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烹饪技艺系列丛书西餐英语/闫晓旭 版权信息

烹饪技艺系列丛书西餐英语/闫晓旭 本书特色

本书采用任务驱动教学法,内容涵盖了厨师自我介绍、厨房礼貌用语、刀工训练用语、配菜制作用语,以及冷少司和沙拉制作、早餐和快餐制作、汤菜制作、热菜制作等环节的常用英语,以及五星级饭店基本服务用语和西餐常用词语。 本书共分十个单元,每个单元包含四个模块,分别是Warming up:通过学习英文歌曲,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;Task:采用任务驱动教学法,完成教学任务;Related Knowledge and Supplement:补充相关知识,强化专业技能;Self-assessment:学生对自身学习情况和效果进行自我评价。 本书可作为职业院校烹饪专业学生学习用书,也可作为西餐美食爱好者的自学用书和参考用书。

烹饪技艺系列丛书西餐英语/闫晓旭 内容简介

闫晓旭、刘丽主编的《西餐英语/烹饪技艺系列丛书》采用任务驱动教学法,内容涵盖了厨师自我介绍、厨房礼貌用语、刀工训练用语、配菜制作用语,以及冷少司和沙拉制作、早餐和快餐制作、汤菜制作、热菜制作等环节的常用英语,以及五星级饭店基本服务用语和西餐常用词语。 本书共分十个单元,每个单元包含四个模块,分别是Warming up:通过学习英文歌曲,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;Task:采用任务驱动教学法,完成教学任务;Related Knowl edge and Suppl ement:补充相关知识,强化专业技能;Self-a s se s sment:学生对自身学习情况和效果进行自我评价。 本书可作为职业院校烹饪专业学生学习用书,也可作为西餐美食爱好者的自学用书和参考用书。

烹饪技艺系列丛书西餐英语/闫晓旭 目录

Unit 1 Introduction Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Peerless Section Ⅱ Task: Introduction Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Position Introduction Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 2 Politeness Kitchen Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Thank you Section Ⅱ Task: Politeness Kitchen Pre task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Useful Expressions of Politeness Kitchen Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 3 Knife Skills Training Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: God is a girl Section Ⅱ Task: Knife Skills Training Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While task: Tasks Processing After task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Useful Words and Phrases Supplementary Useful Expressions Kitchen Rules Section Ⅳ Selfassessment Unit 4 Side Dishes Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Big big world Section Ⅱ Task: Oriental Steamed Rice Fried Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplementns Supplementary Useful Words and Expressions Extension Practice Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 5 A Gold Sauce and Salad Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: The show Section Ⅱ Task: Vegetable Salad Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Useful Expressions Extension Practice Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 6 Breakfast and Snack Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Trouble is a friend Section Ⅱ Task: Ham and egg sandwich Pre task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Useful Words Extension Practice Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 7 Soup Vegetable Production Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Take me to your heart Section Ⅱ Task: Beef Consomm6 Cabbage Shreds Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Useful Words Extension Practice Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 8 Hot Food Production Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Sunshine in the rain Section Ⅱ Task: Fried Ham and Cheese Pork Chop Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Useful Words Extension Practice Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 9 Basic Serving Sentences Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: Cinderella Section Ⅱ Task: Basic Serving Sentences Pre-task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Related Knowledge and Supplement Supplementary Basic Courtesty Expressions Supplementary Basic Serving Sentences Section Ⅳ Self-assessment Unit 10 Common Words and Expressions for Western Restaurants Section Ⅰ Warming up Study and Sing: As long as you love me Section Ⅱ Task: Common Words and Expressions Pre task: Tasks Assignment While-task: Tasks Processing After-task: Training Skills Section Ⅲ Self-assessment Answers to the Exercises Notes to the Text Words and Expressions