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The handbook of physiological experiments

The handbook of physiological experiments

开本: 24cm 页数: 151页
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The handbook of physiological experiments 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568061735
  • 条形码:9787568061735 ; 978-7-5680-6173-5
  • 装帧:70g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

The handbook of physiological experiments 本书特色

本书包含众多医科院校开设的经典的验证性生理实验和综合性实验,加入了我校开设多年的设计性实验,并新增了获得高等学校创新性机能实验大赛一等奖的实验内容,力求本教程的系统性、科学性、实用性和创新性。 本书包含经典的验证性生理实验和综合性实验,加入了我校开设多年的设计性实验,并新增了获得高等学校创新性机能实验大赛一等奖的实验内容,具有系统性、科学性、实用性和创新性。

The handbook of physiological experiments 内容简介


The handbook of physiological experiments 目录

Unit 1Introduction/1 Unit 2Introduction of Surgical Manipulation on Animals and Biosignal Acquisition
and Analysis System/3Section 1The Surgical Manipulation of Mammals/3
Section 2The Surgical Manipulation of Toads/15
Section 3BL420N Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Life Science/23
Section 4Brief Operative Guidelines for Biological Signal Recording System (MD2000 Super Lab System)/38
Unit 3Physiological Experiments on Animals/44Section 1Recording of Compound Potential in Sciatic Nerve Trunk of Toad/44
Section 2Determination of Conduction Velocity of Action Potential in Nerve Trunk of Toad/47
Section 3Excitability Change during and after Excitation/49
Section 4Simultaneous Recording of Action Potential and Muscle Tension in Sciatic Nervegastrocnemius/51
Section 5Ionic Effect and Hormonal Regulation on a Toad Heart during Contraction in vitro/54
Section 6Cardiac Autorhythmicity/60
Section 7Premature Contraction and Compensatory Pause/64
Section 8Factors that Affect Cardiac Output/69
Section 9Nervous and Hormonal Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity/75
Section 10Factors Affect the Discharges of the Depressor Nerve/82
Section 11The Regulations of Respiratory Movement/85
Section 12Movement of Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle in vitro/90
Section 13Factors that Affect Blood Coagulation/94
Section 14Factors that Affect Urine Formation/97
Section 15Simultaneous Recordings of Muscle Spindle Discharge and Passive Tension of Sartorius Muscle/101
Section 16Chemical Labyrinthectomy to Study the Vestibular System/104
Section 17Analysis of Reflex Arc/106
Section 18Unilateral Cerebellar Lesions/109
Section 19Hormonal Regulation of Blood Glucose Level/112
Section 20Experiment Design—Role of Baroreceptor Reflex in Acute Blood Loss/114
Unit 4Physiological Experiments on Human/116Section 1Introduction of PowerLab System and Pulse Wave Measurement/116
Section 2Electrocardiogram at Rest and after Exercise/124
Section 3Electromyography/129
Section 4Arterial Blood Pressure Recording/136
Section 5Characteristics of Different Types of Itch Induced by Various Pruritogens/141
References/150The Handbook of Physiological ExperimentsContents


The handbook of physiological experiments 作者简介

席姣娅 副教授,硕士研究生导师,华中科技大学同济医学院基础医学院生理学系教学主任。中国医药教育协会智能医学专业委员会常务委员,湖北省暨武汉市生理学会理事,湖北省病理生理学会呼吸专委会常务委员。国家自然科学基金、教育部留学回国人员启动基金、湖北省自然科学基金负责人,发表SCI收录论文二十余篇。
