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泌尿系统疾病(第2版)(影印)/奈特图解医学全集第5卷 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787565920240
  • 条形码:9787565920240 ; 978-7-5659-2024-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

泌尿系统疾病(第2版)(影印)/奈特图解医学全集第5卷 内容简介


泌尿系统疾病(第2版)(影印)/奈特图解医学全集第5卷 目录

SECTION 1 ANATOMY OF THE URINARY TRACT 1-1 Kidney: Position and Relations(Anterior View) 1-2 Kidney: Position and Relations(Posterior View) 1-3 Kidney: Position and Relations(Transverse Sections) 1-4 Kidney: Gross Structure 1-5 Renal Fascia 1-6 Ureters: Position Relations GrossStructure 1-7 Bladder: Position Relations GrossStructure (Male) 1-8 Bladder: Position Relations GrossStructure (Female) 1-9 Bladder: Position Relations GrossStructure (Coronal Cross-Section) ] 1-10 Renal Vasculature: Renal Artery and Vein In Situ 1-11 Renal Vasculature: Renal Artery SegmentalBranches and Intrarenal Arteries 1-12 Renal Vasculature: Variations in Renal Artery and Vein 1-13 Vasculature of Ureters and Bladder 1-14 Innervation of Kidneys Ureters and Bladder 1-15 Innervation Pathways of the Kidneys and Upper Ureter 1-16 Innervation Pathways of the Ureter and Bladder 1-17 Lymphatics of Urinary System 1-18 Overview of the Nephron 1-19 Renal Microvasculature 1-20 Glomerulus: Structure and Histology 1-21 Glomerulus Fine Structure 1-22 Glomerulus: Electron Microscopy 1-23 Proximal TubuLe 1-24 Thin Limb 1-25 Distal Tubule 1-26 Collecting Duct 1-27 Renal Pelvis Ureter and Bladder SECTION 2 NORMAL AND ABNORMAL DEVELOPMENT 2-1 Development of Kidney 2-2 Development of Kidney: Nephron Formation 2-3 Development of Bladder and Ureter: Formation of the Cloaca 2-4 Development of Bladder and Ureter: Septation Incorporation of Ureters and Maturation 2-5 Renal Ascent and Ectopia: Normal Renal Ascent and Pelvic Kidney 2-6 Renal Ascent and Ectopia: Thoracic and Crossed Ectopic Kidney 2-7 Renal Rotation and Malrotation 2-8 Anomalies in Number of Kidneys: Bilateral Renal Agenesis 2-9 Anomalies in Number of Kidneys: Unilateral Renal Agenesis 2-10 Anomalies in Number of Kidneys: Supernumerary Kidney 2-11 Renal Fusion 2-12 Renal Dysplasia 2-13 Renal Hypoplasia 2-14 Simple Cysts 2-15 Polycystic Kidney Disease: Gross Appearance 2-16 Polycystic Kidney Disease: Radiographic Findings 2-17 Medullary Sponge Kidney 2-18 Nephronophthisis/Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease Complex 2-19 Retrocaval Ureter: Radiographic Findings and Laparoscopic Repair 2-20 Retrocaval Ureter: Normal Development of the Inferior Vena Cava 2-21 Vesicoureteral Reflux: Mechanism and Grading