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西部考古(第18辑) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030632715
  • 条形码:9787030632715 ; 978-7-03-063271-5
  • 装帧:平装锁线
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

西部考古(第18辑) 本书特色


西部考古(第18辑) 内容简介


西部考古(第18辑) 目录

目录 考古调查与发掘 陕西省三原县、泾阳县秦汉行宫遗址调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院(1) 内蒙古乌拉特前旗塔汉其大坝沟遗址考古调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 内蒙古博物院 内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所 巴彦淖尔市考古研究所 乌拉特前旗文物管理所(20) 新疆库车苏巴什佛寺遗址西寺石窟调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 新疆维吾尔自治区库车县文物保护管理局(34) 新疆库车苏巴什佛寺遗址东寺石窟调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 新疆维吾尔自治区库车县文物保护管理局(97) 西安市东郊高楼村四座唐墓的发掘 西北大学文化遗产学院 西安市文物保护考古研究院(113) 陕西红军标语调查简报 孙满利 崔梦鹤(129) 史前与周秦汉唐考古研究 从古城东关看庙底沟二期文化的内涵及与其他文化的关系 贺黎民(143) 陕西历史博物馆藏陶文汇集 韩建武(154) 陕西定边县郝滩壁画墓星宿考 吕智荣 邵安定(191) 邺城研究述评 刘婷(206) 新见柳公权撰韩休曾孙韩孚墓志考略 邵晶(222) 略论关中晚唐至宋代墓葬的过渡——曲江晚唐崔氏墓、韩家湾M29整理札记 郑旭东(228) 丝绸之路与中外文化交流 北朝畏兽类形象溯源 刘绎一(235) 新疆库车苏巴什佛寺遗址调查与发掘的初步收获 冉万里(250) 龟兹石窟与小乘说一切有部佛教思想 李瑞哲(309) 科技考古与文物保护 图像处理技术在贾湖骨笛三维重建模型中的应用 苏润青 方晓阳 潘伟斌(323) 广西桂平市博物馆藏破碎铜釜的修复研究 刘彦琪 陈东旭 朱丽彬 李树国(333) 新疆伊犁地区早期铁器时代青铜器的科学分析 刘成 朱思颖 罗喆(341) 常见液态酒及发酵产物脂肪酸特征的气相色谱质谱联用分析研究 陈欣楠 杨璐 许卫红 靳文斯 温睿(349) 常见污染气体对丝织品的破坏及保存状况评估研究 王丽琴 王子铭 由蕊 高愚民 曹美玲(355) 其他研究 陕西彬县明纪泰墓买地券和镇墓砖考略 刘卫鹏 张淑娟(365) 《西部考古》征稿启事(379) CONTENTS Archaeological Investigation and Excavation Investigation Briefing of Qin and Han Palaces in Shaanxi Province School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University (19) Archaeological Survey at Tahanqi Dabagou Site in Wulateqianqi of Inner Mongolia School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Inner Mongolia Museum Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Bayannaoer Institute of Archaeology Wulateqianqi Banner Bureau Institute of Cultural Relics (33) Brief Report on the Investigation of the West Temple Grottoes at the Subashi Buddha Temple Site in Kuqa, Xinjiang School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Kuqa County Administration of Cultural Heritage, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (96) Brief Report on the Investigation of the East Temple Grottoes at the SuBaShi Buddha Temple Site in Kuqa, Xinjiang School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Kuqa County Administration of Cultural Heritage, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (112) Excavations of Four Tang Tombs in Gaolou Village which is at Eastern Suburb of Xi'an School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Xi'an Cultural Relics and Archaeological Research Institute (128) The Survey Report of Red Army Slogan in Shaanxi Sun Manli, Cui Menghe (142) Prehistoric and Archaeological Study of Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasty The Connotation of Miaodigou Phase II Culture and Its Relations with Other Cultures from the Perspective of Dongguan Ancient City He Limin (153) The Collection of Pottery Inscription in Shaanxi History Museum Han Jianwu (190) A Study on the Stars of a Mural Tomb in Dingbian, Shaanxi Lü Zhirong, Shao Anding (205) The Research and Review about Yecheng City Liu Ting (220) The Interpretation of Han Fu's Epitaph Shao Jing (227) A Brief Discussion on the Transition of Guanzhong Tombs from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty——the Notes of Qujiang Tang Cui's Tomb and Hanjiawan M29 Zheng Xudong (234) Research on the Silk Road and Sino-foreign Cultural Exchanges Study on the Origin of the Wei Shou Figure in the Northern Dynasties Liu Yiyi (249) Preliminary Harvest of Investigation and Excavation of the SuBaShi Buddha Temple Site in Kuqa, Xinjiang Ran Wanli (307) Analysis the Dominant Position about Sarvāstivādin of Hīnayāna in Ancient Kucha Li Ruizhe (322) Research on Scientific Archaeolgy and Cultural Relics Protection Image Processing Technology Application in 3D Reconstruction of Jiahu Bone Flute Su Runqing, Fang Xiaoyang, Pan Weibin (331) Study and Restoration on the Bronze Pot which was Collected in Guiping Museum Liu Yanqi, Chen Dongxu, Zhu Libin, Li Shuguo (339) Scientific Analysis of Early Iron Age Copper and Bronze Artifacts Recovered in the Yili Region, Xinjiang, China Liu Cheng, Zhu Siying, Luo Zhe (348) GC-MS Analysis of Fatty Acids for Liquid Wine and Fermentation Products Identification Chen Xinnan, Yang Lu, Xu Weihong, Jin Wensi, Wen Rui (354) Research on the Degradation of Silk Fabrics Caused by Common Polluted Gases and Evaluation of the Preservation Status Wang Liqin, Wang Ziming, You Rui, Gao Yumin, Cao Meiling (363) Other Research A Research on the Land Deeds and the Tomb-Repressing Bricks in the Ming Dynasty Tombs in Bin Country, Shaanxi Province Liu Weipeng, Zhang Shujuan (378)