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大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation

大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation

开本: 26cm 页数: 200页
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大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301307779
  • 条形码:9787301307779 ; 978-7-301-30777-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation 本书特色


大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation 内容简介


大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation 目录

Table of Contents
Unit 1Education 1
Part One  Topic Discussion 2
Part Two  In-class Reading 2
Text A Education Is Supposed to Make You Rich,
Not Wealthy 3
Part Three After-class Reading 16
Text B Secrets of Straight-A Students 17
Part Four  Writing Practice 22
Legal English 1What Is A Contract? 23

Unit 2Internet 27
Part One  Topic Discussion 28
Part Two  In-class Reading 28
Text A Put on Your Mask and Behave Badly 29
Part Three After-class Reading 40
Text B Why Everyone Is Worried 42
Part Four  Writing Practice 46
Legal English 2How Is A Contract Formed? 47

Unit 3Psychology 51
Part One  Topic Discussion 52
Part Two  In-class Reading 52
Text A I抎 Love to Live a More Rounded Life,
But I抦 Too Flat Out 53
Part Three After-class Reading 65
Text B Introduction of Culture Shock:
A Fish out of Water 65
Part Four  Writing Practice 70
Legal English 3The Textual Structure of a Contract 71

Unit 4Career 76
Part One  Topic Discussion 77
Part Two  In-class Reading 77
Text A Do We Really Need Lawyers? 78
Part Three After-class Reading 90
Text B A Very Social Career 91
Part Four  Writing Practice 96
Legal English 4The Major Provisions of a Contract 97

Unit 5Discrimination 101
Part One  Topic Discussion 102
Part Two  In-class Reading 102
Text A Almost Famous 103
Part Three After-class Reading 116
Text B Generation Q 118
Part Four  Writing Practice 122
Legal English 5Six Levels of Domestic Law in China 123

Unit 6Culture 128
Part One  Topic Discussion 129
Part Two  In-class Reading 129
Text A East and West桽eeing the World
Through Different Lenses 130
Part Three After-class Reading 142
Text B Sentimentality in Contemporary Culture 143
Part Four  Writing Practice 148
Legal English 6What Is the EJV? 149

Unit 7Society 153
Part One  Topic Discussion 154
Part Two  In-class Reading 154
Text A Britain抯 Great Divide 155
Part Three After-class Reading 166
Text B Why the M Word Matters to Me 167
Part Four  Writing Practice 171
Legal English 7An Introduction to Legal Writing 172

Unit 8Medicine 176
Part One  Topic Discussion 177
Part Two  In-class Reading 177
Text A Traditional Chinese Medicine 178
Part Three After-class Reading 189
Text B A Universal Flu Vaccine 190
Part Four  Writing Practice 195
Legal English 8Features of Legal Writing 196

大学英语教程:政法类院校版:2:2:读写译:Reading, writing and translation 作者简介

