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包邮 教实用英语综合教程(第4册)/陈家旭等

开本: 其他 页数: 177


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教实用英语综合教程(第4册)/陈家旭等 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787542962652
  • 条形码:9787542962652 ; 978-7-5429-6265-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

教实用英语综合教程(第4册)/陈家旭等 内容简介


教实用英语综合教程(第4册)/陈家旭等 目录

Unit 1 Artificial Intelligence
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
How does Artificial Intelligence Make It Easier to Diagnose Disease?
Part Four Reading Task Two
Who is Right about AI?
Part Five Intercultural Reading
Accountants in the Age of AI
Part Six Writing

Unit 2 Customer Experience
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Steven Jobs and His Apple Stores (I)
Part Four Reading Task Two
Steven Job and His Apple Stores( Ⅱ )
Part Five Intercultural Reading
The Myth of Customer Experience
Part Six Writing

Unit 3 Management
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Social Responsibility and Ethics Issues in Today's World
Part Four Reading Task Two
A Day at the Foreign Exchange Desk
Part Five Intercultural Reading
The Myth of Millennials' Job-hopping
Part Six Writing

Unit 4 E-commeree Pioneer
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Jeff Bezos The E-commerce Pioneer
Part Four Reading Task Two
Satya Nadella: Microsoft's New CEO
Part Five Intercultural Reading
The Company Formerly Known as Yahoo Begins Its Life as Altaba Today
Part Six Writing

Unit 5 Females in Workplace
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Are Scarves the "New Power" Accessory for Women?
Part Four Reading Task Two
Janet Yellen
Part Five Intercultural Reading
The Companies Making Women the Happiest
Part Six Writing

Unit 6 Speeches
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
China Will Stay the Course on Sustainable Growth
Part Four Reading Task Two
Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to Both Houses of Parliament
Part Five Intercultural Reading
We Choose to Go to the Moon
Part Six Writing

Unit 7 Genetically Modified Food
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Genetically Modified Crops Destroyed
Part Four Reading Task Two
From Genes to GMOs
Part Five Intercultural Reading
Selective Outsourcing
Part Six Writing

Unit 8 Cross-cultural Management
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Cross-cultural Management
Part Four Reading Task Two
What Is Management?
Part Five Intercultural Reading
Foxconn and Robots
Part Six Writing

Unit 9 Investment
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Managing 2Pt Century Finances
Part Four Reading Task Two
Part Five Intercultural Reading
Banker to the Poor
Part Six Writing

Unit 10 International Commercial Law
Part One Listening
Part Two Learning and Speaking
Part Three Reading Task One
Contract Law in International Commercial Law
Part Four Reading Task Two
The Importance of Contract Law
Part Five Intercultural Reading
Quota on Hollywood Film Imports to Expand
Part Six Writing

Test 1
Part I Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.
Part II Choose the best answer
Part III Cloze
Part IV Reading
Part V Translate the following passage into English

Test 2
Part I Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.
Part II Choose the best answer
Part III Cloze
Part IV Reading
Part V Translate the following passage into English

Test 3
Part I Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.
Part II Choose the best answer
Part III Cloze
Part IV Reading
Part V Translate the following passage into English

Test 4
Part I Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.
Part II Choose the best answer
Part III Cloze
Part IV Reading
Part V Translate the following passage into English