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How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点)

How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点)

开本: 22cm 页数: 381页
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How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544768283
  • 条形码:9787544768283 ; 978-7-5447-6828-3
  • 装帧:精装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点) 本书特色


How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点) 内容简介


How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点) 目录

Sixteen Ways in Which This Book Will Help You
Preface How This Book Was Written—and Why
Part One Fundamental Facts You Should Know About Worry
Chapter 1 Live in “Day-tight Compartments”
Chapter 2 A Magic Formula for Solving Worry Situations
Chapter 3 What Worry May Do to You
Part Two Basic Techniques in Analysing Worry
Chapter 4 How to Analyse and Solve Worry Problems
Chapter 5 How to Eliminate Fifty Percent of Your Business Worries
Part Three How to Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You
Chapter 6 How to Crowd Worry Out of Your Mind
Chapter 7 Don’t Let the Beetles Get You Down
Chapter 8 A Law That Will Outlaw Many of Your Worries
Chapter 9 Co-operate with the Inevitable
Chapter 10 Put a “ Stop-Loss” Order on Your Worries
Chapter 11 Don’t Try to Saw Sawdust
Part Four Seven Ways to Cultivate a Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness
Chapter 12 Eight Words That Can Transform Your Life
Chapter 13 The High Cost of Getting Even
Chapter 14 If You Do This, You Will Never Worry About Ingratitude
Chapter 15 Would You Take a Million Dollars for What You Have?
Chapter 16 Find Yourself and Be Yourself: Remember There Is No
One Else on Earth Like You
Chapter 17 If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade
Chapter 18 How to Cure Melancholy in Fourteen Days
Part Five The Golden Rule for Conquering Worry
Chapter 19 How My Mother and Father Conquered Worry
Part Six How to Keep from Worrying About Criticism
Chapter 20 Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog
Chapter 21 Do This—and Criticism Can’t Hurt You
Chapter 22 Fool Things I Have Done
Part Seven Six Ways to Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your Energy and Spirits High
Chapter 23 How to Add One Hour a Day to Your Waking Life
Chapter 24 What Makes You Tired—and What You Can Do About It
Chapter 25 How the Housewife Can Avoid Fatigue—and Keep Looking Young
Chapter 26 Four Good Working Habits That Will Help Prevent Fatigue and Worry
Chapter 27 How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue, Worry,
and Resentment
Chapter 28 How to Keep from Worrying About Insomnia
Part Eight How to Find the Kind of Work in Which You May Be Happy and Successful
Chapter 29 The Major Decision of Your Life
Part Nine How to Lessen Your Financial Worries
Chapter 30 “Seventy Percent of All Our Worries....”
Part Ten “How I Conquered Worry” —32 True Stories
Six Major Troubles Hit Me All at Once
I Can Turn Myself into a Shouting Optimist Within an Hour
How I Got Rid of an Inferiority Complex
I Lived in the Garden of Allah
Five Methods I Use to Banish Worry
I Stood Yesterday. I Can Stand Today
I Did Not Expect to Live to See the Dawn
I Go to the Gym to Punch the Bag or Take a Hike Outdoors
I Was “the Worrying Wreck from Virginia Tech”
I Have Lived by This Sentence
I Hit Bottom and Survived
I Used to Be One of the World’s Biggest Jackasses
I Have Always Tried to Keep My Line of Supplies Open
I Heard a Voice in India
When the Sheriff Came in My Front Door
The Toughest Opponent I Ever Fought Was Worry
I Prayed to God to Keep Me Out of an Orphan’s Home
I Was Acting Like a Hysterical Woman
I Learned to Stop Worrying by Watching My Wife Wash Dishes
I Found the Answer—Keep Busy!
Time Solves a Lot of Things
I Was Warned Not to Try to Speak or to Move Even a Finger
I Am a Great Dismisser
If I Had Not Stopped Worrying, I Would Have Been in My Grave Long Ago
One at a Time Gentleman, One at a Time
I Now Look for the Green Light
How John D. Rockefeller Lived on Borrowed Time for Forty-five Years
Reading a Book on Sex Prevented My Marriage from Going on the Rocks
I Was Committing Slow Suicide Because I Didn’t Know How to Relax
A Real Miracle Happened to Me
I Was So Worried I Didn’t Eat a Bite of Solid Food for Eighteen Days

How to stop worrying and start living(人性的优点) 作者简介

  戴尔•卡耐基(Dale Carnegie ,1888—1955),美国著名心理学家和人际关系学家、成功学大师,被誉为“20世纪最伟大的心灵导师”“美国现代成人教育之父”。他一生致力于人性问题的研究,运用心理学和社会学知识,对人类共同的心理特点进行探索和分析,开创并发展出一套独特的融演讲、推销、为人处世、智能开发于一体的成人教育方式,唤起了无数有志青年的进取心。他在实践基础上撰写而成的《人性的优点》和《人性的弱点》等著作,被西方世界视为人际交往及驱除压力的经典,销量仅次于《圣经》。
