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新编英汉双语国际贸易实务 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787512408609
  • 条形码:9787512408609 ; 978-7-5124-0860-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

新编英汉双语国际贸易实务 内容简介


新编英汉双语国际贸易实务 目录

Situation 1 Business Preparation
Task 1 Acquaint Yourself with International Trading Policies
1.1 Task Description and Analysis
1.2 Basic Knowledge
1.2.1 International Trade
1.2.2 International Trade Policies
1.2.3 International Organizations
1.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 2 Familiar with the General Procedure of Export and Import Trade
2.1 Task Description and Analysis
2.2 Basic Knowledge
2.2.1 Export Procedure under CIF on the Side of Seller
2.2.2 Import Procedures under FOB on the Side of Buyer
2.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 3 Select Suitable Trade Mode to Explore Global Market
3.1 Task Description and Analysis
3.2 Basic Knowledge
3.2.1 Various Trade Modes in International Trade
3.2.2 Exploring the Global Market
3.3 Task Implementation and Experience

Situation 2 Contract Negotiation
Task 4 Stipulate the Name and Quality Clause of the Contract
4.1 Task Description and Analysis
4.2 Basic Knowledge
4.2.1 Composing the Name of Commodity
4.2.2 Composing Quality Clauses
4.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 5 Stipulate the Packing Clause of Contract
5.1 Task Description and Analysis
5.2 Basic Knowledge
5.2.1 Outer Packing
5.2.2 Sales Packing
5.2.3 Marks
5.2.4 Composing Packing Clause
5.3 Task Implementation
Task 6 Stipulate the Quantity Clause of the Contract
6.1 Task Description and Analysis
6.2 Basic Knowledge
6.2.1 Systems of Weights and Measures
6.2.2 Composing Quantity by Weight Clause
6.2.3 Composing Quantity Allowance Clause
6.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 7 Stipulate the Inspection Clause of the Contract
7.1 Task Description and Analysis
7.2 Basic Knowledge
7.2.1 General Introduction of Commodity Inspection
7.2.2 Composing Commodity Inspection Clause
7.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 8 Stipulate the Claim Clause of the Contract
8.1 Task Description and Analysis
8.2 Basic Knowledge
8.2.1 Stipulating Force Majeure Clause
8.2.2 Stipulating Arbitration Clause
8.2.3 Composing Claim Clauses
8.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 9 Stipulate the Payment Clause of the Contract
9.1 Task Description and Analysis
9.2 Basic Knowledge
9.2.1 Payment Instruments
9.2.2 Composing Payment Clauses under Remittance
9.2.3 Composing Payment Clauses under L/C
9.2.4 Composing Payment Clauses under Collection
9.2.5 Composing Composing Mixed Payment Clause
9.3 Task Implementation
Task 10 Select the Trade Terms of the Contract
10.1 Task Description and Analysis
10.2 Basic Knowledge
10.2.1 Incoterm 2010
10.2.2 Incoterm 2000
10.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 11 Stipulate the Shipment Clause of the Contract
11.1 Task Description and Analysis
11.2 Basic Knowledge
11.2.1 Various Transportation Modes in International Trade
11.2.2 Marine Transport Documents
11.2.3 Composing Shipment Clauses
11.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 12 Stipulate the Insurance Clause of Contract
12.1 Task Description and Analysis
12.2 Basic Knowledge
12.1.1 Insurance Coverage of Marine Cargo Transport
12.2.2 Marine Cargo Insurance Clauses of PICC and ICC
12.2.3 Composing Insurance Clauses
12.3 Task Implementation and Experience
Task 13 Calculate Export Price of the Contract
13.1 Task Description and Analysis
13.2 Basic Knowledge
13.2.1 Calculating Freight Charges & Insurance Premium
13.2.2 Calculating Total Cost & Target Profit
13.2.3 Quoting FOB, CFR & CIF Price
13.2.4 Calculating Commissions and Discounts
13.3 Task Implementation and Experience

Situation 3 Signing & Execution of Sales Contract
Task 14 Conclusion of the Sales Contract
STEP 1 Export License(optional)
STEP 2 Offer
STEP 3 Counter-offer
STEP 4 Acceptance
STEP 5 Conclusion of Contract
Task 15 Letter of Credit ("L/C"): Checking and Amendment
STEP 6 Letter on the Urging the Opening of the L/C(optional)
STEP 7 Receipt & Check of The Original L/C
STEP 8 Amendment to an L/C(optional)
Task 16 Prepare Cargoes for Export and Book Space
STEP 9 Transmitting the S/C into the Purchasing/production Order
STEP 10 Production follow-up
STEP 11 Preparing Commercial Invoice & Packing List
STEP 12 Filling in a Shipping Note & Arrange for Space Booking
Task 17 Apply Inspection for Cargoes
STEP 13 Fill in an Application Form for Inspection of Export Commodities
STEP 14 Issuance of the Quality Certificate & Customs Clearance Sheet
STEP 15 Preparing the GSP FormA
Task 18 International Cargo Transportation Insurance
STEP 16 Completing the Application for Transportation Insurance
STEP 17 Issuance of the Insurance Policy
Task 19 Customs Declaration of Export Cargo
STEP 18 Complete the Export Customs Declaration Form
Task 20 Shipment of Export Products
STEP 19 Issuance Of Bill Of Lading
STEP 20 Send Shipping Advice(装船通知) to the buyer
Task 21 Settle Foreign Exchange & Delivery of Goods
STEP 21 Prepare the Remaining Negotiating Documents under L/C
STEP 22 Deal with Bank Settlement
STEP 23 Delivery of Goods

Situation 4 Dispute Settlement
Task 22 Settlement of Disputes and Claims
22.1 Task Description and Analysis
22.2 Basic Knowledge
22.2.1 Breach of Contract and Remedies
22.2.2 The buyer's claim