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会计师与企业课本 版权信息

会计师与企业课本 内容简介

本书具体内容分为三大模块, **模块环境篇, 通过模型的介绍、案例的解析, 教你们认识组织所在的环境, 以及常用的分析环境的方法论 ; 第二模块为组织篇, 通过层层剖析, 带你们认识组织架构的方方面面 ; 第三模块为人员篇, 侧重于人力资源管理, 助你们快速了解身在组织、与人交往的精髓之处。

会计师与企业课本 目录

Part A Environment Chapter 1 Organisations and their stakeholders 1 The nature of erganisation 2 Stakeholders Quick quiz Chapter 2 Business environment 1 PEST/PESTEL analysis 2 Porter's five forces 3 Value chain analysis 4 SWOT analysis Quick quiz Chapter 3 The micro-economic environment 1 Defining microeconomics 2 Basic concepts of microeconomics 3 Demand and supply 4 The price mechanism and the equilibrium price 5 Maximum and minimum price 6 The economic behaviour of costs 7 Types of markets Quick quiz Chapter 4 The macro-economic environment 1 Definition 2 Objectives of government macroeconomic policies 3 Inflation and its consequences 4 Unemployment 5 The balance of payment 6 Economic growth 7 The circular flow of income and expenditure 8 Fiscal policy 9 Monetary policy Quick quiz Part B Organisation Chapter 5 Business structure 1 The informal organisation 2 Organisation structure 3 Centralisation and decentralisation 4 Basic organisational structure concepts Quick quiz Chapter 6 Organisational departments and functions 10rganisational departments and functions 2 Shared services approach 3 Committees 4 Levels in the organisation Quick quiz Chapter 7 The role of accounting 1 What is accounting 2 The users of accounting information 3 Nature, principles and scope of accounting 4 Regulatory system 5 Manual and computerised accounting systems 6 Fintech Quick quiz Chapter 8 Organisational culture 1 Culture 2 Writers on culture Quick quiz Chapter 9 Corporate governance 1 Introduction of corporate governance 2 Best practice in corporate governance Quick quiz Chapter 10 Internal control 1 Internal check 2 Internal control 3 Internal audit Quick quiz Chapter 11 Identifying and preventing fraud 1 Definition 2 Types of fraud 3 Implications of fraud for the organisation 4 Three prerequisites for fraud 5 Assessing the risk of fraud 6 Systems for detecting and preventing fraud 7 Responsibility for detecting and preventing fraud 8 Money laundering Quick quiz Part C Human resource Chapter 12 Individuals, groups and teams 1 Individuals 2 Groups 3 Teams Quick quiz Chapter 13 Recruitment and selection 1 Introduction to recruitment and selection 2 Recruitment process 3 Selection 4 Evaluating recruitment and selection 5 Responsibility for recruitment and selection 6 Equal opportunity 7 Diversity Quick quiz Chapter 14 Leading and managing people 1 Related concepts of management 2 Management 3 What is leadership 4 Schools of leadership theory Quick quiz Chapter 15 Performance appraisal 1 Performance appraisal 2 The process of formal performance appraisal 3 Benefits and barriers of performance appraisal Quick quiz Chapter 16 Training and development 1 Learning 2 Training and development 3 Training methods Quick quiz Chapter 17 Motivating individuals and group 1 Overview of motivation 2 Theories of motivation 3 Reward system Quick quiz Chapter 18 Personal effectiveness and communication 1 Time management 2 Ineffectiveness at work 3 Competence frameworks 4 Conflicts 5 Communication in the workplace Quick quiz Chapter 19 Ethics 1 Framework of rules 2 Ethics Quick quiz