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实用听力 版权信息

实用听力 本书特色


实用听力 内容简介


实用听力 目录

PART I Starting Drills
Unit One
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Where?
Section C "What Did I Drop?"
Unit Two
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: When?
Section C No Time Left for Sight-seeing
Unit Three
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills:Who?
Section C A Warning
Unit Four
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: How Many? How Much?
Section C The Giant Jet
Unit Five
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: How and Why?
Section C How to Use a Bell Properly
Unit Six
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: What?
Section C The First Thing to Do
Unit Seven
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Computation
Section C Schools
Unit Eight
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Contextual Reference
Section C A Small Man with a Fat Stomach
Unit Nine
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Chronological Order
Section C Believe It or Not
Unit Ten
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Condition and Comparison
Section C The Speed of Thought
Unit Eleven
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Negation
Section C A Strange Incident
Unit Twelve
Section A Warming-up
Section B Drills: Implication
Section C A Tale of Two Cities
PART II Developing Skills
Unit Thirteen
Section A Playing Jacks
Section B Acupuncture (1)
Section C An Unexpected Guest
Section D Part A Weather Forecast
Part B Mood
Part C Jade Stolen in Mayfair
Part D Airport Announcement
Unit Fourteen
Section A A News Item
Section B Acupuncture (2)
Section C A Brave Child
Section D Part A News
Part B Safety Tips
Part C The First Blackbird
Part D Railway Announcement
Unit Fifteen
Section A American Indians and Asian People
Section B Can Life Be Any Longer?
Section C The Giant Atlas
Section D Part A Retirement
Part B News
Part C Man with Swordstiek Fined
Part D Veterinary Medicine
Unit Sixteen
Section A Ulysses' Scientific Voyage
Section B Disease-predicting Tests
Section C The Giraffe
Section D Part A Frozen Up
Part B News
Part C Religion in Kochen
Part D An Interview with a Rancher
Unit Seventeen
Section A Gift for Punishment
Section B Eight and Prosperity
Section C Football and Pele
Section D Part A Over Two Thousand Years of Weather
Part B Talking about Life Abroad
Part C Clinton Urges Congress to Take on School Issues
Part D Hijacking
Unit Eighteen
Section A Nonverbal Communication
Section B Newspapers
Section C A Blessing in Disguise
Section D Part A Customs Man Couldn't Believe His Eyes
Part B What Determines the Kind of Home We Live in?
Part C Brain Disease
Part D Zomax: a Pain-killing Drug
Unit Nineteen
Section A Pure Science and Applied Science
Section B Flextime
Section C An Unpresentable Present
Section D Part A Weather Forecast
Part B Couples Then
Part C Loneliness
Part D Health
Unit Twenty
Section A A News Item
Section B Making Reading More Effective
Section C Superstitions
Section D Part A News
Part B Moments That Changed My Life
Part C Cloning
Part D Meet the Olympus u Zoom
PART III Practice Tests
Test One
Test Two
Test Three
Test Four
Test Five
Test Six
Test Seven
Test Eight
Test Nine
Test Ten
Answer Key
Part I Starting Drills
Part II Developing Skills
Part III Practice Tests
Part I Starting Drills
Part II Developing Skills
Part III Practice Tests