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建筑类专业英语建筑学与城市规划第三册 版权信息

建筑类专业英语建筑学与城市规划第三册 内容简介


建筑类专业英语建筑学与城市规划第三册 目录

UNIT ONE Text What a Building is Reading Material A Facades Reading Material B Internal Space UNIT TWO Text Making Architectural Judgements Reading Material A Criteria for Evaluating Proposed Architecture Reading Material B The Midland Bank and Carpenter Center UNIT THREE Text The Legacy of Modernism in New Classicism Reading Material A The Classical Reality Reading Material B What the Classical Can Do for the Modern UNIT FOUR Text The Skyscraper Reading Material A Going Taller Reading Material B The Impact of Tall Buildings Pedostrian Needs UNIT FIVE Text Safety in Design Reading Material A Choice of Basic Variables Reading Material B Loads UNIT SIX Text On Design Reading Material A Design Methods Reading Material B Architects and Internet UNIT SEVEN Text Masonry. Reaching New Heights Reading Material A Building Code. Checking Out the New Regulations Reading Material B Means of Escape UNIT EIGHT Text Green Buildings Reading Material A Organic Architecture: Subtlety and Power Reading Material B Is Intelligent the Opposite of Clever UNIT NINE Text The Ornamental Aesthetics Reading Material A The Ornamental Aesthetics (Ⅱ) Reading Material B The Ornamental Aesthetics (Ⅲ) UNIT TEN Text On Garden Reading Material A The Oriental Influence Reading Material B Gardens of the VILLA D'ESTE UNIT ELEVEN Text Aesthetic Plans of Furniture Arrangement Reading Material A The Ornamental Impulse Reading Material B The Rise of Interior Decoration UNIT TWELVE Text A Theory of Landscape Architecture Reading Material A Elements of Landscape Architectural Design Reading Material B Office Landscape UNIT THIRTEEN Text Urban Sense Reading Material A Urban Design and the Physical Environmen--conventional concerns in Urban Design Reading Material B The Practice and Problems of Town Planning UNIT FOURTEEN Text Evaluation Methods in Urban and Regional Planning Reading Material A Underlying Issues in Evaluation Reading Material B Variables for Application of Techniques UNIT FIFTEEN Text Fatal Remedies--The Sources of Ineffectiveness in Planning Reading Material A Sieber's Mechanisms for Planning Failure Reading Material B Commentary on Sieber's Mechanisms UNIT SIXTEEN Text The Two Paradigms of Zoning Reading Material A Visions of the City of the Future Reading Material B Reflections on the Future Residential Landscape -- Low-rise/High-density as a Planning I deal Appendix Ⅰ Vocabulary Appendix Ⅱ Translation for Reference Appendix Ⅲ Key to Exercises