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百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition

百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition

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百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300277042
  • 条形码:9787300277042 ; 978-7-300-27704-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition 本书特色


百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition 内容简介

《百家姓 》是学习中国传统文化的经典读物,已经存世900多年了。在本书中,作者对《百家姓》涉及的姓氏来源、相关典故、知名人物等做了详细的中英文注解,其内容涉及文化起源及历史故事,更容易使读者领悟优秀传统文化的精神内核,为爱好中国传统文化的中英文读者打开了认识中国的一扇窗。

百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition 目录

Part ICommon Knowledge about Family Names

AThe Sources of Chinese Names /

一、中国姓名的由来 /

BThe Uniqueness of Chinese Names /

二、中国姓名的特点 /

CThe Usage of Chinese names /

三、中国姓名的使用 /

Part IIPoetry about Family Names and Related Stories


DPoems about Family Names /

四、姓氏诗歌 /

EStories behind Family Names /

五、姓名背后的故事 /

Part IIITodays Efforts in Popularizing Family Names


FTodays Efforts in Popularizing the Primer /

六、百家姓的推广 /

Books of Reference /

文末参考文献 /

百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition 节选

Stories behind Family Names五、姓名背后的故事There are stories behind each and every Chinese family name?We wish to unfold the stories behind two Chinese family names in this book,they are Xie(谢)and Liu(柳)?Xie(谢)is placed at the 34th in the table of family names we provided above?Liu(柳)is placed at the 60th?每一个中国姓后面都有故事。为此我们选了两个姓来讲一讲,分别是“谢”姓和“柳”姓。谢姓在《百家姓》里排第34位,柳姓排第60位。Now,let?s look at Xie(谢),which was the name of a kinglet established by the 7th son of the Yellow Emperor?After it was wiped out by King Xuan of the Zhou,its people used Xie as their family name?Then,King Xuan of the Zhou gave the Kinglet Xie to his uncle who established the State of Shen at where the Kinglet was;sometime later the Kingdom of Chu defeated the State of Shen,the survivors in the state also used“Xie”as their family name?Some minorities,Gaoche(高车)for instance,also used“Xie”as their family name,a most notable example is Xie Yan(谢偃,599?643)in the Tang Dynasty,whose original family name was Zhi Le(直勒)in the Gaoche minority?谢本是黄帝第7个儿子建立的小国的名字。后来,周宣王灭了谢国,其子民就用“谢”作姓了。周宣王将谢国所在的地方给了他的舅舅,他的舅舅建立了申国,申国被楚国消灭后,其子民也用“谢”姓。历史上也有少数民族取“谢”姓,譬如“高车”族。唐朝的谢偃(公元599年―公元643年),是高车族,其原姓是“直勒”。We shall now concentrate on one particular Xie family,which emerged in a place called“Chen Prefecture”,which is some where around today?s Taikang County in Henan Province at the end of the Eastern Jin period?Some historians regard this family as the most flamboyant family in China?s history?Because it had produced many famous and important figures?The first man who was known to the public from the family was Xie Zuan(谢缵,214?282)?He was a middle ranking official in charge of agriculture in Kingdom of Wei?Xie Zuan is a direct descendant of Earl Shen,who established the State of Shen,in the 35th generation?His son Xie Heng(谢衡,240?300)did much better than him in the government?Xie Heng was the tutor of the crown prince,the tutor was a second?ranking position?He was later a standing?by counselor of the emperor and the rector of the Imperial College?以下我们主要讲东晋末年出现于陈郡的谢家。陈郡位于现在河南省的太康县。一些历史学家称此家族为中国历史上*华丽的家族。因为这个家族产生了很多知名且重要的人物。此家族**个在社会上有些名声的是谢缵(公元214年―公元282年)。他在三国时的魏国任典农中郎将。他是建立了申国的申伯的第35代孙。他的儿子谢衡(公元240年―公元300年)则比他强,担任过官阶二品的太子少傅、散骑常侍和国子祭酒等职务。Xie Heng had three sons;all of them were pillars of the society?The elder one was Xie Kun(谢鲲,281 A?D??324 A?D?),who became famous during his youth for ability of singing and playing of lute?He was well versed in Dao de jing and The Book of Changes?He was slovenly and indifferent to other?s attitude toward him?Once,a local administrative chief wanted to punish him by whipping on some lame excuse,he accepted it without a wince and when the chief changed his idea he didn?t show any expression for not having to suffer?Unlike his father,who adored Confucian thoughts,he changed and embraced metaphysics,which was a fashion in the Jin Dynasty?Such a change lifted the social position of his family,and made him a political star and was for sometime“a hope of the imperial court”?Yet,the highest position he held was a prefecture administrative head at Yu zhang?谢衡有三子,每个都成了国家的栋梁之材。他的长子谢鲲(公元281年―公元324年)弱冠知名,能歌善鼓琴,精通《老子》和《易经》。他不修威仪,不在乎别人如何对待他。一次,一个地方官出于站不住脚的理由要对他进行鞭挞,他解衣就罚,毫无忤容。释之,又无喜色。与他崇尚儒学的父亲不同的是,他笃信玄学。这种改变,不但使谢氏在玄学盛行的晋朝提升了社会地位,也使他自己成为人气明星,被誉为“朝廷之望”。然而,他做官*高只做到了豫章太守。The second son of Xie Heng was Xie Pou(谢裒,282 A?D??346 A?D?)?He was able to write beautiful essays when he was very young?He was Minister of Personnel in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?Xie Heng?s third son was Xie Guang(谢广). Unfortunately,the only thing we know about Xie Guang is that he was once a minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?谢衡的二子是谢裒(公元282年―公元346年)。谢裒年幼时就因善写文章而有名,后来官至东晋的吏部尚书。谢衡的三子叫谢广,在东晋曾任六部尚书。The middle term of the Eastern Jin Dynasty saw a brilliant and fabulous period of the Xie Family,which was composed of mostly the great grandsons of Xie Zuan?There were 8 of them headed by Xie An(谢安,320 A?D??385 A?D?),who already enjoyed a high reputation during his youth?He refused several times offers of official positions?He preferred a leisurely life with men of letters either on a boat in some lakes or high up in the mountain;and when they were inside they would write or croon their poems and prose?Yet,after his elder brother Xie Yi(谢奕,309 A?D??358 A?D?)passed away on his post of Yuzhou Supervisor and after his younger brother Xie Wan(谢万,320 A?D??361 A?D?)lost a critical battle,the power of the Xie family was being threatened,he realized he had to come to the forefront and became a military commander in Huan Wen?s(桓温,312 A?D??373 A?D?)troops?东晋中期是谢氏家族*辉煌和*荣耀的时期。这时的谢家主要人物是谢缵的曾孙,谢安(公元320年―公元385年)就是其曾孙之一。谢安年轻时就小有名气。一直有人请他出来做官,他都拒绝了。他更倾向清闲的生活,更愿意与文人名士交游,出则渔弋山水,入则吟咏属文。然而,当他的长兄谢奕(公元309年―公元358年)在豫州刺史任上去世,他的弟弟谢万(公元320年―公元361年)在一场关键的战役失败,谢氏的权势受到了很大的威胁后,他才有了做官的志趣,并在桓温(公元312年―公元373年)的部队里当起了司马。Before long,Xie An became the Prime Minister of Eastern Jin?At this time,there were 16 states in the northern part of China,and one of them was the Prior Qin(or Qian Qin)State?The ruler of Prior Qin was Fu Jian(苻坚,338 A?D??385 A?D?),who was a very ambitious person and wanted to annex the other 15 states in the north and conquer the south?The Eastern Jin Dynasty was his main obstacle,so in 383 he decided to wage a war against the Eastern Jin Dynasty and he mobilized an army of almost one million men?不久,谢安就当上了东晋总揽朝政的**大臣。此时,中国北方有十六国,其中之一便是前秦。前秦的统治者是苻坚(公元338年―公元385年)。苻坚野心勃勃,想统一北方其他15国,亦想征服南方。东晋是他实现野心的主要障碍。故此,在公元383年他动员了百万兵马,发动了针对东晋的战争。Xie An,to counter against the move of the Prior Qin,made a resolute decision:he named his younger brother Xie Shi(谢石,327 A?D??389 A?D?),who was a deputy Prime Minister at the time,as the Commander in Chief;his nephew Xie Xuan(谢玄,343 A?D??388 A?D?),who was the Supervisor at Yanzhou,as the general of the vanguard army and his son Xie Yan(谢琰,352 A?D??400 A?D?)as another general?The army to fight against the invaders only numbered eighty thousand?His decision was very much reproached,since he was using his relatives in the leading body of the army?However,Xie An knew what he was doing,which was to put the right person on the right spot?Xie Xuan remarked when he replied to questions:“This is going to war and to die for the state,not seeking personal gains!”为了应对苻坚的进攻,谢安果断任命其弟、尚书仆射谢石(公元327年―公元389年)为征讨大都督,任命其侄子、兖州刺史谢玄(公元343年―公元388年)为前锋都督,任命其子谢琰(公元352年―公元400年)为辅国将军,率兵8万迎敌。这支部队中,将领均为谢氏家庭人员,当时受到颇多非议。孰不知,谢安这样安排实则是知人善任。谢玄在回答质问时说:“这是去打仗,为国家献身,岂为个人功名!”The Feishui River was lying between the two armies?Xie Shi wisely decided to attack the enemy as soon as his troops arrived at the river since his opponent was arriving and not yet ready to fight?Xie Xuan fought the first battle,he attacked the vanguard troops of the enemy from both the front and the back?As a result,the commander and 15 thousand men of the enemy were killed?淝水横在两军之间。谢石非常明智,趁敌军尚未在对岸就位,快速展开攻击。谢玄领军打了**仗,他不但正面进攻,还从后面对敌军进行包抄,使敌军前锋的司令和1?5万名士兵被消灭。When the rest of Fu Jian?s troops were arrayed on the other side of the river,Xie Xuan sent an envoy to see Fu Jian and told him:“The way you lined up your troops is for a protracted war and not for a swift victory?If you move your troops back a little bit and make it possible for the Jin troops to cross the river,we can have a decisive battle?Is it a good idea?”All officers in the Prior Qin army opposed such an idea,only Fu Jian alone thought he could meet this ruse with his own,which was to dash out with his cavalry onto the Jin troops when half of them had crossed the river?So,he told the envoy he would move back his troops and he did move his troops somewhat backwards?当苻坚的部队在河的对岸布好阵之后,谢玄就派使者去见他,对他说:“你紧挨着河岸布阵,这是想打持久战,不是速胜的办法。你若将你的部队往后挪一挪,让晋军能够渡河,再决胜负,你看如何?”前秦诸将都反对这个做法,但苻坚认为可以将计就计,让军队稍向后退,待晋军的一半渡过河时,再以骑兵冲杀,这样就可以取得胜利。于是他就答应了谢玄的要求,指挥秦军后撤。Very much to the surprise of Fu Jian,his men were in low morale and when they moved back,their formations were rendered into confusion?On the contrary,Xie Xuan and his eight thousand cavalrymen crossed the river very quickly and then stormed onto the Prior Qin troops?At this juncture,Xie Xuan?s agents were crying out among the enemy soldiers,“The Prior Qin is defeated!”When the Prior Qin troops heard such shouting,they turned their backs and started to run away?The commanding officer of the Prior Qin troops tried to stop his retreating men,but his horse fell and he was hatched to death by the Jin cavalrymen?让苻坚吃惊的是,他的士兵士气低落,往后撤时阵势大乱。此时,谢玄率领8 000多骑兵,抢渡淝水,向先秦军猛攻。打入敌营内部的晋军趁势大喊:“秦军败了!”秦军听到这话,纷纷转身奔逃。秦军的指挥官见状,前去阻止,不料其战马被乱兵冲倒,他自己也被追兵砍死。The vanguard troops of Prior Qin were totally crumbled. Their flight caused terror in the rear troops and every man was fleeing helter?skelter?They were so nervous that when they heard the wind blow and crying of cranes,they thought the Jin cavalrymen were chasing after them?As a result,many of them were stamped to death by horses;their dead bodies even blocked the flowing water in the river?Fu Jian himself was wounded by an arrow?When they finally got back to their capital,they found out only 100 thousand men survived?When the news of victory came,Xie An was playing chess with his guest?He only looked at the report,put it aside and continued his chess without showing the slightest trace of excitement over the victory?Yet,his guest was anxious to know what the news was and he asked what the report was?Xie An replied calmly:“My children won the battle?”Hearing this,his guest was not able to go on playing chess,he run away to tell others about the victory?Seeing his friend gone,Xie An could no longer check his feelings,as a matter of fact,he was so carried away by his excitement that he even broke his clog when crossing a doorsill?秦军的先锋部队彻底崩溃了。他们的溃败引起后续部队的恐慌。每个人都狼狈逃窜。他们听到风声鹤叫,都以为是晋军追来。结果,秦兵很多人马相踏而死,其尸首充塞了大河。苻坚本人也中箭受伤。他们逃回自己的都城时仅剩10万人马。当胜利的消息传来时,谢安正在家跟客人下棋。他看完了谢石送来的捷报,不露声色,随手把捷报放在旁边,照样下棋。客人想知道传来了什么消息,谢安慢吞吞地说:“孩子们到底把秦人打败了。”客人听了,高兴得不想再下棋,想赶快把这个好消息告诉别人,就走了。谢安送走客人,再也按捺不住兴奋的心情,跨过门槛的时候,踉踉跄跄的,把脚上木屐的齿也碰断了。This war has been known in history as“The War at Feishui River”,has been regarded as a fine example of defeating troops of a larger number by a force of small number,and has been described as an event that shook the ancient times and illuminating the present?Because of such achievement,the four“Xies”in the army were ennobled as dukes on the same day?The dukedom marked an elevation of the social status of the Xie family?In the 272 years from 317 to 589 there had been over 100 persons in 12 generations in the family who had been recorded down in historic books as high ranking officials or military officers?这场战争就是历史上著名的“淝水之战”。此战是以少胜多的范例,被形容为“震古烁今”的事件。这样大的成绩,使得谢家在军队里的四个人同日封公,提高了谢氏在社会上的地位。从公元317年到公元589年的272年里,谢氏家族12代里共100多人被录入史传,他们不是朝廷里的高官就是军队里的将领。During the golden age of the Xie family,they were very rich?Take Xie Hun(谢混,??412 A?D?),who was Xie An?s grandson and son of Xie Yan,or to put it in another way?he was an offspring of two dukes,he therefore owned land at more than ten places and his servants numbered over one thousand?Xie Lingyun(谢灵运,385 A?D??433 A?D?),the grandson of Xie Xuan also owned large tracts of land,which included two mountains and five orchard gardens?谢氏在他们的黄金时期非常富有。以谢混(?―公元412年)为例,由于其祖父谢安、父亲谢琰都是公爵,因此他拥有大片的土地,其僮仆千余人。谢玄的孙子谢灵运(公元385年―公元433年)除了拥有大片土地外,还拥有两座山和5个果园。The Xie family also produced quite a number of literary talents,most notably among them are Xie Daoyun(谢道韫,349 A?D??409 A?D?),Xie Lingyun(谢灵运)and Xie Tiao(谢眺,464 A?D??499 A?D?). We discussed Xie Daoyun previously in the Three Character a Line Chant with the following words:“Xie Daoyun(谢道韫,349 A?D??409 A?D?)is as famous as Cai Wenji,she was the niece of the well known general Xie An and daughter?in?law of the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi?She was said,on two occasions,to have saved the face of the brother of her husband during debates when she took over from them and triumphed over their opponents with her resourcefulness and high ability in composing high quality lyrics?Unlike her husband,who was weak in nature,she fought against those who took the city,of which her husband was the Chief Administrator?Together with one of her grandsons,she was captured by the rebels,who finally released them out of their respect for the talented lady?But,she spent the rest of her life in misery?”What we wish to add is that her father is Xie Yi,a brother of Xie An?Xie An was so fond of this niece of his that he even arranged her marriage?She was not only a talented lady of the Eastern Jin,she has also been reputed as a human phoenix in China?谢氏出了一些文学天才,*知名的有谢道韫(公元349年―公元409年),谢灵运和谢眺(公元464年―公元499年)。我们在《三字经》里曾这样讨论谢道韫:“谢道韫和蔡文姬一样有名。她是大将军谢安的侄女,是大书法家王羲之的儿媳妇。据说,她曾两次挽回她小叔子的面子。有一次,她的小叔子辩论时落了下风,她站出来,依靠自己的机敏和赋诗的能力战胜了对手。她的丈夫性格柔弱,虽然当了知府,但是在造反的士兵来到城下时,他却不发兵抵抗。谢道韫则与守城的将士一同战斗。虽然*后她和孙儿一起被俘,但叛军出于对这位才女的尊敬,还是放了她。但是,她晚年的境遇很凄惨。”这里要补充的是,其父是谢奕,谢奕是谢安的哥哥。谢安非常喜欢他的这位侄女,她的婚姻就是谢安撮合的。谢道韫不仅是东晋的才女,在中国还被誉为“人中凤凰”。Xie Lingyun,the grandson of Xie Xuan and the great grandson of Xie Yi?Xie Lingyun inherited the dukedom from his grandfather as the Duke of Kangle at the age of 18,so he was also addressed to as Xie Kangle?Xie Lingyun is the pathfinder of China?s landscape poetry?His poems are full of novel mindset,beautiful diction and convincing rhetoric?He once boasted:“if there were 10 decaliter of talent in the world,Cao Zhi(曹植,192 A?D??232 A?D?,a poet in the Three?Kingdoms period)would own eight,I own one and the rest of the world from ancient time till now will share the remaining one?”The great poet of Tang Dynasty Li Bai(李白,701 A?D??762 A?D?)adored him very much,he once remarked:“Our poems are only next to that of Kangle?”Almost all Tang poets such as Du Fu(杜甫,712 A?D??770 A?D?),Wang Wei(王维,701 A?D??761 A?D?),Meng Haoran(孟浩然,689 A?D??740 A?D?),Wei Yingwu(韦应物,737 A?D??792 A?D?)and Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元,773?819)were influenced by him?谢灵运是谢玄之孙,谢奕的曾孙,18岁时袭封康乐公。他还是中国山水诗的开创者,其诗意境新奇,辞章绚丽。对于自己的才华,谢灵运曾说,“天下才共一石,子建(曹植,公元192年―公元232年,三国时期诗人)独得八斗,吾得一斗,自古及今共用一斗”。唐朝大诗人李白(公元701年―公元762年)对谢灵运颇为推崇,曾有“吾人咏歌,独惭康乐”之句。杜甫(公元712年―公元770年)、王维(公元701年―公元761年,一说公元699年―公元761年)、孟浩然(公元689年―公元740年)、韦应物(公元737年―公元792年)、柳宗元(公元773年―公元819年)等唐朝诗人都曾受过他的影响。Xie Lingyun is the first one who was recorded in historic books as a great traveler?His poems are full of his love of nature,refreshing,natural and poised cadence?One thing we wish to point out is that the Xie family owned a huge manor――Shining Manor in today?s Shaoxing City?Some researchers say this manor is even larger than any big plantations in the Rome period?When the manor was passed onto Xie Lingyun,he further enlarged and renovated it?He was exiled to Guangzhou by Emperor Wen of the Song in 431 A?D??In 433 A?D?,he was killed by the so?called reason of“treason”at the age of 49?He was like a meteor that flashed in the sky of history and disappeared as quickly as it came?谢灵运还是见诸史册的**位大旅行家。其诗作充满道法自然的精神,贯穿着一种清新自然恬静之韵味。我们还要指出的是,谢氏在当今的绍兴市拥有一座庄园――始宁庄园。一些研究人士认为,此庄园比任何罗马时期的大型种植园都大。此庄园传到谢灵运手里后,他扩大并修葺了这份家产。公元431年,他被宋文帝流放到广州。公元433年,他又被以“叛逆”罪名杀害,年仅49岁。他犹如一颗流星,在历史的天空划过一道耀眼的光芒后,倏然而逝。Xie Lingyun was called the“Senior Xie”in reference to the“Junior Xie”――Xie Tiao(谢眺),who is one generation younger than Xie Lingyun and they share the same great great grand father――Xie Pou(谢裒)?The ruling regime was Qi of the Southern Dynasty at Xie Tiao?s time?Xie Tiao was well versed in the cursive and clerical scripts of calligraphy and five?character a line poetry?His poetry was marked by its perfection,aesthetic sense and fluency?He paid much attention to the sound meters,phonology and tones of words in his poetry?His poems were therefore sonorous,easy to pick up and pleasant to ears?谢灵运人称“大谢”,既有“大谢”,必有“小谢”。“小谢”就是谢眺。他比谢灵运晚一辈,两人的高祖是谢裒。到了谢眺的时候,当政的就是南朝的齐朝了。史书说谢眺“善草隶,长五言诗”。他的诗以圆美流转著称,且讲究声律、韵律和声调,因此其诗音调和谐,容易上口,悦耳动听。Xiao Yan(萧衍,464 A?D??549 A?D?),the ruler of Liang,which replaced the Qi Regime,once said,“I have a filthy mouth if I haven?t read Xie Tiao?s poems in three days”? Du Fu thought,“every piece of Xie Tiao?s poem is good to croon”?Li Bai admired Xie Tiao as well?He mentioned Xie Tiao many times in his poems?He also visited Xuancheng city many times,Xie Tiao was the administrative chief of that city for some time?After Xie Tiao left the city,its citizens built a tower to remember him?Every time Li Bai was in Xuancheng he would climb up the tower to remember Xie Tiao and during one such visit he wrote Ascending the North Xie Tiao Tower in Autumn,which goes:The riverside city is as beautiful as a painting,At dusk,I climbed up the Xie Tiao Tower to look at the clear sky?Between two rivers,the lake seems like a mirror andThe two bridges seem like two rainbows?Orange and pomelo trees loom behind chilling kitchen smoke,The parasols are so aged in the autumn grey?Except me,who else would care to climb up the Xie Tiao Tower,And facing the biting autumn wind to remember Xie?代替了齐朝的梁朝统治者萧衍(公元464年―公元549年)曾说,“三日不读谢眺诗,便觉口臭”。杜甫说,“谢眺每诗篇堪诵”。李白更是经常提起谢眺,曾多次到访谢眺任过太守的宣城。谢眺离开宣城后,人们为了纪念他,修了一座谢眺楼。李白每次来宣城,必登谢眺楼。一次登楼后,他写下了《秋登宣城谢眺北楼》,诗曰:江城如画里,山晚望晴空。两水夹明镜,双桥落彩虹。人烟寒橘柚,秋色老梧桐。谁念北楼上,临风怀谢公。Xie Tiao was a timid and retiring person?Once his father?in?law plotted a rebellion and asked him to join?As soon as he learned about this plot,he reported to the ruling court immediately,knowing that such a felony would cause the lives of all his family?His father?in?law was beheaded and he at the same time lost his wife?s love?Ever since his report,his wife took a dagger with her all the time so that she could kill her husband to revenge for the loss of father and a brother?Xie Tiao tried his best to avoid his wife and never shared the same room with her again?The way Xie Tiao ended his life was quite similar to that of his uncle Xie Lingyun?Xie Tiao was framed by a few conspirators because he refused to work with them,but that caused him his life and he died at the age of 36?但谢眺是一个谨小慎微之人。一次他的岳父企图谋反,想拉他入伙。谢眺知道这是灭门大罪,立刻密报朝廷。岳父上了断头台,他也永远失去了妻子的爱。他的妻子为报父兄之恨,身上终日怀揣利刃,想随时刺杀丈夫,弄得谢眺再也不敢与她同室居住。谢眺结束其生命的方式与其叔父谢灵运类似。他受到几个阴谋家的迫害,因为他不愿与他们为伍。他受诬而死,死时只有36岁。The above stories about the Xie family show very well what a family can do to the society and the role a family can play in developing and preserving the Chinese culture? According to a statistics of 2013,there are in the whole of China over 10 million people with the family name of“Xie”and they take up 0?79% of the entire Chinese population?The earliest genealogy of the Xie was compiled in the Song Dynasty by Wang Zao(汪藻)?It is said,much to our surprise,the only existing copy of this genealogy is now being kept in Japan?Some genealogy experts have calculated that there have been 401 versions of the Xie family genealogy?The most complete one is believed to be compiled by Xie Hongxuan(谢鸿轩)in 1947,which is composed of 32 parts with 12 books in each part;there are two sets of it still available?As people of the Xie family has been scattered all over the world,there are over 40 cognate societies in the world,the most notable one was founded in 1977 in San Francisco,which is called“World Assembly of Xie Family Members”?With its headquarters in Taiwan,the assembly also publishes Correspondence of World Xie Family Members on a regular basis?上述谢氏家族的故事清楚地展示了一个家族能为社会做什么,能为发展和延续中国传统文化起到什么作用。据2013年的数据,在中国现有谢氏人口1 000多万,占全国人口的0?79%。谢氏*早的宗谱由宋朝的汪藻编写。出乎我们意料的是这部宗谱唯一现存的文本被日本收藏。据宗谱专家们统计,现有各种谢氏宗谱401部。*完整的谢氏宋谱是1947年由谢鸿轩组织编写的,共32部,每部有12册,现仍有两套存世。由于谢氏家族分布在世界各地,全世界有40多个谢氏宗亲团体,*知名的是1977年在美国旧金山成立的“世界谢氏宗亲总会”,其总部现设在台湾,该总会定期出版《世界谢氏通讯》杂志。Now,let?s look at the stories behind“Liu”(柳)?The Chinese character means“willow”?The primogenitor of the“Liu”family was Zhan Qin(展禽,720 B?C??621 B?C?)in the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn period?As a peer of Confucius,he once served as an official in charge of prisons?He was enfeoffed a place called“Liuxia”,which means“under the willow trees”,and his posthumous name was“Hui”?Therefore,Zhan Qin was also called Liuxia Hui?Since then,his posterities dropped the second character in the place name and kept Liu as their family name?接下来,我们来说说柳姓的故事。这个字就是柳树的意思。柳家的始祖是春秋时鲁国的展禽(公元前720年―公元前621年)。展禽与孔子是同时代人,他在鲁国当过士师(掌管刑狱的官员)。他的封地在“柳下”这个地方。“柳下”自然是柳树下的意思。他的谥号是“惠”。因此,后人尊称柳下惠。他的后人,将地名中的“下”字去掉,就取“柳”字为姓。Liuxia Hui was a very famous historical figure in the Spring and Autumn period of China?His story of“not being aroused by a lady sitting on his laps”is still on the lips of the chinese people?When he was staying alone outside of the capital city one very cold night,a lady came and asked for a shelter from cold?Seeing there was a blizzard outside and the lady was shivering,he let the lady in and let her sit next to his chest and covered her with his clothes till the next morning?All the time he was not aroused sexually?Since then he was reputed as a gentleman who was“not being aroused when a lady is in his arms”?柳下惠是我国春秋时期的一位著名历史人物。他“坐怀不乱”的故事至今仍被传颂。相传在一个非常寒冷的夜晚,柳下惠夜宿于城门外,遇到一位女子。柳下惠恐她冻死,叫她坐在怀里,还用衣服把她裹紧,一直到第二天天亮也没有发生越礼的事。于是柳下惠被誉为“坐怀不乱”的正人君子。Once the State of Qi was ready to attack the State of Lu,not knowing what to do with this neighboring country,the ruler of the State of Lu came to Liuxia Hui for help?Liuxia Hui decided to send his younger brother to see the King of Qi?Before his brother departed,he told him what to say to the King of Qi?When the King of Qi met the envoy from the State of Lu,he asked:“Is your state being scared seeing my army arrayed at the border?”The younger brother of Liuxia Hui answered:“I am scared,but not my monarch?”The King of Qi was surprised when he heard the reply?“How come your monarch is not when your treasury is empty at a time of drought?”“Because we have been adhering to the moral principles laid down by both our primogenitor the Duke of Zhou and your primogenitor―the Grand Advisor?In the past when King Cheng of Zhou was enfeoffing our primogenitor and yours,he said that the two states should give full support to the royal court and promised not to harm the other in generations to come?Because of all these reasons our monarch is not afraid of you?”Hearing this,the King of Qi could not find any ground to continue with the attack and withdrew his army from the border?一次,齐国准备攻打鲁国。鲁国的君王不知如何对付齐国,就问柳下惠怎么办。柳下惠决定让他的弟弟去见齐王。他弟弟临行前,柳下惠告诉他见到齐王时的说辞。齐王见到鲁国的使者问道:“鲁国害怕了吗?”柳下惠的弟弟回答说,“小人倒是怕了,但是,我们的国君并不怕。”齐王听到这个回答感到意外,便说,“你们国库空虚,农村大旱,怎会不怕?”柳下惠的弟弟回答说,“因为我们凭仗着周公和太公的职守。从前周成王在分封我们两国的始祖周公和太公时:要我们全力支持王室,要我们世世代代不互相侵害。凭仗这个我们国君才不害怕。”齐王听了这番话,再找不出理由进攻鲁国,便从边境上退兵了。From the above we can see how resourceful Liuxia Hui was?The following story shows how he upheld the seriousness of sacrificial ceremonies?A sea bird called“yuanju”,had stayed outside the eastern gate of the capital for three days,which was of course very unusual?The monarch of the State of Lu,then,asked his countrymen to offer sacrifice to this bird?When Liuxia Hui heard this,he remarked,“This is most impracticable?How could state affairs be run this way! Sacrificial ceremony is an important state system,which is a guarantee of a successful administration?We have to be most discreet when deciding sacrificial ceremonies as state codes. This is not a proper way to handle state affairs if something is added onto the sacrificial ceremony without reason?”从上面的故事我们可以看出,柳下惠有着过人的智慧。下面的故事是讲他如何维护祭祀制度的严肃性。一只叫“爰居”的海鸟,在鲁国都城东门外停留了三天,鲁国的国君觉得这是一件很不平常的事。于是,他就让国民去祭祀这只鸟。柳下惠说,“真是太迂阔了,怎能这样管理国政!祭祀,是国家的重要制度,而制度又是行政得以成功的保证。所以应该慎重地制定祭祀礼节作为国家的典章。现在无缘无故地增加祭祀,不是处理政事的适宜做法。”He continued,“The saints and kings used to follow there principles when stipulating rules for offering sacrifice:sacrifice should only be offered to those who introduced perfect legislation for purpose of a better regulation of people;to those who devoted their lives to state affairs;to those who contributed much to peace and security of the state and to those who successfully resisted major calamities?No sacrifice should be offered to anyone who does not belong to the above categories”?柳下惠接着说:“圣王制定祭祀礼节的原则是:凡是以完善的法规治理人民的就祭祀他;凡是为国事操劳,至死不懈的就祭祀他;凡是有安定国家的功劳的就祭祀他;凡是抵御重大灾祸的就祭祀他。不属这几类的,不能列入祭祀的范围。”He said,“the bird has not done anything good to our people?A kind and virtuous ruler should assess what is good or bad?A wise ruler should delve deep into reasons?So,it is not a virtuous thing to do to offer sacrifice to the sea bird?”The monarch listened to what Liuxia Hui said and revoked his order?他还说:“海鸟对人民没有任何功绩。仁德的君王会判断事情的好坏,明智的君王会考察事理。因此,祭祀这只海鸟不是一件仁德的事情。”鲁国国君听取了柳下惠的意见,收回了命令。There was a famous tripod in the State of Lu,which was called“Cen Ding”and which was a symbol of state power?The State of Qi wanted to possess it,so it waged a war against the State of Lu for purpose of getting the tripod?In order to avoid the war,the monarch sent a fake tripod to the King of Qi,who returned it with such words:If Liuxia Hui says this is the authentic tripod,I shall take it?The monarch then came to Liuxia Hui and asked him to say the fake was authentic?Liuxia Hui replied,“What do you want? To save the real tripod or to save your state? I trust a state must be creditable?I can not do it?It is not possible for me to save you from a national disaster by sacrificing the image of motherland in my mind?”The monarch had to send the authentic piece to the State of Qi and at the same time saved his own country?鲁国有一只叫“岑”的宝鼎。鼎在当时是国家权力的象征。齐国想得到这只鼎,便开始攻打鲁国。鲁国国君运了一只假的岑鼎到齐国,后假的岑鼎被退了回来。齐国还派人告诉鲁国国君说:“如果柳下惠说这是岑鼎,我就接受它。”鲁国国君请柳下惠出面证明他所送的鼎是真岑鼎。柳下惠说:“你送岑鼎往齐国,是想留下真岑鼎还是想免去鲁国的祸患呢?我是以信为国的,现在要破坏我心中之国而为你免除国难,这是我的为难之处。”听了这番话,鲁国国君便将真岑鼎送往齐国,鲁国也因此保全了。Liuxia Hui was dismissed three times from his office in the State of Lu,yet he didn?t choose to go to another state to work?Someone asked him why he didn?t leave,he answered,“I don?t bend the Way in my service to others,and I would suffer and be dismissed all the same if I work in another state? If I bend the Way in my service to others,what is the point of leaving the country of my father and mother?”We can see his noble character in keeping his integrity from this story?柳下惠在鲁国曾三次被罢免,然而,他并未选择到其他国家去工作。有人问他为何不离开,他说,“我正直地做事,在任何国家都要吃亏,都要被挤下来。如果我以歪斜之道做事,又何必离开父母的国家呢?”这件事可以看出柳下惠以正道事人,以正道立身处世的高贵品格。Mencius regarded Liuxia Hui as a man of integrity?He said the following words about Liuxia Hui,he“didn?t feel abashed at serving an impure monarch,nor did he refuse the offer for being a low?ranking official?When he was promoted in his career,he did not conceal his virtue and talents,he adopted the most proper way to perform his duties?When was dismissed from office,he did not resent?When straitened by poverty,he did not grieve?When thrown into the company of villagers,he was quite at ease and could not bear to leave them?He used to say under such circumstances,‘You are you,and I am I?Although you lie down by my side with breast and arms bare,or with your body naked,how can you defile me?’ Therefore when men now hear the character of Liuxia Hui,the mean would become generous,and the niggardly would become honest and sincere?”孟子认为柳下惠是个正直的人。对于柳下惠他曾说过这样的话:“他不羞于侍奉污秽之君,不辞小官。进升时不隐瞒自己的资才,办事时必以正道而行,被遗弃时而不怨恨,困厄时而不愤懑。与乡人相处时悠然自得,不忍离去,‘说你是你,我是我,你就是光着身子躺在我身旁,也不会污染我。’凡是听到柳下惠教化的人,鄙狭的小人,都会宽容。浅薄的人,都会敦厚。”Mencius also regarded Liuxia Hui as a teacher of one hundred generations,he said,“Who can be a saint and a teacher of a hundred generation――the answer is Bo Yi(伯夷)and Liuxia Hui?Therefore when men now hear the character of Bo Yi,the corrupt become pure,and the weak acquire determination?When they hear the character of Liuxia Hui,the mean become generous,and the niggardly become honest and sincere?Those who have been influenced by the two had been advancing with vigor a hundred generations ago,and after a hundred generations,those who hear of them,would also be aroused in vitality?Could such effects be produced by them,if they had not been sages? And how much more did they affect those who were in contiguity with them,and felt their inspiring influence!”Mencius also classified Liuxia Hui as a Saint of Harmony?孟子还将柳下惠称作“百世之师”,他说,“能成为圣人和百世之师的是伯夷和柳下惠。凡是听到伯夷教化的人,贪婪的人可以变廉洁,懦弱的人可以有斗志。凡是听到柳下惠教化的人,刻薄的人可以变敦厚,鄙俗的人可以变宽容。他们的教诲可以使人振作于百世之上。百世之下的人闻之,无不振作兴起,奋发有为。如果不是圣人,谁能够有如此的作为?何况是那些亲自受到圣人熏陶的人呢?”孟子还将柳下惠称作“圣之和者”,亦即推行和谐的圣人。Many of Liuxia Hui ?s descendants were government officials,some of them were high ranking,for instance,in the Tang Dynasty,three prime ministers were from the“Liu”family?We shall now concentrate on three literary giants produced by the“Liu”family,they are Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元),Liu Gongquan(柳公权)and Liu Yong(柳永)?柳下惠的很多后人都在朝廷里做官,有的还是大官,譬如在唐朝有三任宰相都是柳氏子孙。以下我们来了解柳氏家族里的三位文学巨人,他们是柳宗元、柳公权和柳永。Liu Zongyuan was born in 773 at a place near today?s Xi?an(西安),which was Tang Dynasty?s capital?The Liu family had always been one of rich cultural background,and his was no exception?His father left home and went to Jiangxi to work as a local official when he was four years old,he and his mother remained in the capital?Inspired by his mother,who taught him ancient poetry and history,since his childhood he had a strong interest in acquiring knowledge?His mother was always with him,even later when he was deposed?The fine character of the mother was a wordless edification on the son?公元773年,柳宗元出生于长安(现今的陕西省西安市)。柳氏家族一直有深厚的文化背景,柳宗元的家也不例外。他4岁时,父亲离家去江西当官,他与母亲留在长安。自小他母亲就教他古诗和历史,受母亲的启发,他对知识产生了强烈的兴趣。他的母亲一直陪伴在他的左右,即便他遭贬,他的母亲也跟着他。母亲的良好品格给了柳宗元一种无声的熏陶。When Liu Zongyuan was 12,to stay away from unrest called by wars,he joined with his father at Xiakou,where his father worked?He was exposed not only to the society during this period,but also to a war between military sources;he also traveled quite extensively with his father and acquired some practical experience?His father was a Confucian scholar,well?versed in literature,and at the same time he possessed rich and practical experience since he had worked at the prefecture and county level for a long time?Liu Zongyuan was in some way his father,especially in the positive attitude toward life and strong?will and unbending character?12岁时,柳宗元为避战乱来到父亲的住所夏口。其间,他经历了藩镇割据的战火。他陪父亲游历时,获得了许多实用的经验。他父亲是一位儒者,善于诗文,由于长期在府县一级工作,具有丰富的实践经验。柳宗元在一些地方很像他的父亲,尤其是其积极入世的态度和刚正的品德就学自他的父亲。In 801,Liu Zongyuan took the office of a middle ranking military officer?Two years later,he was transferred back to the capital to be an assistant supervisor?It was at the post,he was able to learn how rotten the system was and how corrupt some of the officials were?Germs of reform were growing in his mind,he wanted to make some changes,he then joined and became a core member of the reform league,the main aim of which was to strengthen the unified rule of the central government and to reduce the power of eunuchs?Unfortunately,the reform lasted only for six months?公元801年,柳宗元被任命为蓝田尉,两年后被调回京城,当上了监察御史里行。从此与官场上层人物交流更广泛,更深入地看到了制度的黑暗,看到了官员的腐败,也逐渐萌发了改革的愿望与要求。他不但加入了革新的团体,还成为其核心成员。这个革新的主要目的是加强中央集权,削弱宦官的势力。遗憾的是,这次革新只坚持半年,便宣告失败了。Because of the failure of the reform,Liu Zongyuan was removed from his office and sent to a remote place called Yongzhou,to be an assistant administrator?His mother,was with him?There was no house for them to stay when they first arrived,and had to stay at a Buddhist temple?Six months after their arrival,his mother passed away,mostly because of the harsh conditions there?由于革新失败,柳宗元被免职,并被贬为永州司马。被贬之时他的母亲也与他同去永州。他们到达永州后,暂时在一座寺庙里借宿。由于生活艰苦,过了半年,他的母亲便离开人世了。His political enemies continued their slandering even though he was far away from them?Liu Zongyuan?s heart was full of sadness,indignation and melancholy,and on top of his bad mood,his place caught fire several times?The health of the poor man deteriorated,and his knee caps shiver when walking and his thighs are numb while sitting?Yet,all these unfortunate things didn?t change his ideal,he said in one of his letters to his friends,“My inner world has not changed the slightest even though I have been cast away so many times?”尽管柳宗元已经远离了他的政敌,但他们依旧造谣诽谤,这使柳宗元的心里充满了悲愤和忧郁。他住的地方偏偏又发生了几次火灾,使他的身体受到了严重的损害,以致走路膝盖颤抖,坐下则大腿麻木。然而,这些不幸未能改变他的理想。在写给朋友的信中他说,“虽万受摈弃,不更乎其内”。大意是,他虽然多次被抛弃,可是他的内心世界丝毫没有改变。Liu Zongyuan also kept up his studies during the ten years he stayed at Yongzhou,in particular on the academic and cultural front?Most of his famous academic essays were written at Yongzhou,for instance On the Establishment of Enfeoffment,which defended the nation?wide county system,and Disapproval of Utterances on History of States,which criticized the views,contained in the well?known book―Utterances on History of States,that violated the Confucian Way?柳宗元在永州十年,从未放弃过学习,特别是在学术和文化方面。他的很多知名的学术著作是在永州完成的,如他的捍卫郡县制的《封建论》,以及批评名著《国语》中不符合儒家之道内容的《非国语》等。It has been widely agreed that he accomplished more in his prose and essay writing than his poems,yet some of his poems are known to almost every household in China?The quatrain entitled Snow on the River is such a verse:There are no traces of bird in the surrounding one thousand hills,Neither are men?s footprints on the ten thousand trails to the river;On the only boat sits an old man in rain coat and hat made of straw,And he is fishing alone amidst the cold snow in the river?柳宗元的一些诗作在中国也是家喻户晓的。譬如他的五言绝句《江雪》就是这样一首诗,诗曰:千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭;孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。Liu Zongyuan is also known as the best prose writer of China?His Eight Travel Notes of Yongzhou are remarkable travelogues in China?Visit to the Little Stone Pond and Discovering the West Hill and Our Feast There among the eight pieces have a wider readership?The Hunchback Guo and His Tree Planting is a fable and a political essay as well?Prelude to Poems about the Foolish Brook is more famous than the ensuing poems?The four pieces of writing mentioned above have been included into the Chinese language text books in middle schools in China?He also wrote rhythmical prose,which characterized by parallelism and ornateness?His peer Liu Yuxi(刘禹锡),also a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty compiled Collections of Works by Mr?East Riverside(Liu?s alternative name,because his home?town was on the east side of a river),which contained over 600 pieces of his works?柳宗元还是中国*好的散文作家。他的《永州八记》是中国山水游记名作。其中《小石潭记》《始得西山宴游记》读者甚众。《种树郭橐驼传》既是一篇寓言,又是一篇政论。《愚溪诗序》要比正文里的诗有名。上述四篇都被收入中国中学语文课本中。他还写有不少骈文。唐朝著名诗人、与他同时代的刘禹锡将他的600多篇诗文收进《河东先生集》(“河东”也是柳宗元的一个称呼,因他的家乡在河的东岸)。Liu Zongyuan died of illness in 819 in Liuzhou,where he served as the local magistrate?Han Yu(韩愈),who was reputed as one of the“Eight Masters in Tang and Song”as Liu,lamented thus at Liu?s death,“It is at such a time?When he correct Way was not introduced and thus Liu?s talents were not employed?”Liu Yuxi cried out,“Even the Heaven and Earth could not put up with such a misery of losing him!”Three years after his death,people of Liuzhou built a temple to remember their beloved magistrate,and at the request of Liu?s subordinates,Han Yu wrote an inscription for the temple?公元819年,柳宗元在柳州病逝。此时他在柳州担任刺史。对于他的死,与他并列唐宋八大家的韩愈叹道,“材不为世用,道不行于时也”。刘禹锡也发出“皇天后土,胡宁忍此”的呼喊。柳宗元死后 3 年,柳州人民建庙纪念这位他们热爱的刺史。韩愈应柳宗元部将的请求,为新修的柳庙撰写了碑文。Another person from the Liu family who has national and historical significance is Liu Gongquan(柳公权)?He was born in 778 at Huayuan county of Jingzhao prefecture(today?s Yaozhou district,Tongchuan City of Shanxi Province). He is best known for his calligraphy in regular script,which is classified as“Liu Style”and which has been used as an example for most beginners to imitate?He was able to compose beautiful poetry at the age of 12?In 808,he scored high in the national imperial examination and was appointed a proof reader at the central library?柳姓另一位具有全国影响和历史意义的人物是柳公权。公元778年,柳公权出生于京兆华原(现今陕西省铜川市?州区)。他的楷书广为人知,被称为“柳体”,是很多初学者临摹的样本。他12岁时就能写出美妙的辞赋。公元808年,他考中进士,被任为秘书省校书郎。When he was a proof reader,the emperor gave him an audience because of his calligraphy,the emperor said to him,“I have wanted to see you for a long time,I impressed with your calligraphy?”After this meeting he was promoted to the post of an imperial censor first,very soon to the post of expostulate and then to the position of a deputy department head?他任校书郎时,曾得到皇帝的接见,皇帝跟他说:“我审批文件时看到你的书法,想见你很久了。”这次见面后,他被升为右拾遗,后又升为右补阙,再后就当上了员外郎。It was said that the emperor liked to talk to him,so he was further promoted to a post to appraise proposals,and then a post to draft imperial edicts,so that he could be easily approached at any time?The emperor used to talk to him for a long time,their talks often ended late at night?据说皇帝喜欢跟他聊天,又提拔他做谏议大夫,不久改任中书舍人。皇帝每次与他谈话,常常谈到很晚。One day when the emperor was talking to six first ranking officials,he showed them his sleeves and said,“This clothe has been washed three times?”Hearing this,all the officials expressed their admiration of the emperor?s frugality except Liu Gongquan?The emperor was surprised and asked Liu why he was silent?Liu replied,“A monarch should pay attention to his political integrity,such as using virtuous and talented officials,removing sycophantic courtiers,listen to admonishment,reward those who should be rewarded and punish those who should be punished?As far as wearing washed clothes is concerned,it is a trifle matter of little importance?”Having heard these words,the other officials were full of fears that Liu might be castigated by the emperor?The emperor,however,said calmly to Liu,“I know it is not right to lower your rank from an edict drafting post to that of proposal appraisal,yet,you are fully qualified to be an admonishing official,whose duty is to find out what I have done wrong,so be an admonisher?”The next day an imperial edict was announced to say that Liu was appointed to be an admonisher and concurrently an edict drafting official and his first ranking status was still being kept?一次,皇帝召见六位学士时,举起自己的衣袖说:“这件衣服已经洗过三次了”。学士们都纷纷颂扬皇帝的节俭品德,只有柳公权闭口不说话,皇帝感到奇怪,问他为什么不说话。柳公权回答说:“君主的大节,应该注意起用贤良的人才,黜退那些不正派的佞臣,听取忠言劝诫,分明赏罚。至于穿洗过的衣服,那只不过是小节,无足轻重。”其他的学士听了他的言论,吓得浑身发抖,以为皇帝会对柳公权发怒。谁知皇帝却平静地对他说:“我深知你这个舍人之官不应降为谏议,但因你有谏臣风度,那就任你为谏议大夫吧。”第二天皇帝就下旨,任他为谏议大夫兼知制诰,学士之衔仍旧保留。One day in 838,the emperor asked Liu,who was by now a Deputy Minister of Civil Engineering,what was the hottest topic in the society?Liu said people had been talking about the promotion of Guo Min to the post of a military governor at Bin?ning?The emperor said,“He is the uncle of the Grandma Empress and he did well in his previous post?Why couldn?t he be promoted?”Liu replied,“According to Guo Min?s deeds and virtue,it is proper to give him that position?But,some people say that he got promotion because he sent in his two daughters to the imperial court to serve you?Is this true?”The emperor said,“They are here to see the Grandma Empress only?”Hearing this Liu remarked,“As a proverb says one does not get off his shoes and pick them up when walking in the melon field and one doesn?t set his hat upright under a plum tree,for he might be mistaken as a stealer of melon fruits?How come this matter is now known to every household if there is no room for suspicion?”Hearing this,the emperor asked the head eunuch to send the two girls home?公元838年,柳公权转任工部侍郎。一日皇帝问他:“外边有什么议论?”柳公权回答说:“自从郭?被任为?宁节度使,人们议论纷纷。”皇帝说:“郭?是太皇太后的叔父,在职也没有过错,还有什么可议论的呢?”柳公权说:“凭郭?的功绩和品德,任命为节度使是合适的。人们议论的原因,据说是郭?把两个女儿献入宫中,因此才升官,这是真的吗?”皇帝说:“他的两个女儿进宫,是来看望太后的,并不是他进献女儿。”柳公权说:“常言说,瓜田不拾履,李下不整冠,如没有嫌疑,为什么这事嚷得家喻户晓?”听了这番话后皇帝当即派内使把二女送还郭?家。Emperor Mu of Tang was very licentious and eccentric in his office work?One day he asked Liu what the best way to use the brush pen was?Liu told him,“Only if your have an upright mind you can maneuver the pen in a perfect way?”The emperor flushed and realized that Liu was trying to admonish him?Liu passed away at the age of 88?The highest position he held was Tutor of the Prince?唐穆宗荒淫,行事乖僻,他曾问柳公权怎样用笔才能尽善尽美,柳公权回答说:“用笔的方法,全在于用心,心正则笔法自然尽善尽美。”穆宗为之改容,明白他这是借用笔法来劝诫。柳公权在88岁时去世,他*高做到了太子太师。Another celebrity in the Liu family is Liu Yong(柳永,984 A?D??1053 A?D?)?He was born in today?s Shanxi Province,but his family origin was at the Wuyi Mountain area in Fujian Province?Even though he was from a family of officials,he failed and suffered much from the examinations. Since it was so hard to become an official,he then concentrated on his writing of Ci poems?After so many setbacks,he lamented,“It does not nearlly hurt me to exchange with my bubble reputation for some drinks,and then hum songs among girl singers?”When emperor heard about this,he wrote on Liu?s exam paper,“Since bubble reputation is not useful to him,let him drink his wine and hum his songs?”柳氏家族中的另一位名人是柳永(约公元984年―约公元1053年),他出生在山西省,祖籍在福建的武夷山地区。柳永出身官宦世家,但他参加科举考试屡试屡败,于是一心填词。仕途坎坷的他曾叹道:“忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱。”此话传到皇帝的耳朵里,皇帝便在他的试卷上批道:“且去浅斟低唱,何要浮名?”But,he did very well in his poetry,especially in a particular kind of poetry―“Ci”,which is verse of songs,and these songs all have their own names;the verse has fixed number of lines,and fixed number of characters in each line?Liu Yong is regarded as one of the greatest poet of“Ci”,and the best representative of the“Graceful”school of“Ci”?但柳永的诗写得非常好,词填得尤其好。“词”即歌词,歌曲都有曲牌名。词的行数和每行的字数都有规定。柳永被视为*伟大的词作家,是婉约派的代表人物。Liu Yong occupied a unique place in the history of Chinese poetry?He was the first to conduct an overall reform of the “Ci” poetry in the Sòng Dynasty; the tunes he created and used outnumbered by a big margin everyone else in the two Song periods?His artistic character is remarkable in his usage of slag and banal expression,the common images he created,his detailed narrations and simple ways of description which enriched and furthered the “Ci” development?Other poets like Su Shi,Huang Tingjian,Qin Guan and Zhōu Bangyan all benefited from his poetry?Zhu Mu,who lived a bit later in the same dynasty,said in his A Grand View of he Landscape: “Liu Yong died at Xiangyang?He was penniless at his death?Some singing girls put together some money and had him burried outside the southern gate of the city?”柳永在中国诗歌史上占有独特的地位。他是**个对宋词进行全面改革的人,是两宋词坛上创用词调*多的人。他运用俚词俗语,以世俗的意象、淋漓尽致的铺叙、平淡无华的白描等独特的艺术个性推动了宋词的发展,让苏轼、黄庭坚、秦观和周邦彦等受益匪浅。比他稍晚些时日的一位宋朝人祝穆在他的《方舆胜览》中说:“柳永卒于襄阳。死之日,家无余财,群妓合资葬于南门外。”In closing this part,let us read two“Ci”of Liu Yong. The first one is To the Tune of “Bell in the Rain”?Plaintire Chirping of Cold Cicadas,which depicts parting with his love and how difficult it is in the autumn:Han chan qi qie?Dui chang ting wan,Zhou yu chu xie?Du men zhang yin wu xu,Liu lian chu,Lan zhou cui fa?Zhi shou xiang kan lei yan,Jing wu yu ning ye?Nian qu qu,Qian li yan bo,Mu ai chen chen chu tian kuo?Duo qing zi gu shang li bie,Geng na kan leng luo qing qiu jie!Jin xiao jiu xing he chu?Yang liu an,Xiao feng can yue?Ci qu jing nian,Ying shi liang chen mei jing xu she?Bian zong you qian zhong feng qing,Geng yu he ren shuo?What the poem says in each line is roughly like the following:Cold cicadas are chirping in a plaintive tone?Facing the pavilion at dusk,A heavy shower has just gone?No heart to drink at the farewell banquet outside the city gate,I can?t bear to part from my girl,Yet the boat captain urges me to set out?Hand in hand we look at each other?s tearful eyes,Not even a word was spoken in sobbing?I shall be gone,Into the ten thousand miles of mist?covered waters,Into the broad sky of heavy sunset clouds?Since ancient times parting has been most heart broken,More unbearable we part in chilly autumn when leaves fallen?Where shall I sober up from drunkenness tonight?Only poplars and willows along the banks to be seen,Only the morning wind and remaining of the moon?I?ll be gone for years,A future bright day can only add to my sorrow?Even if I have a thousand amorous words,To whom should I speak?

百家姓:双语版:English-Chinese edition 作者简介

王荣华,1998—2002年任中国驻冰岛共和国大使,现任国际儒学联合会顾问、外交笔会理事、对外经济贸易大学中国语言文学学院特聘教授、济南大学客座教授、国际中西哲学比较研究会会员。著有:英文作品The Story of China Studies和The Rooster Crows,译注作品《声律启蒙》、《三字经》、《千字文》和《千家诗》,编注作品《百家姓》,以及中文作品《四方步,六人行——国学大师的故事》等。
