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农林学科英语 版权信息

农林学科英语 本书特色

本教材定位为农林类学科通用学术英语。选材兼顾学术性和趣味性,每个单元包括与农林学科相关的三篇阅读文章,内容和话题具有较高的相关性。*篇为概述、背景介绍类文章;第二篇为本单元话题涉及的相关问题、热点话题类文章;第三篇为与*技术或未来展望相关的文章。三篇文章之后为词汇、学术阅读、学术写作以及听力练习。本教材既适用于农林类高等院校老师课堂教学和学生课下学习,也适用于从事农林相关行业工作的科技人员进行自学。 本教材的练习参考答案和教学课件请在 ftp://ftp.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn/上进行下载。

农林学科英语 内容简介

1. 基于教育部等国家部门关于农林人才教育培养计划,聚焦*行业动向。
2. 选材新颖,主题丰富,兼顾专业性和趣味性。
3. 重点培养学生学术阅读、写作、听力和口语等全方位技能。
4. 着力培养学生的批判性思维和创新意识

农林学科英语 目录

Part A Texts / 02
01 Unit 1
Passage 1 What Is a Forest? / 02
Passage 2 Global Forest Resources Assessment / 04 Passage 3 Challenges and Opportunities for Forests / 05 Part B Vocabulary / 09 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 10 Skimming and Scanning / 10 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 13 Writing Topic Sentences / 13 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 15 Listening for Main Ideas and Note-taking / 15 Part F Integrated Exercises / 18
Part A Texts / 26
25 Unit 2
Passage 1 What Is Urban Agriculture? / 26
Urban Agriculture
Passage 2 Food Price Volatility and the Urban Poor / 27 Passage 3 Agronomic Considerations for Urban Agriculture in Southern Cities / 29 Part B Vocabulary / 33 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 34 Generalization-specification / 34 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 37 Classification and Citation / 37 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 42 Understanding Main Ideas and Supporting Evidence / 42 Part F Integrated Exercises / 46 Part A Texts / 54
53 Unit 3
Passage 1 What Is Biodiversity? / 54
Passage 2 The Loss of Diversity: Causes and Consequences / 56 Passage 3 A To-Do List for the World’s Parks / 59 Part B Vocabulary / 62 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 63 Main Ideas and Supporting Details / 63 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 65 Cause and Effect / 65 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 68 Recognizing Cause and Effect Relationship / 68 Part F Integrated Exercises / 70
Part A Texts / 78
77 Unit 4
Passage 1 Carbon Sequestration / 78
Passage 2 The Ecological Footprint / 80 Passage 3 Signs of Hope for Nature in a Rapidly Degrading World / 83 Part B Vocabulary / 85 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 86 Interpretation of Visual Information / 86 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 89 Description of Process / 89 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 92
Recognizing the Language for Introducing Process, Tendency or Change / 92 Part F Integrated Exercises / 94
Part A Texts / 102
101 Unit 5
Passage 1 Landscape Architecture / 102
Landscape Architecture
Passage 2 Green Infrastructure / 103 Passage 3 Sponge City: Solutions for China’s Thirsty and Flooded Cities / 106 Part B Vocabulary / 109 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 111 Problem and Solution / 111 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 113 Definition / 113 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 115 Recognizing Definitions and Key Facts in a Lecture / 115 Part F Integrated Exercises / 118
Part A Texts / 126
125 Unit 6
Passage 1 Desertification / 126
Soil and Water
Passage 2 Measures to Combat Desertification: Lessons Learned
and Best Practices / 127 Passage 3 Exploring Nature-Based Solutions for Source Water Protection on World Water Day / 130 Part B Vocabulary / 132 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 134 Recognizing the Difference Between Facts and Opinions / 134 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 137 Identifying Key Points Related to Perspective and Stance / 137 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 140 Recognizing Similar/Different Opinions in an Interview/Lecture / 140 Part F Integrated Exercises / 143
Part A Texts / 150
149 Unit 7
Passage 1 Food Safety and Food Contamination / 150
Food Safety
Passage 2 Are G.M.O. Foods Safe? / 152 Passage 3 Digital Transformation of the Food System / 154 Part B Vocabulary / 157 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 158 Recognizing Comparison and Contrast / 158 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 161 Writing Evaluative Language: Opinion, Attitude and Assumption / 161 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 165 Recognizing the Language for Introducing Evaluation / 165 Part F Integrated Exercises / 169
Part A Texts / 176
175 Unit 8
Passage 1 Food and Forests: We Can Have Them Both / 176
Forestry Products
Passage 2 How Can Restoration Help Solve Hunger? / 177 Passage 3 Forest Pathways to Sustainable Development / 179 Part B Vocabulary / 182 Part C Academic Reading Skills / 183 Arguments and Supporting Evidence / 183 Part D Academic Writing Skills / 186 Writing Arguments and Types of Supporting Evidence / 186 Part E Academic Listening Skills / 188
Recognizing How Evidence Is Presented to Support an Argument / 188 Part F Integrated Exercises / 192