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天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇(英)/新时代的中国人 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508536583
  • 条形码:9787508536583 ; 978-7-5085-3658-3
  • 装帧:软精装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇(英)/新时代的中国人 本书特色

丛书*辑包括9个分册,包括《天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇》《梦想照亮生活:盲人穆孟杰和他的特教学校》《阳光大姐:家政服务的故事》《国家书房:金兴安和*家农家书屋》《星系我心:著名航天工程技术专家孙家栋》《袁隆平的世界》《种子钟扬:一个新时代奋斗者的人生答卷》《心有大我至诚报国:黄大年》《传奇学人林毅夫》,各分册以英文出版。 本书讲述了凉山彝族自治区甘洛县乌史大桥乡二坪村小学教师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇的真实故事。作为“代课教师”,他们不顾待遇低下、生活清贫,在环境闭塞、出行艰难的山巅上搭建“天梯”来往出进,辛苦办学,二十年如一日,在穷乡僻壤奉献着他们的青春,为山区的孩子们铺就通向未来的求知之路。
李桂林和陆建芬夫妇是新时代人民教师杰出代表,中国乡村版的“普罗米修斯”。 Erping Village in Southwestern China’s Sichuan Province is located on top of a precipitous mountain in a grand canyon, with only dangerous paths leading to the outside world. A teacher couple left their hometown to teach in this small Yi minority-inhabited village. Over the past two decades, they have worked and lived here, sowing seeds of knowledge in a place which was once dominated by illiteracy. Though poorly paid, they were never wavered by difficulty and poverty, but persisted and worked hard, bringing education and hope to children in the remote mountainous region. With vivid description and a touching tone, this book tells an inspiring story of two passionate educators, representing a modern Chinese version of “Prometheus”.

天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇(英)/新时代的中国人 内容简介

凉山彝族自治区甘洛县乌史大桥乡二坪村,坐落于峡谷绝壁之间,山路进出险象环生。从汉族地区来的教师李桂林、陆建芬扎根这里二十年如一日,在穷乡僻壤奉献着青春,把知识的种子播种在彝寨,在*崎岖的山路上点燃知识的火把,在*寂寞的悬崖边拉起孩子们求学的小手。清贫、坚守和操劳沉淀为精神的沃土,让希望发芽。新时代中国乡村版的“普罗米修斯”,为偏远山区的教育事业撑起了一片蓝天。一个昔日的"文盲村穷山村",变成了"文化村"。本书故事生动,感人肺腑,荡气回肠,展示了“新时代的中国人”的美丽心灵。是一本讲述中国故事的上乘读物。 Filled with a strong sense of ethnic identity and driven by a passion for education, Li Guilin and Lu Jianfen, a married couple both of the Yi ethnic minority, left their home in Hanyuan County of Sichuan’s Ya’an city and took root in this remote village that can only be reached after climbing five very steep ladders, known by the locals as “Ladders to Heaven.” They have spent 19 years paving a path towards education and moral learning for the children living in the mountain district.
Above the “Ladders to Heaven”, the torch of hope is thus kindled, illuminating a vision of civilization.

天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇(英)/新时代的中国人 目录

Foreword May the “Light of the Ladders to Heaven” Shine into Our Hearts
Chapter One “Ladders to Heaven” in the Isolated Erping Village
A teacher’s responsibility is heavier than a mountain
A frightening adventure
“A cold-hearted bastard”
Chapter Two A New School Born with a Funding of 10,800 Yuan
The only teacher in a “bilingual school”
Darling, marry me again
Sweet smell of knowledge triumphs over the stink of cow dung
Erping Primary School took on a new look
Chapter Three A Couple with an Intangible Asset Worth 1.49 Million Yuan
Golden rules for enrolling more students
Sticking strictly to principles for the sake of Erping kids
Choosing to remain poor teachers rather than getting rich
Chapter Four 400 Villagers: All Are My Brothers and Sisters
Farewell, bitter days of fetching water before dawn
Something brighter than the electric light
Chapter Five A Valley Keeping the Couple Away from Their Family Members
My home is in Erping
Mom and Dad, am I your son or not?
Chapter Six Teaching on the High Cliff
“Ladders to Heaven” to be remembered forever
Touching and being touched
Always bearing in mind gratitude at the peak of honor

天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇(英)/新时代的中国人 作者简介

陈果,生于1977年,现供职于四川省雅安市文联。巴金文学院签约作家。著有长篇报告文学《从伤口长出翅膀》《听见:芦山地震重建故事》。作品散见于《中国作家》《人民日报》《光明日报》等。 Cheng Guo is a contracted writer with Ba Jin Literature Academy and a member of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Ya’an city, Sichuan Province. He has written for the Chinese Writers, People’s Daily and Guangming Daily, with works including Wings Grown from Wounds and A Story of Reconstruction after the Lushan Earthquake.
