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大学英语公众演讲 版权信息

大学英语公众演讲 本书特色


大学英语公众演讲 内容简介

《大学英语公众演讲》以介绍和详解英语演讲的基本知识和基本技能为主,同时包括了演讲学与社会道德、演讲学与语言应用、演讲与英语口语、演讲与英语写作等方面的内容,其中还特别设计了解决中国学生演讲学习过程中特殊问题的板块Resolving EFL Learners' Problems。

大学英语公众演讲 目录

Unit 1 Introduction to Public Speaking Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 2 Ethics in Public Speaking Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 3 Selecting Topics Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 4 The Body of the Speech Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 5 Beginning and Ending the Speech Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 6 Outlining Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 7Use of Language Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking Unit 8Analyzing Your Audience Part I Building a Deeper Understanding Part II Appreciating the Speech Part III Turning Theory into Practice Part IV Resolving EFL Learners' Problems Part V Developing Critical Thinking …… Unit 9 Skills of Delivery Unit 10 UseofVisuaIAids Unit 11 InformativeSpeech Unit 12 Persuasive Speech Unit 13 Speeches on Special Occasions Unit 14 ImpromptuSpeech