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我会长大起来:英文 版权信息

我会长大起来:英文 本书特色

《我会长大起来》为儿童文学作家任溶溶的诗集选。每个读者都在这本小诗集中都能找到自己或者周围人的影子。这本书记录了作者的童年,同样也反映了中国孩子的童年,因为即使时光流转,童趣是不会变的。大朋友小朋友们,你们有没有在学习上自作聪明、半途而废,却眼睁睁看着自己眼中的“傻子”取得了成功?你们有没有好奇过,现在在各个领域发挥才华的父母,他们的老师是什么样的人呢?你们有没有和朋友们一起探讨爸爸是做什么工作的?你们有没有自己珍爱的玩具,即使已经长大了,也会好好收藏?你们有没有被牙医吓哭,之后就下定决心要好好刷牙?如果你的答案是肯定的,不妨翻开这本书,找到童年的乐趣。 This is a collection of Ren Rongrong's children's poems. Each child can find the story of himself or other children. This collection records the childhood of the writer as well as the children nowadays. Dear children, have you ever given up learning something because of the laughing of others while another "idiot" ignored the laughing and learned the skill?Have you ever wondered who is the teacher of my parent? Have you ever discussed with your friends about the work of your father? Have you owned a toy that you would never desert? Have you been scared by a dentist? Have you ever imagined to have a place free to scream without thinking of others? If your answer is YES, why not open this book and refind the fun of your childhood?

我会长大起来:英文 内容简介


我会长大起来:英文 目录

My Brother’s the Smartest 01
Papa’s Teacher 03
From Human to Ape 06
Dressing Himself 08
Naming the Chicks 10
Two Little Facts 12
Guess What My Dad Does 13
A Monster and a Pupil 22
What the Child, Kitty and Adult Say 27
I Have a TOOOOOthache 29
A Song that Never Ends 32
Believe It or Not 33
Tintin and Tonton 35
Granny’s a Big TV Fan 40
Stories of My “Mom” 43
A Place Where You Can Shout 50
A Puzzle Game 53
A Topsy-Turvy Song 56
News and History 59
A Song from the Sky 62
A Fluffy Bear 65
Never Fail to Have Fun 68
Sound 70
The Cock’s Crow 72
Sometimes Big, Sometimes Small 73
I Will Grow Up 75
I Am Pig 77
I Admire Celebrities 81
A Rainy Day 83
Luckily the Earth’s Round 84
What a Lucky Thing 86
Baby’s Songs 89
A Poem from Eating Wonton 91
You Know Yours, I Know Mine 93
Moonlight 94
What a Big Theater 96
You Bloom Yours, I Bloom Mine 97
This Is a Picture 98
I Am a Brave Eater 99
People’s Faces 100
Barking Dogs 102
People Behind the Heroes 103
Writing Desk 105
A Small T-shirt 106
Old Home, Old Roads 108
I’m Older than This City 110
Tales from My Homeland 112
The Story of a Tin Soldier 114
A Tale with an Extra Beginning 116
How Did Granny Look When She Was a Girl 118
Waiting for a Chance 120
A Poem Between Centuries 125
Invisible Me 128
Fall, Get up, Walk on 130
An Egg from Above 132
My Brother’s a Parrot 133
Our Princess Sissi 135
Because I Write 136
How to Read a Book 137
Once I Read Such a Book 138
To the Doctor 139
A Picky Boy 141
Classmates 143
A Little Smart Wizard 145
Dream • Not a Dream 149

我会长大起来:英文 作者简介

任溶溶,中国著名翻译家、儿童文学作家。长期从事翻译工作和儿童文学创作,翻译了俄、英、意、日等多种文字的外国儿童文学作品,包括《安徒生童话全集》《木偶奇遇记》《彼得·潘》《夏洛的网》《俄罗斯民间故事》等。著有小说《丁丁探案》,童话集《没头脑和不高兴》等。儿童诗《你们说我爸爸是干什么的?》获第二次全国儿童文艺创作评奖一等奖,曾获陈伯吹儿童文学奖特殊贡献奖、宋庆龄儿童文学奖特殊贡献奖、宋庆龄樟树奖、国际儿童读物联盟翻译奖、翻译文化终身成就奖。 Ren Rongrong is a famous translator and children’s literature writer. He has translated many children’s literature from Russia, England, Italy and Japan, namely Pinocchio, Fairy Tales of Anderson, Peter Pan, Charlotte’s Web, and Folklore of Russia. His works include Detective Tintin, Scatterbrain and Crosspatch, etc. His work Guess What My Dad Does won the first prize of the Creation of the Arts and Literature for Children. He also won the Special Achievement Prize of the Chen Bochui Prize for Children’s Literature, Special Achievement Prize of the Soong Ching-Ling Prize for Children’s Literature, the Soong Ching-Ling Camphor Tree Award, the Translation Prize of the International Board on Books for Young People, and Lifetime Achievement in Translation.
