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外语文化教学论丛了解汉语学习者:汉语写作教学的体演文化教学法 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787308196789
  • 条形码:9787308196789 ; 978-7-308-19678-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

外语文化教学论丛了解汉语学习者:汉语写作教学的体演文化教学法 内容简介


外语文化教学论丛了解汉语学习者:汉语写作教学的体演文化教学法 目录

CHAPTER 1 Composition in the Context of Chinese as a Foreign Language
1.1 Increased Need for Composition in Chinese as a Foreign Language Program
1.2 Composition: Definition and Assumptions
1.2.1 Composition Is a Social Activity Rather Than a Solitary Act
1.2.2 Composition Is Based on a Shared Common Ground
1.2.3 Composition Is a Process of Negotiating Meaning
1.2.4 Toward a Pedagogical Model of Composition
1.3 Development of Composition Theories
1.3.1 Composition as a Product
1.3.2 Composition as a Process
1.3.3 Composition as a Social-interactive Practice
1.4 Theories of Composition in the Chinese L2 Context
1.4.1 Chinese Composition, Characters, and Shumianyu
1.4.2 Research in Chinese L2 Composition Instruction
1.5 Outline of the Book

CHAPTER 2 Cultural Aspects of Persuasive Composition
2.1 Composition as a Cultural Artifact
2.2 A Culture-based View of Persuasive Composition
2.2.1 The Role of Persuasive Composition in American Culture
2.2.2 The Perception of Evidence in American Culture
2.2.3 The Role of Persuasive Composition in Chinese Culture
2.2.4 The Perception of Evidence in Chinese Culture
2.3 Persuasive Composition in a Cross-cultural Context

CHAPTER 3 American Students' Interpretation of Chinese Evidence
3.1 Literature Review
3.1.1 From Contrastive to Intercultural Rhetoric
3.1.2 Chinese-English Contrastive Rhetoric
3.2 Research Questions
3.3 Research Method
3.3.1 Reasons for Utilizing the Qualitative Research Method
3.3.2 Trustworthiness of the Study
3.3.3 The Setting
3.3.4 The Participants
3.3.5 Data Sources
3.3.6 Data Analysis
3.4 American Students' Perceptions of Evidence in Chinese Persuasive Composition
3.4.1 Evidence in the Textbook
3.4.2 Evidence Introduced in Class
3.4.3 Students' Understanding of the Concept of Evidence
3.4.4 Students' Perceptions of Using Well-known Stories as Evidence
3.4.5 Students' Perceptions of Using Famous Sayings as Evidence
3.4.6 Students' Accounts of Legitimate Evidence
3.4.7 Students' Accounts of L1 versus L2 Education
3.4.8 Summary
3.5 American Students' Use of Evidence in Chinese Persuasive Compositions
3.6 Conclusions
3.6.1 Revisiting the Concept of Evidence
3.6.2 Culturally Constructed "Truth
3.6.3 Bridging Cultural Differences in Pedagogical Experience

CHAPTER 4 CFL Writers' Composition Performance in China
4.1 Culture, Performance, and Curriculum Design
4.2 Literature Review
4.3 Purpose of the Study
4.4 Research Method
4.4.1 Explanation of the Survey Research Method
4.4.2 The Survey
4.4.3 The Participants
4.5 Results
4.5.1 Biographical Data
4.5.2 Chinese L2 Learners' Composition in Their Everyday Lives
4.5.3 Chinese L2 Students' Composition Performances in the Workplace
4.5.4 Chinese L2 Learners' Composition Performances in Academic Contexts
4.6 Discussions
4.6.1 Discourse Community, Domain, and Genre
4.6.2 Levels of Generic Conceptualizations
4.7 Pedagogical Implications
4.7.1 Level One: Daily Task Composition
4.7.2 Level Two: Informal Correspondence
4.7.3 Level Three: Compositions with Formal Elements
4.7.4 Level Four: Acquisition Model of Instruction Gradually Introduced
4.7.5 Level Five: Domain-specific Compositions

CHAPTER 5 Toward a Performed Culture Instruction in Chinese L2 Composition
5.1 Framework for Developing a Chinese L2 Composition Curriculum
5.1.1 Cultural Studies
5.1.2 Ethnographic Studies
5.1.3 Studies of Genre Analysis
5.1.4 Linguistic Studies
5.1.5 Psychological Studies
5.1.6 Educational Studies
5.2 Persuasive Composition in Chinese L2 Curriculum
5.3 Organizing a Curriculum for Performed Culture Composition
5.3.1 The Performed Culture Approach Meets Students' Needs in Target Contexts
5.3.2 Goals and Objectives of a Performed Culture Composition Curriculum
5.3.3 Sequencing the Performances in a Performed Culture Composition Curriculum
5.3.4 Selecting Model Compositions in a Performed Culture Composition Curriculum
5.4 Implementing a Performed Culture Approach in Chinese L2 Composition Courses
5.4.1 The Role of the Learning Cycle in a Performed Culture Composition Class
5.4.2 Modeling the Context
5.4.3 Deconstructing the Model Composition
5.4.4 Scaffolding Activities
5.4.5 Constructing Chinese L2 Compositions
5.5 Conclusion and Future Research

APPENDIX A Interview Questions to Chinese L2 Students
APPENDIX B Interview Questions to the Course Instructor
APPENDIX C Survey Questionnaire of Chinese L2 Learners' Composition Performances
APPENDIX D Results of the Web-based Survey of Chinese L2 Learners' Composition Performances