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珠宝首饰专业英语/陈令霞 版权信息

珠宝首饰专业英语/陈令霞 本书特色

????本书是珠宝首饰专业的专业英语教材,内容涵盖宝石的基础知识、宝石的鉴定与评级、宝石切割与琢型、首饰的设计与加工工艺、首饰加工工具与设备、首饰营销以及首饰文化的相关内容。 ????本书适宜首饰相关专业,高职高专的学生使用。

珠宝首饰专业英语/陈令霞 内容简介

    本书是珠宝首饰专业的专业英语教材,内容涵盖宝石的基础知识、宝石的鉴定与评级、宝石切割与琢型、首饰的设计与加工工艺、首饰加工工具与设备、首饰营销以及首饰文化的相关内容。    本书适宜首饰相关专业,高职高专的学生使用。

珠宝首饰专业英语/陈令霞 目录

Unit 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO GEM AND GEMOLOGY 1 Part Ⅰ Text 1 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 4 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 7 Part Ⅳ Business Nature & Products(Ⅰ) 9 Unit 2 WHAT ARE SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS 10 Part Ⅰ Text 10 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 13 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 15 Part Ⅳ Products(Ⅱ) 16 Unit 3 COLOR 17 Part Ⅰ Text 17 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 19 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 22 Part Ⅳ Products (Ⅲ) 24 Unit 4 REFRACTIVE INDEX AND REFRACTOMETER 25 Part Ⅰ Text 25 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 27 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 28 Part Ⅳ Products (Ⅳ) 29 Unit 5 PRODUCTION PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY OFJEWELRY 30 Part Ⅰ Text 30 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 33 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 35 Part Ⅳ Products (Ⅴ) 37 Unit 6 THE NOMENCLATURE OF JEWELRYS 39 Part Ⅰ Text 39 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 46 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 48 Part Ⅳ Introduction (Ⅰ) 50 Unit 7 MAINLAND CHINA:A VAST MARKET FOR COLOREDGEMSTONES 51 Part Ⅰ Text 51 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 53 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 55 Part Ⅳ Introduction (Ⅱ) 58 Unit 8 GEMSTONE APPRAISALS AND GEMSTONE VALUE 60 Part Ⅰ Text 60 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 62 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 63 Part Ⅳ Introduction (Ⅲ) 70 Unit 9 MAKE A FASHION STATEMENT WITH GEM-SETJEWELRYS 72 Part Ⅰ Text 72 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 75 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 77 Part Ⅳ Introduction (Ⅳ) 79 Unit 10 HOW DOES NEW TECHNOLOGY BENEFIT THE DIAMOND AND JEWELRY INDUSTRY 81 Part Ⅰ Text 81 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 83 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 84 Part Ⅳ Introduction (Ⅴ) 85 Unit 11 JEWELRY-MAKING TECHNIQUES OF ANCIENT GREEK 87 Part Ⅰ Text 87 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 94 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 97 Part Ⅳ Introduction (Ⅵ) 99 Unit 12 THE HISTORY OF LAPIDARY 101 Part Ⅰ Text 101 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 107 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 110 Part Ⅳ Talking about products’ merits & benefits 113 Unit 13 BLACK & WHITE JEWELRY 115 Part Ⅰ Text 115 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 119 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 121 Part Ⅳ Offering reference material on products 128 Unit 14 FIND OUT YOUR BIRTHSTONE 129 Part Ⅰ Text 129 Part Ⅱ Words and Expressions 136 Part Ⅲ Reading Material 137 Part Ⅳ After-sales service 141 Appendix 143 Appendix Ⅰ Gems Nomenclature 143 Appendix Ⅱ Vocabulary 146 Reference 178