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远大前程(纯英文)/床头灯英语.3000词读物 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568274081
  • 条形码:9787568274081 ; 978-7-5682-7408-1
  • 装帧:250g铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

远大前程(纯英文)/床头灯英语.3000词读物 本书特色


远大前程(纯英文)/床头灯英语.3000词读物 内容简介


远大前程(纯英文)/床头灯英语.3000词读物 目录

Chapter 1 Pip and the Stranger
Chapter 2 After a Prisoner
Chapter 3 A Good Chance for Pip
Chapter 4 A Present from a Stranger
Chapter 5 Mrs. Joe Is Attacked
Chapter 6 Great Expectations
Chapter 7 Arriving in London
Chapter 8 A Visit to Mr. Wemmick and Mr. Jaggers
Chapter 9 Joe Comes to Visit
Chapter 10 Pip and Herbert Discuss Love
Chapter 11 Pip Goes to a Funeral
Chapter 12 Pip and the Truth
Chapter 13 Magwitch's Future and Past
Chapter 14 Pip Visits Estella and Miss Havisham Again.
Chapter 15 A Safe Place for Magwitch
Chapter 16 Miss Havisham Realizes Pip's Suffering
Chapter 17 Pip Is Close to Death
Chapter 18 Magwitch's Story Ends
Chapter 19 A Wedding

远大前程(纯英文)/床头灯英语.3000词读物 节选

  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):远大前程》:  Just before going to bed, we heard the sound of a big gun out on the wetlands. "Was that a gun, Joe?" I asked.  "Ah, yes!" said Joe. "It means another prisoner has escaped. I heard that one prisoner managed to escape last night."  "Is it the police that fires the gun?" I asked. I looked at Joe and he shook his head as if to warn me.  My sister replied by angrily cutting me short,. "Ibo many questions," she frowned. "If you must know it's those men in the prison-ships who fire the gun."  I really wanted to know more, so I managed to ask in a quiet way, "I wonder who is in prison-ships, and why?"  This questioning of mine was too much for Mrs. Joe. "Listen, you! I didn't bring you up by hand to bother people all the time! The river has ships on it that are used as prisons. These places are for thieves and murderers, and they stay on those ships for years sometimes. And when they were little they would ask too many questions! Now, go to bed!"  I wasn't able to sleep all night. I was afraid of the young man who would take my heart, I was afraid of the stranger with the iron chain, and I was afraid that my sister would later discover that some food had been stolen. As soon as the sky became a little bright outside my window, I got out of bed and quietly went down to the kitchen. I stole some bread and cheese, and a big meat pie. I was hoping that nobody would notice the food that was missing, as there was a lot of food ready for Christmas. I wasn't brave enough to take the whole bottle of wine for that would surely be noticed. So I poured some wine into a smaller bottle and put it in my bag. Then I filled up the big wine bottle with what I thought was water from a big brown bottle. Then I went to Joe's box of tools to find the tool the stranger wanted. When I ran outside, it was still quite dark.  ……

远大前程(纯英文)/床头灯英语.3000词读物 作者简介

