Chapter 1 First Meetings with Fidel Castro
1.Fidel Castro drops in on the Chinese Embassy
2.Fidel Castro meets Chinese corporate representatives
3.Fidel Castro meets China's State Councilor Chen Zhili
4.Fidel Castro provides us with a new
ambassador's residence
5.Another meeting with Fidel Castro
6.President of Bolivia talks about Fidel Castro
Chapter 2 Fidel Castro Falls Il
1.Fidel Castro is down with an illness!
2.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman expresses
support for Cuba
3.Ratil's first media interview after the handover
4.Cuban oficials talk about Cuba's situation
5.US official comments on Cuba's situation
6.Deputy Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi visits Fidel Castro
7.Fidel Castro's absence from his 80th birthday
8.Cuba's foreign minister lists Fidel Castro's merits
9.A Spanish surgeon comes to treat Fidel Castro
10.A Spanish newspaper reveals details of Fidel
Castro's illness
11.Fidel Castro's first public appearance in three months
12.Fidel Castro makes a vocal appearance
13.Fidel Castro talks about his health
Chapter 3 Fidel Castro in Retirement
1.Fidel Castro explores new ways of participating in politics
2.Fidel Castro announces his resignation
3.Chief of Fidel Castro Coordination Team talks
about Fidel Castro
4.Fidel Castro not seen or heard at 50th anniversary
of victory of the Cuban Revolution
5.Fidel Castro appears again!
6.An Argentine political scientist talks about visiting
Fidel Castro
7.Second anniversary of Fidel Castro's column
8.Fidel Castro's interactions with the US
9.Fidel Castro's 83rd birthday
10.Fidel Castro reappears on TV
Chapter 4 Tracing Fidel Castro's Footprints
1.Visiting Santiago-birthplace of the Cuban
Revolution-and the US naval base of Guantanamo
2.Visiting Biran,Fidel Castro's hometown
3.Visiting the prison on the Isle of Youth
Chapter 5 Fidel Castro's Friendship with China
1.Fidel Castro's phone call
2.Fidel Castro meets with visiting Wu Guanzheng
3.Fidel Castros style -sending a medical rescue
team to China
4.Fidel Castro meets with He Guoqiang
5.President Hu Jintao meets with Fidel Castro
6.Fidel Castro calls me in
7.Fidel Castro writes about Chavez's visit to China
8.Chairman Wu Bangguo visits Fidel Castro
9.Fidel Castro phones to congratulate China on its
60th anniversary
10.Fidel Castro writes an essay for China's National Day
11.Another phone call from Fidel Castro
Chapter 6 Fidel Castro's Well-Meant Project for Chinese
1.Program for Chinese students in Cuba initiated by
Fidel Castro
2.The Cuban side celebrates Spring Festival with
Chinese students
3.About the city of Tarara
4.Program director talks about Chinese students
studying in Cuba
5.Visiting Chinese Students Division of Cuban
Medical College
6.Cuba's Minister of Higher Education talks about
the program for Chinese students
Chapter 7 Farewell Fidel Castro,May Our Friendship
Last Forever
1.Taking leave
2.A letter from Fidel Castro
3.Another talk with Fidel Castro on the phone
4.Foreign Minister Wang Yi brings me praise
from Fidel Castro
5.Our annual greetings