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2018金砖+国家电子商务发展报告(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787552029239
  • 条形码:9787552029239 ; 978-7-5520-2923-9
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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2018金砖+国家电子商务发展报告(英文版) 本书特色

《金砖 国家电子商务发展报告(2018)》英文版,由上海社会科学院经济研究所和联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO)联合编写。 近几年来,电子商务的快速增长令全球瞩目,电子商务的发展对经济和就业的作用及影响日益突出。本报告在完整分析电子商务的现状和发展特征的基础上,探讨了金砖各国及其他一些国家如柬埔寨、埃塞俄比亚、英国、墨西哥、奥地利在电子商务发展进程中面临的问题及挑战。在全球贸易标准和贸易协定谈判日益复杂、利益冲突日益尖锐的背景下,报告也对这些国家如何促进电子商务和中小企业发展提出了政策建议。

2018金砖+国家电子商务发展报告(英文版) 内容简介


2018金砖+国家电子商务发展报告(英文版) 目录

Part I Overview of Global E-Commerce 1 Current Status of Global E-Commerce 1.1 Current status of connectivity and ICT infrastructure 1.1.1 Current status of connectivity 1.1.2 Current status of ICT infrastructure 1.2 Current status of e-commerce 1.2.1 Business-to-business (B2B) 1.2.2 Online retail market (B2C and C2C) 1.2.3 Online-to-offline (O2O) 1.2.4 C2M (customer-to-manufacturer) and M2C (manufacturer-to-consumer) 1.2.5 New emerging e-business activities 1.3 Cross-border e-commerce 1.3.1 Market size 1.3.2 Regional distribution 1.3.3 Key players 1.3.4 Challenges 2 Global Trends in E-Commerce 2.1 Challenges to global e-commerce 2.1.1 Safety has become the main problem of e-commerce 2.1.2 The investment activity in global e-commerce shows a downward trend 2.2 Analysis of global e-commerce development trends BRICS Plus E-Commerce Development Report (2018) 2.2.1 The global e-commerce development growth trend is at a turning point 2.2.2 E-commerce has become increasingly unbounded 2.2.3 The global e-commerce will gradually shift to emerging regional markets 2.2.4 Combining emerging technology, data drive and O2O to set up future models 2.2.5 Cross-border e-commerce will be greatly developed 2.3 BRICS e-commerce markets 2.3.1 BRICS countries are playing an increasingly important role in global e-commerce development 2.3.2 BRICS e-commerce will benefit from the increasing number of Internet users 2.3.3 The online retail transaction volume in BRICS countries is booming Part II Country-Specific Analysis on E-Commerce Development in BRICS Plus Countries 3 Brazil E-Commerce Development Report 2018 3.1 Current status of connectivity and ICT infrastructure 3.1.1 Internet penetration 3.1.2 Connectivity and connection speed 3.1.3 Fixed-broadband subscription 3.1.4 Mobile broadband subscription 3.2 Domestic e-commerce market 3.2.1 Trend analysis of sub-market in domestic e-commerce 3.2.2 Key players in the e-commerce ecosystem 3.3 Cross-border e-commerce 3.4 E-commerce regulation and law 3.5 Challenges and recommendations 3.5.1 Problems and challenges 3.5.2 Strategies and recommendations 3.6 Micro and SMEs (MSMEs) and e-commerce 3.6.1 MSME landscape in the country 3.6.2 E-commerce challenges for MSMEs 3.6.3 Existing support for MSMEs e-commerce activities 4 Russia E-Commerce Development Report 2018 4.1 Current status of connectivity and ICT infrastructure 4.1.1 Internet penetration 4.1.2 Connectivity and connection speed 4.1.3 Fixed-broadband subscription 4.1.4 Mobile cellular subscription 4.2 Domestic e-commerce market 4.2.1 Trend analysis of sub-market in domestic e-commerce 4.2.2 Key players in the e-commerce ecosystem 4.3 Cross-border e-commerce 4.3.1 Import/export statistics 4.3.2 Major trade partners 4.3.3 Business category and model 4.3.4 Cross-border-related issues and challenges 4.4 E-commerce regulation and law 4.4.1 Domestic e-commerce laws and regulations 4.4.2 Government policies and initiatives to support e-commerce 4.4.3 International trade agreement 4.5 Challenges and Recommendations 4.5.1 Problems and challenges 4.5.2 Strategies and recommendations 4.6 Micro and SMEs (MSMEs) and e-commerce 4.6.1 MSME landscape in Russia 4.6.2 E-commerce challenges for MSMEs 4.6.3 Existing support for MSMEs e-commerce activities 4.7 Outlook and policy recommendations of e-commerce cooperation among BRICS Plus countries 4.7.1 Common problems and challenges for BRICS Plus countries 4.7.2 Potential of e-commerce cooperation among BRICS Plus countries 4.7.3 Promotion of dialogue to improve the business environment 4.7.4 Facilitation of cross-border e-trade and the digital economy 4.7.5 Cooperation with international organizations to prioritize e-commerce development needs 5 India E-Commerce Development Report 2018 5.1 Current status of connectivity and ICT infrastructure 5.1.1 Internet economy statistics-present and future 5.1.2 India’s drive for a cashless economy 5.1.3 Subscription data (as on September, 2017) 5.1.4 Connectivity and connection speed 5.2 Domestic e-commerce market 5.2.1 Indian e-commerce landscape 5.2.2 Trend analysis of sub-market in domestic e-commerce 5.2.3 New emerging e-business activities and strategies 5.2.4 Key players and associated technology theme 5.3 Cross-border e-commerce 5.3.1 Indian shoppers’ characteristics 5.3.2 Indian e-commerce companies have started to explore cross-border expansion plans 5.4 E-commerce regulation and law 5.4.1 Consumer protection 5.4.2 Payments 5.4.3 Contracts-validity of online contracts 5.4.4 Authentication and Identification 5.4.5 Privacy and data protection 5.4.6 IPR 5.4.7 Taxation 5.4.8 Equalization levy 5.4.9 Investment 5.4.10 Digital payments ecosystem on an upswing in India 5.5 Challenges and recommendations 5.5.1 Disruptions of existing business models often pose significant perception challenges 5.5.2 Internet access limited 5.5.3 Growing competition 5.5.4 Security 5.6 Micro and SMEs (MSMEs) and e-commerce 5.6.1 SME landscape in India 5.6.2 Initiatives to support MSMEs 5.6.3 E-commerce challenges for MSMEs ..........

2018金砖+国家电子商务发展报告(英文版) 作者简介

上海社会科学院经济研究所成立于1956年,主要从事政治经济学、西方经济学、经济思想史与经济史、人口资源与环境经济学、统计学与数量经济学等基础理论的研究。近年来,为顺应国家高端智库建设,经济研究所注重学科建设和智库发展双轮驱动。60多年来,上海社会科学院经济研究所云集了一批蜚声学界的经济学大师,形成了一批具有重要影响力的学术成果,打造了《上海经济发展蓝皮书》年度报告、《上海经济研究》期刊等一批学术品牌。近年来,上海社会科学院经济研究所加强同国内外学术机构、政府部门、社会组织和企业的交流,产出了大量决策咨询成果。 经济研究所于1981年获得政治经济学、中国经济史、经济思想史专业硕士学位授予权,1986年获得政治经济学博士学位授予权,2006年获得理论经济学一级学科博士学位授予权,并建有理论经济学博士后流动站。 联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO)(简称“工发组织”)成立于1966年,截至2017年12月31日,拥有168个成员国。作为联合国的一个专门机构,工发组织一直致力于促进减贫、包容性全球化和环境可持续的工业发展。2013年,工发组织《利马宣言》的通过和《2030年可持续发展议程》17项可持续发展目标的提出,赋予了工发组织新的使命,即推动成员国实现包容与可持续工业发展(ISID)以及可持续发展目标“建造具备抵御灾害能力的基础设施,促进具有包容性的可持续工业化,推动创新”。目前,工发组织以创造共享繁荣、提升经济竞争力和保护环境为宗旨,在农产工业和农村发展、贸易能力建设、质量基础设施建设、促进技术交流与转移、推动中小企业发展、促进性别平等、提高资源利用效率和低碳生产、推广清洁能源、执行多边环境协定等领域为成员国提供政策咨询,开展广泛的技术合作,为发展中国家和最不发达国家消除贫困,实现可持续发展作出了积极贡献,促进了世界发展与共同繁荣。
