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E英语教程 4

E英语教程 4

开本: 16开 页数: 204
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E英语教程 4 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787521300307
  • 条形码:9787521300307 ; 978-7-5213-0030-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

E英语教程 4 内容简介


E英语教程 4 目录

UNIT 1 Listening and speaking ·Listening for weak forms of certain words ·Asking about certainty ·Expressing certainty/uncertainty Reading ·Passage A Youth basketball: Ten life lessons to teach your team ·Passage B One stray kick Grammar Inverted sentences Writing Notices and posters Culture express Famous figures and their inspirational stories UNIT 2 Listening and speaking ·Listening for opposing ideas/ opinions ·Showing gratitude & responses Reading ·Passage A Super Jam yields fruit for young entrepreneur ·Passage B Four phases of design thinking Grammar Ellipses & substitutions Writing Letters Culture express Chanel UNIT 3 Listening and speaking ·Listening for logical stresses ·Emphasizing Reading ·Passage A Animals as teachers ·Passage B Artists' personal lives: Does it play a role in how you view their art? Grammar Subject clauses & object clauses Writing envelopes & postcards Culture express Olympic mascots UNIT 4 Listening and speaking ·Listening for cause and effect ·Asking for permission ·Refusing/Giving permission Reading ·Passage A My rocky recovery from iPhone abuse ·Passage B Andy Warhol: Turn high art into a brand Grammar Predicative clauses & appositive clauses Writing Letters of thanks & letters of apology Culture express An ancient painting revived by high technology UNIT 5 Listening and speaking ·Listening for sense groups ·Expressing regret & responses Reading ·Passage A A dance with-Dad ·Passage B The story behind a masterpiece Grammar Attributive clauses Writing Letters of invitation Culture express Schools of modern art UNIT 6 Listening and speaking ·Listening for sequence ·Asking & talking about differences ·Asking & talking about similarities Reading ·Passage A English humor vs. American humor: Is there a difference? ·Passage B The mystery of Girl with a Pearl Earring Grammar Adverbial clauses Writing Letters of congratulation Culture express Broadway musicals UNIT 7 Listening and speaking ·Listening for the main idea of lectures ·Talking about aims and purposes Reading ·Passage A Subsidized in the city ·Passage B Street art Grammar The subjunctive mood (i) Writing Resume Culture express Parkour UNIT 8 Listening and speaking ·Listening to speeches ·Predicting Reading ·Passage A The evolution of the American college dorm ·Passage B Forerunners of football Grammar The subjunctive mood (ii) Writing Cover letters Culture express The World Cup Vocabulary