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汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究 版权信息

汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究 本书特色

《同济博士论丛——汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究》研究汉语对话中的韵律趋同现象,是会话交流中韵律语用功能实现的研究之一。 《同济博士论丛——汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究》通过实验手段,对自然会话进行分析,研究的主要目的是探索汉语韵律趋同的规律,同时在可行范围内,对英汉韵律趋同规律进行比较,从韵律的语用功能实现上找出两种语言的异同。

汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究 内容简介

《同济博士论丛——汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究》研究汉语对话中的韵律趋同现象,是会话交流中韵律语用功能实现的研究之一。 《同济博士论丛——汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究》通过实验手段,对自然会话进行分析,研究的主要目的是探索汉语韵律趋同的规律,同时在可行范围内,对英汉韵律趋同规律进行比较,从韵律的语用功能实现上找出两种语言的异同。

汉语对话中韵律趋同的实验研究 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Key Terms 1.1.1 Entrainment 1.1.2 Speech Prosody 1.1.3 Prosodic Entrainment 1.2 Motivations 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Significance 1.5 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Relevant Studies 2.1 Theoretical Research 2.1.1 Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) 2.1.2 The Chameleon Effect and Perception-Behavior Link 2.1.3 Interactive Alignment Model 2.2 Empirical Research 2.2.1 Studies of Entrainment over Language Components 2.2.2 Studies of Entrainment and Its Pragmatic Functions 2.3 Differences Between the Present Study and the Previous OnesChapter 3 Corpus and Annotation 3.1 Tongji Games Corpus 3.1.1 Subjects 3.1.2 Facilities and Settings 3.1.3 Games 3.1.4 Gender Groups Control 3.1.5 Roles Control 3.1.6 Tone Units in Carrier Sentences 3.1.7 Corpus Description 3.2 Annotation 3.2.1 IPU Segmentation 3.2.2 Annotation in Praat 3.2.3 F0 Modification 3.2.4 Variables 3.2.5 Data Extraction 3.2.6 Weighted Average of Larger Units than IPUs 3.2.7 Turn IdentificationChapter 4 Entrainment at Multiple Levels 4.1 Entrainment at Conversation Level 4.1.1 Proximity at Conversation Level 4.1.2 Convergence at Conversation Level 4.1.3 Entrainment Degree at Conversation Level 4.1.4 Summary of the Results 4.2 Entrainment at Turn Level 4.2.1 Proximity at Turn Level 4.2.2 Convergence at Turn Level 4.2.3 Synchrony at Turn Level 4.2.4 Summary of Results 4.3 Entrainment over Tone Units 4.3.1 Proximity over Tone Units 4.3.2 Convergence over Tone Units 4.3.3 Synchrony over Tone Units 4.3.4 Entrainment of Tones 4.3.5 Summary of Results 4.4 Cross-level Comparison 4.4.1 Comparison of Proximity 4.4.2 Comparisons of Convergence 4.4.3 Comparison of Synchrony 4.5 DiscussionsChapter 5 Entrainment from Social Aspect 5.1 Entrainment and Gender 5.1.1 Proximity of Pairs with Different Gender Combination 5.1.2 Entrainment Degree of the Pairs with Different Gender Combination 5.1.3 Summary of the Results 5.2 Entrainment and Role 5.2.1 Role Influence Test 5.2.2 Role Direction Test 5.2.3 Summary of the Results 5.3 DiscussionChapter 6 Comparison of Prosodic Entrainment with English 6.1 Two Corpora 6.1.1 Columbia Games Corpus 6.1.2 The Relation Between Two Corpora 6.2 Comparison Between Mandarin and English 6.2.1 Comparison at Conversation Level 6.2.2 Comparison at Turn Level 6.2.3 Comparison Among Different Gender Groups 6.3 Absolute Entrainment and Relative Entrainment 6.4 Summary of Comparison 6.5 DiscussionChapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Major Findings 7.2 Limitations of this ResearchReferencesAppendix ( A - L )Afterwords