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Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci

Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci

开本: 其他 页数: 163
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Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787122355997
  • 条形码:9787122355997 ; 978-7-122-35599-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci 本书特色

适读人群 :高等院校给水排水科学与工程、市政工程、环境工程专业师生《给水排水科学与工程实践教程》是英语教材。语言原汁原味,案例生动详实。

Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci 内容简介

The textbook is designed for the main problems involved in the practice of students in Water Supply and Prainage Science and Engineering, so that students can better practice with questions. The content contains utilization and protection of water resources, water intake, distribution and delivery facilities, traditional water treatment process, combined and separate sewer, wastewater pretreatment, primary wastewater treatment system and secondary wastewater treatment system, sludge treatment and disposal, and sewage advanced treatment system. The textbook focuses on the principle of the overall knowledge of water supply and drainage, the key points, problems and precautions in the actual investigation and practice of students. We emphasizes the importance of the design of teaching materials for the practical training of water supply and drainage. And the textbook combines the latest improvement on our understanding of basic phenomena as well as research and application of new technologies.

Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1Water supply1

Chapter 2 Water use and water quality3
2.1Relation of water quantity and population4
2.2Water use for different purposes7
2.3Water impurities7
2.4Waterborne diseases8
2.5Inorganic contaminants9
2.6Organic contaminants11
2.7Drinking water quality standards of China12
2.8Drinking water quality standards of Japan18
2.9US EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)water quality standards22

Chapter 3 Water sources and water intake facilities30
3.2Surface water34
3.4Reservoir storage40
3.5Water intake facilities41

Chapter 4 Conventional drinking water treatment processes49
4.1Conventional rapid sand filtration system49
4.2Coagulation and flocculation50
4.4Rapid sand filtration55

Chapter 5 Water distribution60
5.1Distribution reservoirs61
5.2Distribution pipe system64
5.3Pumping stations65

Chapter 6 Miscellaneous water treatment techniques69
6.1Advanced oxidation(ozonation,UV radiation and hydroxyl oxidation)69
6.2Activated carbon adsorption76
6.3Ion exchange80
6.4Membrane filtration83
6.5Reverse osmosis86
6.6Biological filtration88

Chapter 7 The sewers93
7.1Combined sewers93
7.2Separate sewers96

Chapter 8 Characteristics of wastewater100
8.1Organic substances100
8.2Inorganic substances101
8.3Pathogenic microorganisms102

Chapter 9 Preliminary wastewater treatment systems104
9.2Flow equalization tank105
9.3Grit clarifier106

Chapter 10 Primary wastewater treatment systems109
10.1Plain sedimentation109
10.2Aerated sedimentation111

Chapter 11 Secondary wastewater treatment systems113
11.1Conventional activated sludge process114
11.2Oxidation ditch process117
11.3Trickling filter process119
11.4Anaerobic waste treatment processes123

Chapter 12 Sludge treatment and disposal129
12.1Characteristics of sludge130
12.2Sludge conditioning,thickening and dewatering134
12.3Digestion 139
12.6Microbial fuel cell147

Chapter 13 Advanced wastewater treatment151
13.1Nitrogen removal152
13.2Phosphorus removal158



Professional Practice Cases in Water Supply and Drainage Sci 作者简介

杜海霞,南京工业大学城市建设学院,副教授,杜海霞,博士,副教授(南京工业大学)。2005年兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院本科毕业,获得环境工程学士学位;2009年3月日本国立岐阜大学工学研究生院毕业并获得土木环境工程硕士学位;2009年4月-2012年3月日本国立岐阜大学工学研究生院攻读博士学位,2012年3月获得土木环境工程博士学位,2012年4月进入南京工业大学城市建设学院工作,主要从事利用微生物燃料电池新技术处理厨房固体废弃物、剩余活性污泥及含高浓度含氨废水;剩余活性污泥的好氧与厌氧消化;臭氧氧化-微生物燃料电池技术处理厨房固体废弃物;臭氧氧化-好氧/厌氧消化技术处理剩余活性污泥;砂滤池内生物膜的形成与变化的分析;环境微生物的构造解析;混凝-臭氧氧化-膜处理技术的给水处理等研究。已在《Water research》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Chemosphere》、 《Environmental Technology》、《Environment Protection Engineering》、《安全与环境学报》、《环境工程学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文13篇,其中SCI 7篇。应邀担任 “Applied Energy”、“Environmental Science and Pollution Research”、“Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology” 等国际SCI学术期刊审稿人。在本项目中,全面负责项目的开展与统筹安排。
