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The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理)

The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理)

开本: 23cm 页数: 183页
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The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理) 版权信息

The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理) 本书特色


The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理) 内容简介


The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理) 目录

FOREWORD BY ARTHUR H. COMPTON PREFACEINTRODUCTORY Theory and Experiment The Fundamental Concepts of Quantum Theory a) Wilson Photographs b) Diffraction of Matter Waves (Davisson and Germer, Thomson, Rupp) c) The Diffraction of X-Rays d) The Compton-Simon Experiment e) The Collision Experiments of Franck and Hertz CRITIQUE OF THE PHYSICAL CONCEPTS OF THE CORPUSCULAR THEORY The Uncertainty Relations Illustrations of the Uncertainty Relations a) Determination of the Position of a Free Particle b) Measurement of the Velocity or Momentum of a Free Particle c) Bound Electrons d) Energy MeasurementsIII. CRITIQUE OF THE PHYSICAL CONCEPTS OF THE WAVE THEORYThe Uncertainty Relations for Waves Discussion of an Actual Measurement of the Electromagnetic Field THE STATISTICAL INTERPRETATION OF QUANTUM THEORY Mathematical Considerations Interference of Probabilities Bohr's Concept of Complementarity DISCUSSION OF IMPORTANT EXPERIMENTS The C. T. R. Wilson Experiments Diffraction Experiments The Experiment of Einstein and Rupp Emission, Absorption, and Dispersion of Radiation a) Application of the Conservation Laws b) Correspondence Principle and the Method of Virtual Charges c) The Complete Treatment of Radiation and Matter Interference and the Conservation Laws The Compton Effect and the Compton-Simon Experiment Radiation Fluctuation Phenomena Relativistic Formulation of the Quantum TheoryAPPENDIX: THE MATHEMATICAL APPARATUS OF THE QUANTUM THEORYThe Corpuscular Concept of Matter The Transformation Theory The Schrödinger Equation The Perturbation Method Resonance between Two Atoms: the Physical Interpretation of the Transformation Matrices The Corpuscular Concept for Radiation Quantum Statistics The Wave Concept for Matter and Radiation: Classical Theory Quantum Theory of Wave Fields Application to Waves of Negative Charge Proof of the Mathematical Equivalence of the Quantum Theory of Particles and of Waves Application to the Theory of RadiationINDEX

The physical principles of the quantum theory(海森堡量子物理原理) 作者简介

沃纳·卡尔·海森堡(Werner Karl Heisenberg,1901年12月5日—1976年2月1日),德国著名物理学家,量子力学的主要创始人,哥本哈根学派的代表人物,1932年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。他对物理学的主要贡献是给出了量子力学的矩阵形式(矩阵力学),提出了“测不准原理”(又称“海森堡不确定性原理”)和S矩阵理论等。
