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Chinas Sixth NationaI Report

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Chinas Sixth NationaI Report 版权信息

Chinas Sixth NationaI Report 本书特色

  In accordance with Article 26 of the Convention on Biological Diversity(hereafter abbreviated as "the Convention")and Decision vm /27 of the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment(MEE),in collaboration with members of the National Committee on Biodiversity Conservation,has developed China's Sixth National Report on the Implementation of the Convention. This report elaborates actions taken by China for biodiversity conservation and results achieved,progress made by China in achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets and contributions of China's biodiversity actions to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).This report also summarizes China's main experiences and practices from implementation and identifies future priorities for implementation.

Chinas Sixth NationaI Report 内容简介


Chinas Sixth NationaI Report 目录

Executive Summary 1.Importance of China's Biodiversity 2.Implementation of China's National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, Goals and Tasks 3.China's Progres in Implementing the Aichi Biodiversity Targets 4.Contributions to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 5.China's Main Experiences in Biodiversity Conservation and Future Priorities Chapter Ⅰ Current Status of China's Biodiversity 1.1 China's Rich and Unique Biodiversity and its Threatened Condition 1.2 China's Biodiversity and Human Well-being 1.3 Main Threats to China's Biodiversity Chapter Ⅱ China's Biodiversity Conservation Actions and Achievements 2.1 China's Main Actions to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity 2.2 Overall Assessment of Progress in Implementation of China's NBSAP Chapter Ⅲ China's Progress in Implementing Aichi Biodiversity Targets 3.1 China's Progress in Implementing Each Aichi Biodiversity Target 3.2 China's Overall Progress in Implementing Aichi Biodiversity Targets 3.3 Contributions of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to the Implementation of Aichi Biodiversity Targets Chapter Ⅳ Contributions of China's Biodiversity Conservation to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 4.1 China's Contributions to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 4.2 China's Overall Progress in Implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Chapter Ⅴ Experiences Gained, Challenges Faced and Outlook 5.1 Main Experiences and Practices 5.2 Main Problems 5.3 Scientific and Technical Needs 5.4 Priority Actions References Annex Annex Ⅰ Information Concerning Party and Process of Preparing The National Report Annex Ⅱ List of Personnel Involved in the Preparation of China's Sixth National Report on the Implementation of the CBD Annex Ⅲ Changes in the Name of Ministries or Departments under the State Council Covered in the Report Annex Ⅳ China's Biodiversity Indicator System