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银行管理英语/傅恒 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787517831389
  • 条形码:9787517831389 ; 978-7-5178-3138-9
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

银行管理英语/傅恒 本书特色

《银行管理英语》是为培养复合型商务英语专业学生而编写的教材,共分8个章节,每个章节由Text A跟Text B两部分组成,单元中的问题贯穿始终,使读者边学习边思考,教师边讲边问。每个单元中的练习运用术语互译、定义搭配、知识理解判断选择、专业翻译、阅读理解、数学运算等手段,全面提高读者熟悉并掌握现代银行管理英语的表达方式和术语内涵,了解该领域英语的词汇、语法、风格的特殊性,*终使读者能掌握现代银行。

银行管理英语/傅恒 内容简介

《银行管理英语》是为培养复合型商务英语专业学生而编写的教材,共分8个章节,每个章节由Text A跟Text B两部分组成,单元中的问题贯穿始终,使读者边学习边思考,教师边讲边问。

银行管理英语/傅恒 目录

Chapter One What Is a Bank? 1.1 Origin of the Bank 1.2 The Nature of Financial Intermediation 1.3 The Role of Banks 1.4 Transaction Costs 1.5 Economies of Scale and Economies of Scope 1.6 Asymmetric Information Chapter Two Why Do Banks Exist? 2.1 Financial Intermediation and Delegated Monitoring 2.2 The Benefits of Financial Intermediation Chapter Three Banking Activities 3.1 Banks and Other Financial Institutions 3.2 Structural and Conduct Deregulation 3.3 Supervisory Re-regulation 3.4 Competition 3.5 Financial Innovation and the Adoption of New Technologies 3.6 Responses to the Forces of Change Chapter Four Banking Services 4.1 Payment Services 4.2 Deposit and Lending Services 4.3 Investment, Pensions and Insurance Services 4.4 E-banking 4.5 Fintech Chapter Five Personal and Private Banks 5.1 Traditional VS Modern Banking 5.2 Universal Banking and the Bancassurance Trend 5.3 Retail or Personal Banking 5.4 Private Banking Chapter Six Corporate Banking and Investment Banking 6.1 Corporate Banking 6.2 Banking Services Used by Small Firms 6.3 Banking Services for Mid-market and Large Corporate Clients 6.4 Investment Banking Chapter Seven Rationale of International Banking 7.1 International Banking 7.2 A Brief History of International Banking 7.3 Why Do Banks Go Overseas? Chapter Eight Types of International Banks and Services 8.1 Types of International Banks 8.2 International Bank Products and Services Chapter Nine Theory of Central Banking 9.1 Main Functions of Central Banks 9.2 How Does Monetary Policy Work? 9.3 Functions and Instruments of Monetary Policy of a Central Bank 9.4 Why Do Banks Need a Central Bank? Chapter Ten Central Banking in Practice 10.1 Federal Reserve Bank 10.2 The Bank of England 10.3 The European Central Bank KEYS