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医学生物化学与分子生物学实验指南(第2版) 版权信息

医学生物化学与分子生物学实验指南(第2版) 内容简介

本书难易适中、内容创新实用,主要适用对象为医学留学生(本科及研究生),以及我国医学长学制硕博研究生。本书在上一版基础上增加了分子生物前沿技术发展及在医学研究中现代常用技术的内容;对生物化学实验技术基础理论与经典实验部分进行了修订,介绍基本操作技术、分光光度法、电泳技术、层析技术的原理及经典实验,并以核酸、蛋白质为对象,介绍研究基础实验的原理和应用;凝练了综合性实验实践 ,以酶学分析、蛋白质分离纯化鉴定、核酸分离及鉴定、基因工程为系统性实验内容;新增了医学创新实验设计与应用,以生物大分子的结构与功能研究为对象,结合医学学科研究特点,提出引导问题,为学生开展自主创新实验的设计与应用提供设计流程、模拟报告的指导。

医学生物化学与分子生物学实验指南(第2版) 目录

Section Ⅰ Theories and Strategies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Technology in Medical ResearchChapter 1 Medical Application of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Technology 1.1 Basic Objectives of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Technology 1.2 Application of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Technology in Medical ResearchChapter 2 The Common Research Techniques of Gene 2.1 Nucleic Acid Hybridization and DNA Microarray 2.2 DNA Sequencing 2.3 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 2.4 Recombinant DNA Technology 2.5 The Research Strategies and Methods for Gene Transcription RegulationChapter 3 The Common Research Techniques of Protein 3.1 Quantification and Identification of Protein 3.2 Methods and Basic Principles of Protein Purification 3.3 Protein Chemical Modification and Spatial Structure Analysis 3.4 Protein Interaction Research Methods 3.5 Proteomies Research 3.6 Research Technology of EnzymologySection Ⅱ Basic Biochemical TechniquesChapter 4 Basic Operation of Biochemical Experiments 4.1 Solution Preparation 4.2 Pipettes Operation 4.3 Centrifuge OperationChapter 5 Spectrophotometry 5.1 Basic Concepts and Principle of Spectrophotometry 5.2 Measurement of Light Absorption 5.3 Applications of Spectrophotometry Experiment 1 Quantitative Analysis of Protein Experiment 2 Determination of Blood Glucose Level Regulated by HormonesChapter 6 Electrophoresis 6.1 Basic Principles of Electrophoresis 6.2 Impact Factors of Electrophoresis 6.3 Detection of Components after Electrophoretic Separation 6.4 Special Electrophoretic Techniques and Applications Experiment 3 Separation of Serum Proteins by Cellulose Acetate Membrane Electrophoresis Experiment 4 Separation of Serum Lipoproteins by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Experiment 5 Proteins Separation by SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel ElectrophoresisChapter 7 Chromatography 7.1 Fundamental Principles of Chromatography 7.2 Commonly Used Chromatographic Techniques Experiment 6 Separation of Mixed Amino Acids by Cation Exchange Chromatography Experiment 7 Separation of Hemoglobin and Dinitrophenyl (DNP) -glutamate by Gel Filtration ChromatographySection Ⅲ Integrative ExperimentsChapter 8 Enzyme Analysis 8.1 The Activity of Enzyme 8.2 Enzyme Kinetics ( Factors Affecting Reaction Velocity) 8.3 Enzymatic Analysis Experiment 8 Assay the Activity of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) in Serum ( Mohun's Method) Experiment 9 Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity-Determining Km Value for Alkaline Phosphatase Experiment 10 Enzymatic Endpoint Method-Determination of Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Glucose Levels in SerumChapter 9 Isolation, Purification and Identification of Protein 9.1 Procedure of Protein Isolation 9.2 The Selective Purification Steps 9.3 Crystallization, Concentration, Drying and Storage of Protein 9.4 Identification and Analysis of Protein Experiment 11 Isolation and Identification of Serum IgG Experiment 12 Purification and Identification of Glutathione S-Transferase Fusion ProteinChapter 10 Isolation, Purification and Identification of Nucleic Acids 10.1 Preparation Principle and Procedure of Nucleic Acids 10.2 Identification and Analysis of Nucleic Acids Experiment 13 Isolation and Identification of Eukaryotic Genomie DNA Experiment 14 SDS-Alkaline Lysis Preparation of Plasmid DNA Experiment 15 Isolation and Identification of Total RNA in Tissues/Cells Experiment 16 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Reverse Transeription-PCRChapter 11 Genetic Engineering 11.1 The Process of Genetic Engineering 11.2 Expression of Foreign Genes and Purification of Recombinant Proteins Experiment 17 DNA Cloning Experiment 18 Expression of Exogenous Gene in E.eoli and Purification of His-tag ProteinsChapter 12 Innovation Experiment Design and Application Experiment 19 Separation and Identification of Alkaline Phosphatase Experiment 20 Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Analysis Experiment 21 Protein Markers Exploration by Two-dimensional EleetrophoresisReference

医学生物化学与分子生物学实验指南(第2版) 作者简介

喻红,武汉大学基医生化与分子生物学系,教授,博导,系主任。研究方向为动脉粥样硬化为代表的代谢性心血管疾病的分子机制与防治。为湖北省重点实验室代谢性心血管疾病研究团队的PI。主持国家自然科学基金4项以及湖北省自然科学基金青年杰出人才项目、武汉市科技局应用基础研究计划、教育部留学回国人员科研基金等多项课题,在ATVB. J Lipid Res等靠前外重要学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,其中收录SCI论文20余篇,国家发明授权2项;参编专著2部。
