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新时代大学学术英语视听说教程:下册:学生用书 版权信息

新时代大学学术英语视听说教程:下册:学生用书 内容简介


新时代大学学术英语视听说教程:下册:学生用书 目录

【contents】 Unit 1 Higher Education Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening: What Is a MOOC? Part 2 Viewing iewing 1: How to Take Great Notes Academic Listening Skill -Note-taking (l): the outline method Viewing 2: Listening to Lectures Academic Listening Skill -Note-taking (ll): the mind-mapping method Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill Making requests Academic Speaking Skill-Deciding on the topic and focus for a presentation Unit 2 Social Networks Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening: Online Sociality Linked to Lower Death Risk Part 2 Viewing Viewing1: What Does Chinese Social Media Look Like? Academic Listening Skill -Note-taking (lll): the Cornell method Viewing 2: How Social Media Makes Us Unsocial Academic Listening Skill Note-taking (IV): the charting method Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill-Giving compliments Academic Speaking Skill-Organizing- your presentation Unit 3 Medical Care Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening: Man vs Bacteria Part 2 Viewing Viewing 1: What Is Public Health? Academic Listening Skill -Note-taking (V): symbols and abbreviations_ Viewing2: Why Is Health Insurance So Complicated? Academic Listening Skill Note-taking (VI): reviewing notes Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill-Showing compassion Academic Speaking Skill-Opening a presentation Unit 4 Gender Equality Lead-in Part Listening Listening: The Future of Gender Equality at Work Part 2 Viewing Viewing 1: Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone-Men Included(To Be Continued) Academic Listening Skill- Distinguishing facts from opinions Viewing 2: Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone-Men Included (Continued) Academic Listening Skill--Distinguishing perspectives from stances Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill-Expressing wishes Academic Speaking Skill -Referring to slides during presentation Unit 5 Artificial Intelligence Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening: Learn to Talk about Artificial Intelligence Part 2 Viewing Viewing 1: What Is Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning? Academic Listening Skill-Recognizing similarity and difference Viewing 2: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence through Deep Learning Academic Listening Skill-Recognizing problems and solutions Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill Making predictions Academic Speaking Skill-Keeping your audience's attention Unit 6 Communication Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening 1: This Algorithm Can Predict Relationship Trouble Part 2 Viewing Viewing 1: How to Have Better Communication Skills Academic Listening Skill-Recognizing emphasizing strategies /iewing 2: Interpersonal Communication in the Future World Academic Listening Skill-Recognizing reasons and explanations Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill-Showing gratitude Academic Speaking Skill-Concluding a presentation Unit 7 Forces of Nature Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening: Climate Change Is Happening Part Viewing Viewing 1: What Can You Do Right Now to Save the Earth? Academic Listening Skill-Recognizing attitudes Viewing 2: Seven Tips on How to Survive Natural Disasters Academic Listening skill-Recognizing cause and effect relationships Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill-Expressing intentions and plans Academic Speaking Skill-Asking and answering questions Unit 8 Behavioral Science Lead-in Part 1 Listening Listening: Keep Your Goals to Yourself Part 2 Viewing Viewing 1: Grit-the Power of Passion and Perseverance Academic Listening Skill -Recognizing conclusion Viewing 2: Daily Habits of Successful People Academic Listening. Skill-Recognizing referencing language Part 3 Speaking Communicating Skill- Making apologies Academic Speaking Skill- Giving and responding to feedback