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计算机英语-学生用书(第三版) 版权信息

计算机英语-学生用书(第三版) 内容简介

  直接阅读外文技术资料和文献是每个计算机技术人员和研究人员必须具备的一种能力。《计算机英语 学生用书(第三版)》旨在使学生及专业人员能够熟悉并掌握计算机方面的基本专业英文词汇,熟悉科技英语的基本规律,并提高在计算机专业英文文献方面的阅读能力。  《计算机英语 学生用书(第三版)》共20章,汇集了计算机技术各方面的内容,包括计算机硬件、软件、网络与通信、计算机应用等。《计算机英语 学生用书(第三版)》的特点是内容和专业词汇的涵盖面广,选择的文章具有代表性和新颖性,尤其是阅读材料包括了*近10年中产生的一些新技术的介绍,从而使教师在选择教学内容方面有较大的灵活性。  《计算机英语 学生用书(第三版)》适合于计算机科学与技术专业、软件工程专业、信息管理与信息系统专业、电子商务专业以及其他相关专业的本科生、研究生作为计算机专业英语课程的教材,对于从事计算机方面各种工作的专业技术人员提高计算机专业外文文献的阅读能力也有一定的帮助。

计算机英语-学生用书(第三版) 目录

Chapter 1 Computer System Overview 1.1 DigitalComputer 1.2 DataTypes 1.3 The Evolution ofComputer 1.4 Types of Computers Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 2 Computer System Organization 2.1 ComputerOrganization Introductio 2.2 System Buses 2.2.1 Address Bus 2.2.2 Data Bus 2.2.3 Control Bus 2.3 CPU Organization 2.3.1 Register Set 2.3.2 Arithmetic Logic Unit 2.3.3 Control Unit 2.4 Memory Subsystem Organization 2.4.1 Types of Memory 2.4.2 Memory Hierarchy 2.5 I/O Subsystem Organization 2.5.1 I/O Devices 2.5.2 I/O Interface 2.5.3 Modes of Transfer Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 3 Computer System Architecture 3.1 Parallel Processing 3.2 Pipelining 3.3 Vector Processing 3.4 RIS Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 4 Algorithms and Data Structure 4.1 Algorithms 4.2 Data Structure Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 5 Programmingand Languages 5.1 The Procedure of Programming 5.2 The Evolution of Programming Languages 5.3 CompilingandAssembling Programs 5.4 Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) 5.5 Visual Programnung 5.6 Internet Programming Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 6 Operating System 6.1 Operating System Overview 6.2 Operating System Platform Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 7 Applications Software 7.1 Applications Software Tools 7.2 Common Features of Applications Software 7.3 Productivity Software Tools 7.3.1 Word Processing Sofiware 7.3.2 Spreadsheet Software 7.3.3 Presentation Graphics 7.3.4 Groupware 7.3.5 Desktop Accessories 7.3.6 Web Browsers Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 8 An Introduction to Database Systems 8.1 Purpose ofDatabase Systems 8.2 View ofData 8.2.1 Levels ofData Abstraction 8.2.2 Instances and Schemas 8.2.3 Data Independence 8.3 Data Models 8.3.1 Object-basedlogical Models 8.3.2 Record-basedLogical Models 8.3.3 Physical Data Models 8.4 Database Languages 8.4.1 Data Definition Language(DDL) 8.4.2 DataManipulation Language (DML) 8.4.3 SQL 8.5 Transaction Management 8.6 Database Adnmustrator Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 9 Software Engineering 9.1 What Is Software Engineering 9.2 Keylssues of Software Engineering 9.3 Software Process 9.4 Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter10 Object-Oriented Technology 10.1 A BriefOverview ofObject Technology 10.2 Whatls OO——System Concepts for Object Modeling 10.3 The OO Development Process 10.4 UnifiedModeling Language (UML) Technical Notes to the Text Words Bank to the Text Exercises Chapter 11 Introduction to Computer Networks Chapter 12 LAN, MAN & WAN Chapter 13 Internet Chapter 14 Information Security Chapter 15 Information System Chapter 16 Artificiallntelligence and Expert System Chapter 17 Enterprise Resource Planning Chapter 18 Supply Chain Management Chapter 19 Customer Relationship Management Chapter 20 E-Business and E-Commerce