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研究生学术英语系列教材国际学术交流英语/王永祥 版权信息

研究生学术英语系列教材国际学术交流英语/王永祥 本书特色

本书共十四章,以参加国际学术会议为主线,涉及学术会议的信息来源、会议通信、论文提交、 经济资助、会议主持、演讲、讨论、会议海报等相关内容。本书注重培养学生使用英语进行国际 学术交流的能力,强调学以致用;突出选材的实用性,注重构建学术交流场景和营造语言应用环 境;选材具有时代性、规范性、全面性、知识性和启迪性,难易适中,便于学生获取信息和提高 国际学术交流能力。 本教材既可作为我国高校研究生和高年级本科生的学术英语教材,又可供有兴趣提高学术英 语交流能力的学生作为课后辅导教材使用。

研究生学术英语系列教材国际学术交流英语/王永祥 内容简介

本书共十四章,以参加靠前学术会议为主线,涉及学术会议的信息来源、会议通信、论文提交、 经济资助、会议主持、演讲、讨论、会议海报等相关内容。本书注重培养学生使用英语进行靠前 学术交流的能力,强调学以致用;突出选材的实用性,注重构建学术交流场景和营造语言应用环 境;选材具有时代性、规范性、全面性、知识性和启迪性,难易适中,便于学生获取信息和提高 靠前学术交流能力。 本教材既可作为我国高校研究生和高年级本科生的学术英语教材,又可供有兴趣提高学术英 语交流能力的学生作为课后辅导教材使用。

研究生学术英语系列教材国际学术交流英语/王永祥 目录

Obtaining Conference Information. 1 1.1 Different Meetings 2 1.1.1 Meeting .2 1.1.2 Conference .2 1.1.3 Symposium 2 1.1.4 Convention.3 1.1.5 Forum .3 1.1.6 Seminar .3 1.1.7 Workshop 3 1.1.8 Colloquium 3 1.2 Sources for Obtaining Conference Information 4 1.2.1 The Internet4 1.2.2 Membership of Professional Organizations .5 1.2.3 Professional Journals 7
Conference Notice and Call for Conference Papers . 9 2.1 Conference Notice 10 2.2 Call for Conference Papers .16
Conference Committees and Session Modes 25 3.1 Conference Committees 26 3.1.1 Planning Committee 26 3.1.2 Program Committee . 26 3.1.3 Registration Committee.27 3.1.4 Conference Arrangements Committee 27 3.1.5 Publications Committee. 27 3.1.6 Exhibits Committee 27 3.1.7 Local Arrangements Committee.27 3.2 Session Modes.28 3.2.1 Keynote Session 28 3.2.2 Oral Session 28 3.2.3 Poster Session 28 3.2.4 Research-in-Progress Session. 28 3.2.5 Discussion/Question and Answer Session 29 3.3
Session Format . 29
International Letter Exchanges 31
Format of a Formal Letter32
4.1.1 Letterhead.32 4.1.2 Date of Writing. 32 4.1.3 Inside Address 33 4.1.4 Salutation 33 4.1.5 Body of Writing34 4.1.6 Complimentary Close 37 4.1.7 Signature . 38 4.2 Letters of Invitation .39 4.3 Letters of Acceptance . 42 4.4
Effective E-Mails 44
Financial Assistance for Attending Conferences. 49
Possible Sources for Financial Support. 50
5.1.1 Membership and Studentship.50 5.1.2 Financial Assistance by the Conference . 50 5.1.3 Awards51 5.1.4 Financial Assistance by Learned Societies.51 5.1.5 Financial Assistance by International Organizations . 51 5.2 Techniques of Writing Letters Applying for Financial Aid .51 5.2.1 Direct Statement. 52 5.2.2 Flank Inquiry. 52 5.2.3 Citation of Others’ Information 52 5.2.4 Writing a Postscript 52
Chairing a Meeting 55 6.1 A Chairman’s General Duties 56 6.1.1 The Opening Ceremony . 56 6.1.2 The Closing Ceremony 56 6.1.3 A Plenary Session 57 6.1.4 A Presentation Session . 57 6.1.5 A Discussion Session . 57 6.2 Chairing an International Conference. 58 6.2.1 Chairing the Opening Ceremony 58 6.2.2 Chairing the Closing Ceremony 59 6.3 General Chairing Procedures .61 6.3.1 Opening a Meeting 61 6.3.2 Introducing a Speaker. 62 6.3.3 Organizing a Discussion Session. 63 6.3.4 Thanking the Speaker . 64 6.3.5 Adjourning or Closing the Meeting . 65
Preparing the Presentation. 69 7.1 What Is a Presentation?70 7.2 Characteristics of Spoken Language70 7.3 Writing a Presentation Script 71 7.3.1 A Clear Structure. 71 7.3.2 Simple Vocabulary and Sentence Structures 72 7.3.3 A Personal Style.73 7.3.4 Figures of Speech . 73 7.4 Preparations for a Presentation74 7.4.1 Reading the Academic Paper Aloud74 7.4.2 Writing the Presentation Script with Spoken Features . 74 7.4.3 Practicing the Presentation. 75
Beginning the Presentation 77 8.1 Catching Attention .78 8.1.1 Telling a Story.78 8.1.2 Asking a Question 79 8.1.3 Using Startling Statistics 79 8.1.4 Using Visual Aids. 80 8.1.5 Saying Something Humorous80 8.2 Revealing the Topic.81 8.2.1 Communicating the Topic.81 8.2.2 Emphasizing the Significance of the Topic 81 8.2.3 Providing Background Information . 81 8.2.4 Outlining the Main Points 81 8.3
Establishing Credibility.82
Developing the Presentation.85
Structure in Developing the Presentation 86
9.2 Organizational Patterns 88 9.2.1 Chronological Pattern.88 9.2.2 Description Pattern88 9.2.3 Comparison and Contrast Pattern89 9.2.4 Cause and Effect Pattern 89 9.3 Supporting Materials 89 9.3.1 Statistics . 90 9.3.2 Testimony 90 9.3.3 Explanation.90 9.3.4 Illustration. 90 9.3.5 Comparison and Contrast 91
Ending the Presentation 93 10.1 Signaling the End .94 10.2 Restating the Topic . 95 10.3
Ending the Presentation 95
Asking and Answering Questions 97
Handling Questions.98
11.1.1 Choosing Questioners . 98 11.1.2 Listening Carefully to the Question 98 11.1.3 Welcoming the Question99 11.1.4 Repeating or Paraphrasing the Question . 99 11.1.5 Replying Clearly, Briefly, and Positively 99 11.1.6 Referring Back to the Questioner 101 11.2 Raising Questions.101 11.2.1 Signaling Your Intention .102 11.2.2 Expressing Your Attitude 102 11.2.3 Asking a Specific Question.102 11.3
Rehearsing Questions and Answers103
Oral Presentation Skills105
Visual Aids 106
12.2 Verbal Use 106 12.2.1 Simplicity .107 12.2.2 Accuracy.107 12.2.3 Appropriateness107 12.2.4 Figures of Speech107 12.2.5 Humor .107 12.3 Non-Verbal Behavior 108 12.3.1 Eye Contact .108 12.3.2 Posture108 12.3.3 Movement .108 12.4
Stage Fright109
Poster Presentations111
Advantages and Disadvantages of Poster Presentations.112 13.1.1 Advantages of Poster Presentations 112 13.1.2 Disadvantages of Poster Presentations.113 13.2 Creating the Poster113 13.2.1 Poster Content .113 13.2.2 “Less Is More” Design 114 13.3
Presenting the Poster.117
Talking with Professionals119
Purposes of Talking.120 14.2 Starting a Talk 120 14.2.1 Talking with Acquaintances 121 14.2.2 Talking with Strangers.121 14.3 Developing a Talk . 123 14.3.1 Disputing Different Opinions 123 14.3.2 Shifting to a New Topic .123 14.3.3 Talking Politely and Thoughtfully .124 14.4 The Art of Small Talk 125 14.4.1 Taking Your Small Talk to a Networking Event125 14.4.2 Refining Your Small Talk and Becoming an Expert .126 14.4.3 Taking Control 126 14.4.4 What Is Off Limits? 126 14.4.5 What Happens if Things Go Wrong?.127 14.4.6 Keep Your Focus on Others .127 14.4.7 No One Starts Out as an Expert .127 Bibliography 129