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世界英语:研究与实践:research and practice

世界英语:研究与实践:research and practice

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世界英语:研究与实践:research and practice 版权信息

世界英语:研究与实践:research and practice 内容简介

“世界知名TESOL专家论丛”集萃了国际知名英语教育和学术机构——世界英语教师协会( TESOL International Association)的多位资深专家在教师教育发展领域的研究精华。丛书每种致力于教师教育发展的一个研究专题,从国际范围的广阔视野,对英语教师的教学、科研和职业发展等领域的热点话题进行深入探讨,既有丰富的理论知识,又有鲜活的课堂实例,旨在为国内外语教师教育与发展提供切实有效的理论指导和实践借鉴。 Andy Kirkpatrick是澳大利亚格里菲斯大学语言与语言学系教授,主要研究方向为对外英语教学、应用语言学和修辞等。作为世界英语研究领域的杰出学者,作者在四十多年的成功职业生涯中一直致力于探索该领域理论和实践中的关键问题,对世界英语和英语作为全球通用语的研究和实践在亚洲的兴起与传播产生了巨大影响。本书汇集了作者一系列令人印象深刻的代表性文章,相信读者会从中受到启发,去探索和研究世界英语领域中的重要问题。

世界英语:研究与实践:research and practice 目录

【目录】 Chapter 1 Introduction Section A World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca Chapter 2 New Directions in Researching Chinese English Chapter 3 The International Intelligibility of Hong Kong English Chapter 4 The Pronunciation of Hong Kong English Chapter 5 Setting Attainable and Appropriate English Language Targets in Multilingual Settings: A Case for Hong Kong, SAR Chapter 6 Emerging Southeast Asian Englishes and Intelligibility Chapter 7 English in SEA: Emergent Concepts: Pedagogical and Policy Implications Chapter 8 English in ASEAN: Implications for Regional Multilingualism Chapter 9 Teaching English in Asia in Non-Anglo Cultural Contexts: Principles of the"Lingua Franca Approach" Chapter 10 The Languages of Higher Education in East and Southeast Asia: Will Internationalisation Lead to Englishisation? Chapter 11 English as a Medium of Instruction in East and Southeast Asian Universities Section B Chinese Rhetoric Chapter 12 Traditional Chinese Text Structures and Their Influence on the Writing in Chinese and English of Contemporary Mainland Chinese Students Chapter 13 Information Sequencing in Mandarin Letters of Request Chapter 14 The Arrangement of Letters: Hierarchy or Culture? From Cicero to China Chapter 15 "Topic-Comment" or "Modifier-Modified"? Information Structure in Modern Standard Chinese Chapter 16 Chinese Pragmatic Norms and "China English" Chapter 17 China's First Systematic Account of Rhetoric: An Introduction to Chen Kui's Wen ze Chapter 18 Afterword Bibliography