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安徒生童话全集:英文版(全2册) 版权信息

安徒生童话全集:英文版(全2册) 本书特色

从远古的回顾到今天的眺望,如果只选择停留在原点,便永远望不见地平线另一端的模样。成长,是一个过程,如果不能让脚步飞扬,那么就该让思想插上翅膀。童话与故事赐予我们想象,它们是基石,垫高我们迈向前方的脚。当我们把“为什么”变成惊叹号,当我们无畏地闯入大自然的怀抱,成长的轨迹便会向未来伸展成有力的形状。   用精美的图片张扬自然的力量,用传神的文字解读知识的彷徨。让我们放下沉甸甸的书包,以轻松的姿态来阅读这个世界。透过图书让视野扩容,在这里,或绘制或拍摄的图片异彩纷呈,或知识或故事的文字娓娓道来,就这样缩短时与空的距离,让昨天、今天与明天衔接成一条光滑的弧线——我们在成长。   翻开这本《安徒生童话》,它将带你走进一个轻松而美好的童话世界。编者通过加注拼音使父母们可以牵着孩子们的手,一起静静地阅读,细细地回想,让这些耳热能详的古老而神奇的故事在孩子们心间流动。通过编者精心挑选的四十余则故事,更大限度地满足孩子们的需求,再配以精美的插图带来全新的感受和深深的触动,让孩子们拥有这些历久弥醇的智慧和情感,这也是编者的心愿。正如这些古老的故事可以赋予当代儿童丰富的内涵,从而影响他们的一生,新鲜的编撰方式也会给予这些经典以新的灵魂,从而走入当代儿童的成长历程,让古代与现代相连,让经典与时尚融合。

安徒生童话全集:英文版(全2册) 内容简介

  《安徒生童话全集(英文版 套装上下册)》选用的美国翻译家赫尔舒特英文译本。  通过这套英文译本,读者朋友不仅可以欣赏优美动人的安徒生童话故事,更可以学到真诚、友爱与智慧!  愿《安徒生童话全集(英文版 套装上下册)》永远陪伴你,一起记录你的欢乐、你的悲伤、你的成长!The Complete Andersen includes first prints (they had never been printed in Danish, either) of no less than three fairy tales: Folks say, The Poor Woman and the Little Canary Bird, and Urbanus; the edition also includes The Pigs from the travel book In Sweden, the whole Picture Book Without Pictures, which is often placed among the travel books, and the novel Lucky Peer which may also with all reason be called a fairy tale novel. Normally, Lucky Peer is ranged as a novel.The list of works translated by Hersholt includes the original 156 printed in Andersen's own time plus the fairy tales found in his papers—and published after his death: The Court Cards, Croak!, Danish Popular Legends, God Can Never Die, The Penman, The Talisman, and This Fable is Intended for You.

安徒生童话全集:英文版(全2册) 节选

  he Gardener and the Noble Family  bout four miles from the city stood an old manor house withthick walls.towers,and pointed gables.Here lived,but onlyin the Summer seaS0n a rich and noble family. Of all thedifferent estates they owned,this was the best and the mostbeautiful:on the outside it looked as if it had just been cast in a,foundrv.and the inside was made for comfort and ease..Fhefamily coat of arms was carved in stone over the gate;beautitUllscs climbed about the arnls and the balconies;the COHrtyardwas covered with grass:there were red thorn and whit‘th”1”I,and many’“‘flowers even outside the greenhouse.  Thc oWncrs of the manor house also had a very skillful gardener.It was aoleasure to see the flower garden,thc orchard,and the vegetable garden,A partLf thc manor’s original old garden was still there’consisting of a icw box—treehedCes Cut S0 that they formed crowns and pyramids. Behind these stoo.d two old,htv trees,almost always without leaves,and one might easily think that a stormor.aterspout had scattered great lumps of dirt on their branches;bu;each lump.was a bird’s nest.Here,from time immemorial.a screaming swarin ot crows an.drooks had built their nests:it was a regular bird town,and the birds were tn‘oWners,thc manor’s oldest family—thc real lordship!Thc people below mean!nothing to them:they tolerated these crawling creatures,even if every now andthcn t‘cv shot with their guns,making the birds’backbones shiver,so that everybird flew up in fear and cried,“Rak!Rak!”  The gardener often spoke to the noble family about cutting down the Old tr,ee,s; did not look well,and by taking them away they might also get nd theshriacking birds,which then would probably look for another place.But the fa,milydid not want to give up either the trees or the swarm of birds;that was somethingthe manOr C0uld not lose. something from the olden times,which should never beforgotten.  Wda;Whv.those trees are thc birds’heritage by this time,so let them keep them,mv good Larsen!”Larsen was the gardener‘s name,but that 1s oi very tittleenCe to this story.  “Haen’t you space enough to work in ittle Larsen?Have you not the flowergarden.the greenhouse,the orchard,and the vegetable garden ‘Ycs.those he had,andhc cared for them;he kept them in order and cultivatedthcm with affection and ability,and that the noble family knew;but they did—n”tconccal from him that they often saw flowers and tasted fruits in other people’shomcs that surpassed what they had in their garden,and that made the gardenersad.for he always wished to do his best and really did his best.He was~ood’hearted and a gOOd and faithful worker.一 One dav the nOb.1e family sent for him and told him,very kindly,that the daybefore.at some distinguished friend’s home,they had eaten apples and pears thatwere so juicy and so well flavored that they and all the other guests had expressedthcir admiration.It was doubtful if the fruits were native,but they’ought to beimposed and grown here.provided thc climate would permit it.It was known thathad been bought from the finest fruit dealer in thc city,and it was decided  to go ther‘and find ou.‘where these”“pearcal leand then order some slips for grafting The gardener knew the fruit dealer  ……

安徒生童话全集:英文版(全2册) 作者简介

