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飘-纯英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568271486
  • 条形码:9787568271486 ; 978-7-5682-7148-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

飘-纯英文版 本书特色


飘-纯英文版 内容简介

  《飘》自问世以来,其销量一直位于美国小说前列,仅低于《圣经》,被翻译成27种文字,畅销全球。当时,人们争相一睹作者玛格丽特·米切尔的芳容,她所到之处,迎接她的人数甚至比迎接罗斯福总统的还要多。她一生只创作了这一部作品,在世界文学史中却拥有不可动摇的地位。  斯佳丽是一位被宠坏的、控制欲极强的大庄园主的女儿,刚刚成年,却目睹战争永远卷走了她富贵的生活。这是一部错综复杂的充满爱和勇气的长篇小说,极其深入地探索了人类的爱情,栩栩如生地刻画出许多令读者难以忘怀的角色:斯佳丽、阿什礼、瑞特、梅拉妮……尤其是斯佳丽,美丽、单纯、痴情、自私、顽强、勇敢、狡诈、有责任感。在苦难的战争中,她是女中丈夫,也是活在自己幻想里的小女孩。这个复杂形象,颠覆了传统女性过于单一的特征,已经成为西方女孩的标志。就像中国的林黛玉,可以说在美国到处都有斯佳丽的影子。即使没读过这本书,你也可能听说过书中的名言:“Tomorrow is another day.”

飘-纯英文版 目录

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

飘-纯英文版 节选

  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):飘》:  Ashley was not like the other boys who had flirted with her~, brought her flowers, and asked her to dances and parties. Scarlett was used to being the prettiest girl at a party and getting the most attention from boys. Truthfully, Scarlett thought that men were the most interesting thing in the world. She was the sort of girl who did not have girl friends. To her, other girls were enemies in the search for men.  It was true that Ashley had never told Scarlett he loved her. Unlike Scarlett, who usually said exactly what she thought, Ashley was quiet. And yet, Scarlett knew that he loved her. It was a strong, deep belief that had no reason. But Scarlett had seen the way he often looked at her. He looked at her as if he was starving, and she was food. These looks of Ashley's sent chills down Scarlett's back. Why hadn't he told her that he loved her? Scarlett couldn't understand. But then, there were lots of things about Ashley that she couldn't understand.  No one really knew him very well. He was just as good at dancing, gambling, hunting, and drinking as any of the other boys she knew, yet Ashley was different. These kinds of activities were not the goal of life to him. Ashley enjoyed more serious things like music, books and poetry. Scarlett guessed that he did not want to be a rich plantation owner like his father.  Oh, why was he so interesting? He was like a closed door, and she couldn't find the key. Many times Scarlett had tried to discover the reason why she loved him. After all, she thought books and poetry were boring. The mystery of Ashley burned in Scarlett's simple heart. The things about him that she didn't understand only made her want him more.  ……

飘-纯英文版 作者简介

