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中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材医学英文原版改编双语教材人体解剖学(英文改编版) 版权信息

中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材医学英文原版改编双语教材人体解剖学(英文改编版) 本书特色


中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材医学英文原版改编双语教材人体解剖学(英文改编版) 内容简介


中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材医学英文原版改编双语教材人体解剖学(英文改编版) 目录

Chapter 1 A First Look at Anatomy 1
1.1 History of Human Anatomy 1
1.2 Definition of Anatomy 3
1.3 Structural Organization of the Body 5
1.4 Precise Language of Anatomy 9
Chapter 2 Cartilage and Bone 17
2.1 Cartilage 17
2.2 Bone 19
2.3 Classification and Anatomy of Bones 20
2.4 Ossification 25
2.5 Maintaining Homeostasis and Promoting Bone Growth 31
2.6 Bone Markings 35
Chapter 3 Axial Skeleton 36
3.1 Skull 37
3.2 Sex Differences in the Skull 56
3.3 Aging of the Skull 57
3.4 Vertebral Column 58
3.5 Thoracic Cage 64
Chapter 4 Appendicular Skeleton 67
4.1 Pectoral Girdle 68
4.2 Upper Limb 70
4.3 Pelvic Girdle 75
4.4 Lower Limb 79
Chapter 5 Articulations 86
5.1 Articulations (Joints) 86
5.2 Fibrous Joints 88
5.3 Cartilaginous Joints 89
5.4 Synovial Joints 90
5.5 Selected Articulations in Depth 97
Chapter 6 Muscle Tissue and Organization 111
6.1 Properties of Muscle Tissue 111
6.2 Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle Tissue 111
6.3 Skeletal Muscle Fiber Organization 114
6.4 Exercise and Skeletal Muscle 116
6.5 Levers and Joint Biomechanics 116
6.6 The Naming of Skeletal Muscles 118
Chapter 7 Axial Muscles 120
7.1 Muscles of the Head and Neck 120
7.2 Muscles of the Vertebral Column 133
7.3 Muscles of Respiration 135
7.4 Muscles of the Abdominal Wall 137
7.5 Muscles of the Pelvic Floor 139
Chapter 8 Appendicular Muscles 142
8.1 Muscles That Move the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb 142
8.2 Muscles That Move the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb 156
Chapter 9 Surface Anatomy 169
9.1 A Regional Approach to Surface Anatomy 169
9.2 Head Region 169
9.3 Neck Region 171
9.4 Trunk Region 172
9.5 Shoulder and Upper Limb Region 174
9.6 Lower Limb Region 176
Chapter 10 Digestive System 179
10.1 General Structure and Functions of the Digestive System 179
10.2 Oral Cavity 180
10.3 Pharynx 184
10.4 General Arrangement of Abdominal GI Organs 186
10.5 Esophagus 189
10.6 The Swallowing Process 190
10.7 Stomach 191
10.8 Small Intestine 194
10.9 Large Intestine 196
10.10 Accessory Digestive Organs 198
Chapter 11 Respiratory System 202
11.1 General Organization and Functions of the Respiratory System 202
11.2 Upper Respiratory Tract 203
11.3 Lower Respiratory Tract 206
11.4 Lungs 212
11.5 Pulmonary Ventilation 215
11.6 Mechanics of Breathing 215
11.7 Innervation of the Respiratory System 217
Chapter 12 Urinary System 219
12.1 General Structure and Functions of the Urinary System 219
12.2 Kidneys 220
12.3 Urinary Tract 228
Chapter 13 Reproductive System 232
13.1 Comparison of the Female and Male Reproductive Systems 232
13.2 Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System 233
13.3 Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System 244
Chapter 14 Cardiovascular System 252
14.1 Overview of the Cardiovascular System 252
14.2 Anatomy of the Heart 254
14.3 Coronary Circulation 257
14.4 How the Heart Beats: Electrical Properties of Cardiac Tissue 258
14.5 Innervation of the Heart 261
14.6 Tying It All Together: The Cardiac Cycle 261
Chapter 15 Vessels and Circulation 265
15.1 Anatomy of Blood Vessels 265
15.2 Blood Pressure 271
15.3 Systemic Circulation 272
15.4 Pulmonary Circulation 284
15.5 Review of Heart, Systemic, and Pulmonary Circulation 284
Chapter 16 Lymphatic System 286
16.1 Functions of the Lymphatic System 286
16.2 Lymph and Lymph Vessels 287
16.3 Lymphatic Cells 289
16.4 Lymphatic Structures 293
Chapter 17 Senses: General and Special 298
17.1 Introduction to Sensory Receptors 298
17.2 Tactile Receptors 302
17.3 Gustation 303
17.4 Olfaction 306
17.5 Vision 308
17.6 Equilibrium and Hearing 315
Chapter 18 Nervous Tissue 324
18.1 Organization of the Nervous System 324
18.2 Cytology of Nervous Tissue 326
18.3 Myelination of Axons 332
18.4 Axon Regeneration 334
18.5 Nerves 335
18.6 Synapses 336
18.7 Neural Integration and Neuronal Pools 338
Chapter 19 Brain and Cranial Nerves 339
19.1 Brain Development and Tissue Organization 339
19.2 Support and Protection of the Brain 342
19.3 Cerebrum 347
19.4 Diencephalon 353
19.5 Brainstem 356
19.6 Cerebellum 359
19.7 Limbic System 360
19.8 Cranial Nerves 361
Chapter 20 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 369
20.1 Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord 369
20.2 Spinal Cord Meninges 371
20.3 Sectional Anatomy of the Spinal Cord 373
20.4 Spinal Nerves 374
20.5 Reflexes 388
Chapter 21 Pathways and Integrative Functions 392
21.1 General Characteristics of Nervous System Pathways 392
21.2 Sensory Pathways 393
21.3 Motor Pathways 396
21.4 Higher-Order Processing and Integrative Functions 401
Chapter 22 Autonomic Nervous System 407
22.1 Comparison of the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems 407
22.2 Divisions of the Autonomic Nervo

中国科学院教材建设专家委员会规划教材医学英文原版改编双语教材人体解剖学(英文改编版) 作者简介

