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化身博士-纯英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568275941
  • 条形码:9787568275941 ; 978-7-5682-7594-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

化身博士-纯英文版 内容简介

  罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森是英国的一位全才作家。他从小体弱多病,虽在25岁获得律师资格,却从事了写作。《金银岛》让他声名大噪。《化身博士》则被认为是心理小说的先驱、现代侦探小说的鼻祖,其主人公善与恶、文明与原欲、本我与超我相悖离的心理分裂状态一下子就征服了读者。小说出版6个月内即在英国售出了4万本,从女王到平民都在读,在美国更生出了25万本盗版。其影响如此巨大,已经成了英语的一部分,“Jekyll and Hyde”指“双重人格的人”。史蒂文森曾周游欧美,在法国邂逅长他10岁的妻子,这些经历为其作品提供了想象的空间。一次与朋友在家中聚会时,他意外与世长辞,时年44岁。  伦敦的杰基尔医生秘密地研发出一种能将人内心的阴影与外在的人格面具分离出来的药水。他能随心所欲地变成另一个肉身——矮小丑陋、寻欢作乐的海德先生。海德在外干尽坏事,回家再服一剂药水,又变回受人尊敬的杰基尔博士。内心的欲望一旦释放,就如同酒精一样,叫人欲罢不能,这几乎控制了杰基尔整个人。海德在街上肆无忌惮地杀人,遭到通缉。由于缺少主要原料,变身用的药水很快就要用光,杰基尔将永远成为海德。罪行即将暴露的恐惧撕扯着杰基尔的内心,在绝望中他结束了自己的生命,但警方在他家里找到的却是海德的尸体。只有杰基尔手写的忏悔书才揭示了他真实的身份。  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):化身博士》的缘起是史蒂文森做的一个噩梦,在梦中他变身为另一个可怕的男人,在暗巷为非作歹。他在3天内把梦中的这段经历写了下来,却被妻子评为“低级小说”。于是他便把整份稿子烧毁,花了6天时间把作品重新创作出来。

化身博士-纯英文版 目录

Chapter 1 A Terrible Scene
Chapter 2 Blackmail...
Chapter 3 A Strange Will
Chapter 4 Mr. Hyde and Mr. Seek
Chapter 5 Blackmail... or Murder?
Chapter 6 A Lawyer's Promise
Chapter 7 Detective Newcomb
Chapter 8 Hyde's Disappearance
Chapter 9 Hyde's Letter
Chapter 10 A Study of Two Handwritings
Chapter 11 Dr. Lanyon's Last Days
Chapter 12 Conversation from the Window
Chapter 13 The Search for a Strange Medicine
Chapter 14 The Office Door
Chapter 15 Where Is Jekyll?
Chapter 16 Lanyon's Letter
Chapter 17 The Twins of Good and Evil
Chapter 18 The Man Who Died Twice

化身博士-纯英文版 节选

  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):化身博士》:  "Did this... this man try to fight with you?" asked Mr. Utterson.  "No," answered Richard. "He did not seem to care at all. He did not resist me as I took him back to the child. By this time, a group of people had gathered around her, because they had heard her screams. They were the child's family, who lived two houses down from the corner. Luckily, a doctor soon joined the group. The little girl had been sent to get him, because her mother was sick. He told us that she was only hurt a little, but she was of course badly frightened."  "All this time I kept a tight hold on the man. He seemed so ugly and frightening to me that I hated to touch him. I could see the others hated him too, for his appearance as well as for what he had done. Even the doctor, who is accustomed to terrible sights, would not go near him."  "Why? Was he deformed?" asked Mr. Utterson. "Or scarred on his face?"  Richard shook his head. "No, but there was a feeling of deformity about him. He looked like everyone else and yet he did not. There was something strange and horrible about his appearance. He seemed like an evil animal on the inside. I cannot speak more clearly than that. Perhaps his nature was evil, so that he made others hate and fear him. I do not know."  "But what about the door? You said your adventure involved that door across the street," said the lawyer, who was good at getting people to tell their stories quickly.  "Yes, I'm coming to that," said Richard. "We were all so angry that we promised to destroy his name in London society. We told him we would tell everyone what he had done. Then the man became rather frightened, although he tried to hide it. At last he offered money to the child's family.  ……
