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小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 5年级

小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 5年级

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小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 5年级 版权信息

小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 5年级 内容简介


小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 5年级 目录

英语幽默小故事 (1)The Boss(老板)/1 (2)Cut My Ticket (剪票)/3 (3)A Good Boy (好孩子)/5 (4)Drunk(醉酒)/7 (5)Send My Hat Back (把帽子寄回来)/9 (6)That Is Not My Dog! (那不是我的狗!)/11 (7)My First and My Last (我的次和*后一次)/13 (8)Chaude and Cold (热和冷)/15 (9)A Bad Impression (坏印象)/17 (10)How Did You Ever Get Here? (你怎么来的?)/19 (11)West Point (西点军校)/21 (12)Imitation(模仿)/23 (13)I'm Happy (我很开心)/25 (14)One Apple Is Worth Nothing (一个苹果不要钱)/27 (15)That's Why (原来如此)/29 (16)A Fine Match (势均力敌)/31 (17)Early Shopper (采购过早)/33 (18)Advantages and Disadvan -tages(优缺点)/35 (19)Keep the Change (零钱不用找了)/37 (20)Camera(相机)/39 (21)A Mistake (一个错误)/41 (22)Persistence (坚持不懈)/43 (23)Bedtime Pray (睡前祷告)/45 (24)Things Have Been Okay (一切正常)/47 (25)A Trip to Disney (迪士尼之旅)/49 (26)Twin Lobsters (孪生龙虾)/51 (27)Part-time Job (兼职工作)/53 (28)I Don't Want to Walk Home (我不想走回家)/55 (29)It's Good to Admit a Fault (承认错误是好孩子)/57 (30)Two Holes for the Dogs (两个狗洞)/59 英语成语小故事 (1)Mark the Boat to Seek the Sword(刻舟求剑)/61 (2)Pull up the Rice Shoots with the Intention of Helping Them Grow (揠苗助长)/63 (3)Look for a Good Horse According to Its Description (按图索骥)/65 (4)Practice Makes Perfect (熟能生巧)/67 (5)Dong Shi Mimicked the Way Xi Shi Frowned (东施效颦)/69 (6)Kua Fu Ran After the Sun (夸父逐日)/71 (7)His Spear Against His Shield (自相矛盾)/73 (8)Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell (掩耳盗铃)/75 (9)Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It(画蛇添足)/77 (10)It Is Never too Late to Mend (亡羊补牢)/79 (11)Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring (惊弓之鸟)/81 (12)Mao Sui Recommending Himself(毛遂自荐)/83 (13)Going South by Driving the Chariot North (南辕北辙)/85 (14)Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a Dragon (画龙点睛)/87 (15)Sitting by a Stump, Waiting for a Careless Hare (守株待兔)/89 (16)Basking in Reflected Glory (狐假虎威)/91 (17)Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well (井底之蛙)/93 (18)Buying Shoes (郑人买履)/95 (19)Getting the Casket and Returning the Pearl (买椟还珠)/97 (20)Be There Just to Make up the Number (滥竽充数)/99 (21)Sai Weng Lost His Horse (塞翁失马)/101 (22)The Donkey in Ancient Guizhou Has Exhausted Its Tricks (黔驴技穷)/103 (23)Give Up Halfway (半途而废)/105 (24)Love Me, Love My Dog (爱屋及乌)/107 (25)Food Handed out in Contempt(嗟来之食)/109 英语寓言小故事 (1)Three Good Friends (三个好朋友)/111 (2)A Bundle of Sticks (一捆树枝)/113 (3)Parrot and Cat (鹦鹉和猫)/115 (4)Fox Is with the Grapes (狐狸和葡萄)/117 (5)Wolf Is Coming (狼来了)/119 (6)A Clever Farmer (聪明的农民)/121 (7)The King and His Stories (国王和他的故事)/123 (8)Marry the Strongest (嫁给*强者)/125 (9)The Fisherman and His Wife (渔夫和他的妻子)/127 (10)The Miser and His Gold (守 财奴和他的金子)/129 (11)A Silly Man (一个愚蠢的 人)/131 (12)The Boy and the Nettles (男孩和荨麻)/133 (13)The Wily Lion (狡猾的狮子)/135 (14)The Bear and the Travelers (熊和行人)/137 (15)The North Wind and the Sun(北风与太阳)/139 (16)The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs (下金蛋的鹅)/141 (17)The Old Cat (老猫)/143 (18)The City Mouse and the Country Mouse (城里老鼠和乡下老鼠)/145 (19)The Peasant and the AppleTree (农夫和苹果树)/147 (20)The Bat and the Weasel (蝙蝠和黄鼠狼)/149 (21)The Peacock and the Crane(孔雀和鹤)/151 (22)The Farmer and Fortune (农夫和幸运之神)/153 (23)The Boy and the Filberts (男孩和榛子)/155 (24)The Tortoise and the Eagle (乌龟和老鹰)/157 (25)The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree (橄榄树和无花果树)/159 英语动物小故事 (1)The Mouse and the Bull (老鼠和公牛)/161 (2)The Wolf and the Sheep (狼和羊)/163 (3)The Lion and the Mouse (狮和鼠)/165 (4)A Fox Without a Tail (没有尾巴的狐狸)/167 (5)Open Your Mouth (张开你的嘴)/169 (6)A Clever Panda (聪明的熊猫)/171 (7)The Fox and the Crow (狐狸和乌鸦)/173 (8)Two Little Monkeys (两只小猴子)/175 (9)Three Foxes (三只狐狸)/177 (10)Three Little Pigs (三只小猪)/179 (11)A Smart Tortoise (聪明的乌龟)/181 (12)A Little Horse Crossing the River(小马过河)/183 (13)The Dog, the Cock and the Fox (狗、公鸡和狐狸)/185 (14)The Crow and the Pitcher (乌鸦和水罐)/187 (15)The Cat and the Mice (猫和老鼠)/189 英语励志小故事 (1)Six Inches Deep (六英寸深)/191 (2)Nails on the Wall (墙上的钉子)/193 (3)The Real Meaning of Peace(宁静的真谛)/195 (4)Light Reflected by Snow (囊萤映雪)/197 (5)A Tiny Candle (小小的蜡烛)/199 (6)The Smoke Signal (求救信号)/201 (7)The Eagle(雄鹰)/203 (8)Just Do a Little Bit More (再努力一点点)/205 (9)The Secret to Success (成功的秘诀)/207 (10)Eagle in a Storm (风雨中的雄鹰)/209 (11)A Glass of Milk (一杯牛奶)/211 (12)Fine Clothes Make the Man(人靠衣装)/213 (13)I Am Blind (我是一个盲人)/215 (14)Goals Only Work When You Do (目标重在实践)/217 (15)Phoenix Nirvana (凤凰涅槃)/219 参考答案/221

小学英语无障碍学习丛书英语小故事课后读 5年级 作者简介

