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锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版

锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版

开本: 29cm 页数: 275页
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锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787308202398
  • 条形码:9787308202398 ; 978-7-308-20239-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版 本书特色

◆ 国丝馆官方出品的展览图录,原展曾获第十四届全国博物馆十大陈列展览精品奖 ◆ 中国丝绸博物馆展览系列丛书,让您足不出户,“云”游国丝馆 ◆ 一本书带您了解中国丝绸艺术的锦绣千年史 ◆ 从史前社会至秦汉、宋元明清,再到当代,共搜集丝绸文物彩图共三百多张,令人大饱眼福

锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版 内容简介

  China, the home of silk, was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans as "Seres", i.e. the "Land of Silk". Sericulture, or the cultivation of mulberry trees and silkworms, and the techniques of reeling, spinning, dyeing and weaving silk bers, have been practiced in China for thousands of years. Silk has long played a major role in Chinese civilization and was a key factor in the creation of the Silk Road, which linked the civilizations of East and West. Chinese silk is almost as old as Chinese civilization itself, and has evolved hand in hand with Chinese people. Today Chinese silk still continues its glorious journey.

锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版 目录

Chapter 1 Early Origins
Chapter 2 Silk in the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties(475BC-220AD)
Chapter 3 Silk in the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties(220-589)
Chapter 4 Silk in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties(581-960)
Chapter 5 Silk in the Liao, Song and Yuan Dynasties(907-1368)
Chapter 6 Silk in the Ming and Qing Dynasties(1368-1911)
Chapter 7 Silk in the Modern Age(1912-1949)
Chapter 8 Silk in the New Era(from 1949 to the Present)

锦程:中国丝绸与丝绸之路:silk history and the silk road:英文版 作者简介

徐铮,东华大学(原中国纺织大学)博士。现在中国丝绸博物馆从事丝绸历史文化研究及博物馆陈列工作。与他人合作出版了《浙江丝绸文化史》《锦绣华服中国古代织染术》《杭州丝绸史》等多部著作,并在学术刊物上发表论文多篇。 金琳,文博研究馆员,现在中国丝绸博物馆陈列保管部从事中国丝绸文化研究和丝绸及非遗展览策展。
