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英语:非英语专业用:第2册 版权信息

英语:非英语专业用:第2册 内容简介

  《英语(第2册 非英语专业用)》立足成人英语学习者的实际需求,参照国内外英语教学研究领域新研究成果,结合成人英语学位考试要求而编写。共分为8个单元,包含网络教育、友谊、商业、交通、旅行、人与自然、食物、教育话题。每单元有三大板块,分别为对话技能、课文学习和语法。其中课文学习选取两篇与话题相关的短文,配有生词、课文重难点句型注释、课后练习。语法部分讲解精炼,配有练习供检测。本选题选材贴近学生,有时代性和可读性,练习配置难度适中,并与考试题型契合,有效帮助学生提高语言运用能力。

英语:非英语专业用:第2册 目录

Unit 1 Online Education
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text 0ne 0nline Education
Text Two Overcoming the Challenges in Online Learning
Text Three MOOCs Are Moving Forward
Part Three Grammar Studies
复合句Complex Sentences

Unit 2 Friendship
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One Aristotle on Friendship
Text Two Unreasonable Expectations in a Friendship
Text Three Men,Women,and Friendship
Part Three Grammar Studies
定语从句Attributive Clause
Practice Test 1

Unit 3 Business
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One Guidelines to Business Etiquette
Text Two How to Establish Business Relationships for Small Companies
Text Three Business Bribery
Part Three Grammar Studies
名词性从句Noun Clauses

Unit 4 Transportation
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One Why Life Without a Car Is Better?
Text Two Why Is Green Transportation Important?
Text Three B icycle——The Future Means of Transportation
Part Three Grammar Studies
Practice Test 2

Unlt 5 Travelling
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One 9 Reasons Why Travelling Is Important in Life
Text Two Disneyland Park
Text Three Hot Times in Death Valley
Part Three Grammar Studies
状语从句AdverbiaI Clause

Unit 6 Man and Nature
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One Effects of Car Pollutants on the Environment
Text Two The Use of Soil to Reduce the CO2 in the Atmosphere
Text Three The Effects of Environmental Change on Birds
Part Three Grammar Studies
一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时Simple Present Tense,Simple Past Tense & Simple Future Tense
Practice Test 3

Unit 7 Food
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One Four Solutions to Enjoy Mooncakes Without Getting Fat
Text Two Restaurant Etiquette
Text Three Steps on How to Make a Pizza
Part Three Gmmmas Studies
现在完成时和过去完成时Present Perfect Tense and Past Perfect Tense

Unit 8 Parenting
Part One Warming-up Questions
Part Two Text Studies
Text One Positive Parenti ng
Text Two 7 Additional Benefits of Reading to Children
Text Three HOW to Teach Kids Good Manners
Part Three Grammaz Studies
现在进行时、过去进行时和将来进行时Present Continuous Tense, Past Continuous Tense & Future Continuous Tense
Practice Test 4