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温病学 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117255530
  • 条形码:9787117255530 ; 978-7-117-25553-0
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

温病学 本书特色

《黄帝内经》、《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》、《温病条辨》是具有里程碑意义的四部中医经典巨著,对古代乃至现代中医药学的理论发展和临床实践都有着巨大的指导作用与研究价值。(1)本丛书选辑经典中的主要内容给予准确的英译,*次为国内外学习中医者提供四部经典的英语系列教材(或普及读物);(2)两位主编均是长期从事中医临床、教学和科研的资深教授、博导,一位至今仍在加拿大从事中医药(包括四部经典)的英语教学,并已撰写写经过多个英语班教学实践的讲稿;(3)体例上,在分类选辑原文的基础上,针对每段原文给予“概述”、“评论”,力求对中医经典的学术思想、观点、法则进行准确而系统的诠释、挖掘与升华;(4)特设“临床应用”栏,突出了后世对经典的传承,让读者体会到中医经典的理论价值及其对临床的指导、启发作用,从而防止学习中医经典时易产生的抽象、枯燥感;(5)英文翻译上,实行意译为主、适当配合直译和音译的方针,力求用大众化的英语准确地表述中医的本义,尽量防止“外国人英译的中医书缺乏中医的味道”,而“中国人英译的中医书外国人看不懂”的通病。⑹ 国内外至今尚未见到中医经典的英语教材或普及读物的正式出版,而学习、研究中医经典早已是国外中医学校的学生、国内的留学生的强烈要求,但苦于缺乏适合的英语教材或读物。本丛书不仅具有创新性和先进性,而且也有广泛的读者群及销售对象。

温病学 内容简介


温病学 目录

Instructions on Compilation and Translation Brief Introduction to the Study on Warm Disease General Exposition Chapter I Concept of Warm Disease Section 1 Definition of Warm Disease Section 2 Characteristics of Warm Disease Section 3 Range and Classification of Warm Disease Chapter ]1 Etiology and Occurrence of Warm Disease Section 1 Primary Pathogenic Mechanism of Warm Disease Section 2 Common Pathogenic Features of Warm Pathogens Section 3 Respective Pathogenic Features of Different Warm Pathogens Section 4 Main Factors Affecting Occurrence of Warm Disease Section 5 Basic Types of Occurrence of Warm Disease Chapter 111 Pattern Differentiation of Warm Disease Section 1 Differentiation of Wei-Qi-Ying-Xue Phases Section 2 Differentiation of the Three Jiao Patterns Section 3 Organic Integration between the Two Differentiation Outlines Chapter W Specific Diagnostic Techniques of Warm Disease Section 1 Differentiation of Fever Section 2 Differentiation of Abnormal Sweating Section 3 Differentiation of Thirst Section 4 Differentiation of Mental Abnormality Section 5 Differentiation of Convulsion Section 6 Differentiation of Syncope and Collapse Section 7 Inspection of Skin Eruptions Section 8 Inspection of Tongue Condition Section 9 Inspection of Teeth with Gums and Throat Chapter V Treatment of Warm Disease Section 1 General Therapeutic Principles of Warm Disease Section 2 Specific Therapeutic Rules and Basic Formulas of Warm Disease Section 3 Treatment of Concomitant Syndromes of Warm Disease Section 4 Recuperative Methods of Warm Disease in Recovery Period Chapter VIII Prevention of Warm Disease Section 1 Prevention of Warm Disease Based on Three Key Links Section 2 Preventive Principles and Measures of Warm Disease Respective Exposition Chapter VII Dry-heat Category of Warm Diseases Section 1 Wind-Warm Disease Section 2 Spring-Warm Disease Section 3 Summer-Warm Disease Section 4 Autumn-Dryness Disease Section 5 Basic Syndromes and Treatment of Dry-Heat Category of Warm Diseases Chapter VIII Damp-Heat Category of Warm Diseases Section 1 Damp-Warm Disease Section 2 Summer Heat-Damp Disease Section 3 Latent Summer Disease Section 4 Basic Syndromes and Treatment of Damp-Heat Category of Warm Diseases Chapter IX Warm-Toxin Warm Diseases Section 1 Swollen Head Warm Disease Section 2 Scarlet Fever Section 3 Basic Syndromes and Treatment of Warm-Toxin Warm Diseases Chapter X Warm Pestilences Section 1 Damp-Heat Pestilence Section 2 Summer Heat-Dryness Pestilence Section 3 Basic Syndromes and Treatment of Warm Pestilences Appendixes List of Main Reference Books Index of the Formulas in this Book