genetic,M etabolic and Endocrine Disorders 4.1 Down Syndrome 4.2 Turner Syndrome 4.3 Phenylketonuria 4.4 Wilson'S Disease 4.5 Growth Hormone Deficiency 4.6 Congenital Hypothyroidism 4.7 Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents 4.8 Precocious Puberty 4.9 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Chapter 5 Immune Deficiency 5.1 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases 5.2 Secondary Immunodeficiency Diseases 5.3 Diagnosis and Management of Immunodeficiency Diseases Chapter 6 I nfectious Disease 6.1 Measles 6.2 Roseola Infantum 6.3 Varicella 6.4 Mumps rEpidemic Parotitis) 6.5 Infectious Mononucleosis 6.6 Hand.Foot and Mouth Disease 6.7 Scarlet Fever 6.8 Pertussis Syndrome 6.9 Toxic Bacillary Dysentery 6.10 Tuberculosis Chapter 7 Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System 7.1 Maintenance Fluid Therapy 7.2 Gas仃Oesophageal Reflux 7.3 Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer 7.4 Intussusception 7.5 Diarrhea 7.6 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Chapter 8 Disorders of the Respiratory System 8.1 Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 8.2 Allergic Rhinitis 8.3 Croup 8.4 Acute Bronchitis 8.5 Acute Bronchiolitis 8.6 Asthma 8.7 Pneumonia 8.8 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Chapter 9 Disorders of the Cardiovascular System 9.1 Congenital Heart Disease 9.2 Myocarditis 9.3 Cardiomyopathy 9.4 Arrhythmia Chapter 10 Nephrological Disorders 10.1 Acute Glomerulonephritis 10.2 Nephrotic Syndrome 10.3 Urinary Tract Infection 10.4 Acute Kidney Injury 10.5 Hemamria 10.6 Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy(IgA Nephropathy) Chapter 11 Diseases of the Blood 11.1 Development ofthe Hematopoietic System 11.2 Blood Cell Counts and Hemoglobins 11.3 Childhood Anemia:An Overview 11.4 Nutritional Iron Deficiency Anemia 11.5 Nutritional Megaloblastic Anemia 11.6 Aplastic Anemia 11.7 Hemolytic Anemia 11.8 Hereditary Spherocytosis 11.9 G一6-PD Deficiency 11.10 Thalassemia 11.11 Immune Thrombocytopenia 11.12 Hemophilia 11.13 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 11.14 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Chapter 12 Neurological Diseases 12.1 Bacterial Meningitis 12.2 Acute Viral Encephalitis 12-3 Guillain—Barr6 Syndrome 12.4 Seizures 12.5 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 12.6 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Chapter 1 3 Rheumatological Diseases 13.1 Rheumatic Fever 13.2 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 13.3 Henoch—Sch6nlein Purpura 13.4 Kawasdki Disease 13.5 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 13.6 Autoinflammatory Diseases Chapter 14 Pediatric Critical Care 14.1 Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 14.2 Sepsis 14.3 Acute Respiratory Failure 14.4 Shock 14.5 Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Syndrome 14.6 Acute Intoxication Reference Index