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商务英语阅读文选 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564184650
  • 条形码:9787564184650 ; 978-7-5641-8465-0
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语阅读文选 本书特色


商务英语阅读文选 内容简介

本书编写参照了《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学质量国家标准》, 并围绕商务英语本科专业国际化、复合型和应用性的专业特点, 以及素质、知识、和能力三位一体的人才培养规格进行编写。

商务英语阅读文选 目录

Unit 1 A Country's Business Strategies
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Japan Needs Immigrants, but Do Immigrants Need Japan?
Text B Thailand's Economic Growth Strategy Focuses on Small Business
Part III Supplementary Reading (Reconnecting Cuba)

Unit 2 Marketing
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Man Who Got Swagger Back for Aston Martin Is Ready for Long Game
Text B Your Guide to Today's Online Marketing
Part III Supplementary Reading (Have Marketers Made Us Fat?)

Unit 3 International Investment
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Global Companies in Retreat
Text B Is It Worth It?
Part III Supplementary Reading (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)

Unit 4 International Logistics
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Global Logistics——Thinking Outside the Box
Text B Delivering the Goods
Part III Supplementary Reading Forgotten Journeys)

Unit 5 Business Culture
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Briefing Amazon
Text B Upstarts on Top: How OPPO and Vivo Are Beating Apple, Xiaomi and the Gang
Part III Supplementary Reading (Jiopolitics)

Unit 6 E-commerce
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Fintech in China
Text B Indian E-commerce: Delayed Delivery
Part III Supplementary Reading (China's Internet Giants)

Unit 7 Tourism and the Hotel Industry
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Islam's Holiest, Most Expensive Trips to Mecca Draw Controversy
over Luxury Hotels
Text B The Hotel Industry in the
United Kingdom
Part III Supplementary Reading (Voguish and Trendy Hotels)

Unit 8 Housing Market
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Popping Property Bubbles——Choosing the Right Pin
Text B Property in Sweden Home Is Where the Heartache Is
Part III Supplementary Reading (The Effects of America's Worst Property
Crash Go Very Wide)

Unit 9 Era of Big Data
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Why Big Data Has Some Big Problems When It Comes to Public
Text B \" Big Data\" from Social Media, Elsewhere Online Take Trend-
Watching to New Level
Part III Supplementary Reading (Why Big Data Might Be More About
Automation Than Insights)

Unit 10 Social Media
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Facebook and Democracy: The Antisocial Network
Text B The Upstarts' Impact: Yes to a Free Online Press
Part III Supplementary Reading (Facebook Unfriended)

Unit 11 Work in the Future
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A If Companies Had No Employees
Text B AI-Spy
Part III Supplementary Reading (Will Smarter Machines Cause Mass Unemployment?)

Unit 12 Private Equity
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The Barbarian Establishment
Text B Private Equity: Barbarians Grow Up
Part III Supplementary Reading (The $ 100 Billion Bet)

Unit 13 Biockchain
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The Long Arm of the List
Text B Beyond the Hype
Part III Supplementary Reading (Pulp Friction)

Unit 14 Tax
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part U Extensive Reading
Text A Repub]ican Tax Plans
Text B Britain's Tax Code Spaghetti Junction
Part III Supplementary Reading (Corporate Taxation——The e 13 Billion Bite)

Unit 15 High Technology
Part I Pre-Reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Printed Electronics
Text B Self-driving Cars
Part III Supplementary Reading (The Future of Television)