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雅思冲刺21天养成记/口语全球详解版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300273334
  • 条形码:9787300273334 ; 978-7-300-27333-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

雅思冲刺21天养成记/口语全球详解版 本书特色

本书*好的使用方式大致分为六步。**步:先熟悉考题类别,浏览题库的题卡,对各出题类型有个宏观的了解。第二步:学习高分句型里的生词和句型,或者注意事项,把会的表达牢记,不会的表达多读多背直到可以灵活应用。第三步:精读和学习话题题库的题目以及语料提示,注意力主要集中在词汇上,这个过程直接关系到提分词汇量。第四步:精读和学习高分范例和解析,注意力要特别集中在解析的部分,作者从考官的角度给出了提分的方法,这个环节是*重要的,作者从组句、措辞、语气、高分句型的角度已全方位剖析考官的考核点。第五步:参考 Part 3 的考核方向和随机应变的灵活答案。第六步:在收获大量思路和语料的基础上,使用自测卡来完成 Part 2 的口语应答,并且可以参考提示金句,这又是一个重大的收获!此书的两个附录也收录了常用的通用句型以及分类的高频词汇。

雅思冲刺21天养成记/口语全球详解版 内容简介

本书包含四个章节和一个附录,一 人物动物;二 地点建筑;三 物品媒体;四 事件经历。本书循序渐进地引导学生识别话题范围,聚焦答案要点,让考生在考场上目标精准,快速得分。

雅思冲刺21天养成记/口语全球详解版 目录

**章 人物 / 动物 /1
**节 Part 2 万用答题框架 /1
第二节 开篇句的万用高分句式 &描述人物 / 动物的高分句式 /1
第三节 人物 / 动物类话题题库及语料提示 /3
第四节 Part 2 五篇高分范例和详解 /10
第五节 Part 3 考核方向及范例答案 /21
第二章 地点 / 建筑 /39
**节 Part 2 万用答题框架 /39
第二节 建筑类话题的思路拓展 &高分句式 /39
第三节 地点 / 建筑类话题题库及语料提示 /42
第四节 Part 2 五篇高分范例和详解 /47
第五节 Part 3 考核方向及范例答案 /56
第三章 物品 / 媒体 /71
**节 Part 2 万用答题框架 /71
第二节 物品 / 媒体类话题高分句式 /71
第三节 物品 / 媒体类话题题库及语料提示 /73
第四节 Part 2 五篇高分范例和详解 /83
第五节 Part 3 考核方向及范例答案 /90
第四章 事件 / 经历 /105
**节 事件 / 经历类话题答题注意事项 /105
第二节 事件 / 经历类话题题库及语料提示 /106
第三节 Part 2 五篇高分范例和详解 /116
第四节 Part 3 考核方向及范例答案 /124
附录 /143
附录 1 通用句型 /143
附录 2 高频词汇 /162

雅思冲刺21天养成记/口语全球详解版 节选

第五节 Part 3 考核方向及范例答案 1. Are there any differences between the people who were famous in the past, and the people who are famous today? That’s an interesting question, and to be honest, I’m not really sure. But thinking about it, I guess there might be a few differences. I mean, nowadays it’s relatively easier to become famous because of the Internet, which gives everyone the possibility of gaining exposure to a large number of people. So because of this, I’d say that nowadays there are a lot of people with normal backgrounds who have been able to become famous, whereas in the past, I imagine this wasn’t so much the case, and that most people who became famous several decades ago probably received more professional training. 2. What are the disadvantages of becoming a celebrity? Yeah, I’d say there are. And the most obvious one would be a lack of privacy. As you know, most celebrities get followed around everywhere by the paparazzi, even on holiday, which I’m sure they must get sick and tired of.So this would be one disadvantage, and I guess another would be that it might be quite difficult to tell who your real friends are, because it’s very likely that a lot of people might want to be your friend purely because of your fame. And I guess that’s the reason why most celebrities mainly hang out and mingle with other celebrities. 3. What are the qualities of a good leader? Well, I guess a leader should have a number of qualities, one of which would be being decisive, because if you think about it, one of the most important things that leaders have to do is making decisions, and more often than not, there’s no clear-cut solution to a problem. If you’re not good at making decisions under such circumstances, then you probably won’t be a very effective leader. So for me, this would be the main quality, but of course, there are other important ones too, like having respect for people, as well as being able to inspire them, which the best leaders all tend to do. 4. How do you think people can deal with pressure? That’s a good question, and thinking about it, I’d say one thing that they could do is to let those close to them know how they’re really feeling, instead of keeping it bottled in. And I know it sounds a bit simple, but I think in this way, friends and family will be able to help someone share the burden they are feeling, and hopefully help them get rid of the pressure. Or at the very least, they can support them in dealing with it. 5. What is the value (or importance) of visiting others? Well I think most importantly, it shows the person you’re visiting that they mean something to you. And in today’s day and age, you know, it’s all too easy to just send someone a message or call them up, so if you go to the trouble of actually visiting someone, then I think it means a lot to them. 6. Are there any differences between the way children visit their friends and the way adults visit their friends? Yeah, I suppose there are. I mean, when children visit their friends, they tend to play games together rather than talk about stuff, which is what adults normally do.For example, when I think back to when I was a child, I would always be playing a game of some sort whenever I visited a friend, but now when I visit friends, we normally just have a few drinks together and chat about stuff. So yeah, I’d say this is probably the main difference.

雅思冲刺21天养成记/口语全球详解版 作者简介

环球U+教育(Global U+ Education)是环球雅思加拿大教育集团旗下专注于“高端升学一站式规划”的独立留学培训服务品牌,总部位于多伦多,目前已经发展为覆盖多伦多和温哥华两大城市,六大核心商圈校区的专业国际标准化考试的领导品牌,更有三大校区被授权为雅思官方指定笔试及机考考场。环球U+专注于提供一站式、系统化、全方位、精细化的全流程加拿大留学后规划服务,也是加拿大**真正集“语言培训、海外监护、升学选课、学科补习及大学申请”为一体的专业留学类教育品牌。
