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民航空乘英语实用口语教程/李屹然 版权信息

民航空乘英语实用口语教程/李屹然 本书特色



民航空乘英语实用口语教程/李屹然 内容简介

《民航空乘英语实用口语教程》以培养学生空乘服务英语口语职业应用能力为核心,依据教育部高职高专的教学要求及国家相关行业职业规范的知识技能要求,按职业岗位能力需要的原则编写的,整个学习过程以企业典型案例为载体,突出训练学生的综合岗位职业能力。 教材内容按照航前、登机、起飞前地面服务、安全检查、细微服务、餐饮服务、靠前航班、特殊情况、紧急情况、着陆前后等共10个项目28个工作任务,包括航前准备、登机、起飞前地面服务、安全检查、人性化服务、餐饮服务、靠前航班、特殊情况、紧急情况、着陆前后。同时,每个工作任务由课前问题、行业情景会话、高频词汇、实用句式、服务技巧与知识拓展等内容构成,涉及民航英语、客舱设备操作、客舱服务与服务礼仪、客舱安全与管理等多方面行业知识等内容。

民航空乘英语实用口语教程/李屹然 目录

Project 1 Preparations before Flights 航前准备 001

Task 1 Briefing 航前准备会 001

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 001

Ⅱ. Dialogue 001

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 008

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 008

Ⅴ. Tips 009

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 009

Ⅶ. Exercises 010

Task 2 Special Inspection before Boarding 航班特殊检查 012

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 012

Ⅱ. Dialogue 012

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 014

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 015

Ⅴ. Tips 016

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 016

Ⅶ. Exercises 017

Project 2 Boarding 登机 018

Task 3 Greeting Passengers 问候旅客 018

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 018

Ⅱ. Dialogue 018

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 020

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 021

Ⅴ. Tips 022

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 022

Ⅶ. Exercises 024

Task 4 Baggage Arrangement 安放行李 024

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 024

Ⅱ. Dialogue 024

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 028

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 029

Ⅴ. Tips 030

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 030

Ⅶ. Exercises 031

Task 5 Seating Assistance 协助入座 032

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 032

Ⅱ. Dialogue 032

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 038

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 038

Ⅴ. Tips 040

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 040

Ⅶ. Exercises 041

Project 3 Ground Service before Take-off 起飞前地面服务 043

Task 6 On-board Amusements 机上娱乐 043

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 043

Ⅱ. Dialogue 043

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 048

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 050

Ⅴ. Tips 051

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 051

Ⅶ. Exercises 054

Task 7 CIP/ VIP/First-Class and Business-Class Service 重要商务旅客/要客/头等舱和商务舱服务 055

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 055

Ⅱ. Dialogue 055

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 060

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 062

Ⅴ. Tips 064

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 065

Ⅶ . Exercises 065

Task 8 Special Passengers 特殊旅客 066

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 066

Ⅱ. Dialogue 066

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 073

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 074

Ⅴ. Tips 075

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 077

Ⅶ. Exercises 078

Project 4 Safety Check 安全检查 080

Task 9 Special Cases 特殊情况说明 080

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 080

Ⅱ. Dialogue 080

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 086

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 087

Ⅴ. Tips 088

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 088

Ⅶ. Exercises 089

Task 10 Cabin Safety Check 客舱安全检查 089

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 089

Ⅱ. Dialogue 090

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 094

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 095

Ⅴ. Tips 098

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 098

Ⅶ. Exercises 099

Project 5 Humanity Service 细微服务 100

Task 11 Providing Information and Fund-raising for charities 回答问询与慈善募捐 100

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 100

Ⅱ. Dialogue 100

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 106

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 107

Ⅴ. Tips 109

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 110

Ⅶ. Exercises 110

Task 12 Entertainment System 娱乐系统 111

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 111

Ⅱ. Dialogue 111

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 113

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 115

Ⅴ. Tips 116

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 116

Ⅶ. Exercises 118

Project 6 Beverage and Meal Service 餐饮服务 119

Task 13 Beverage Service 饮料酒水服务 119

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 119

Ⅱ. Dialogue 119

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 124

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 126

Ⅴ. Tips 128

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 129

Ⅶ. Exercises 129

Task 14 Meal Service 餐食服务 130

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 130

Ⅱ. Dialogue 130

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 140

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 143

Ⅴ. Tips 147

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 149

Ⅶ. Exercises 150

Project 7 International Flights 国际航班 151

Task 15 Duty-free Sales 免税品销售 151

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 151

Ⅱ. Dialogue 151

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 159

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 160

Ⅴ. Tips 162

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 162

Ⅶ. Exercises 163

Task 16 CIQ Forms Filling 表单填写(入境卡、海关申报单、检验检疫/健康卡) 164

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 164

Ⅱ. Dialogue 164

Ⅲ . Popular Words and Phrases 166

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 168

Ⅴ. Tips 169

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 170

Ⅶ. Exercises 171

Task 17 Transfer and Culture Diversity 转机与文化多样性 172

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 172

Ⅱ. Dialogue 172

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 178

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 179

Ⅴ. Tips 182

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 183

Ⅶ. Exercises 184

Project 8 Special Situations 特殊情况 185

Task 18 Lost Items 丢失物品 185

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 185

Ⅱ. Dialogue 185

Ⅲ . Popular Words and Phrases 189

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 189

Ⅴ. Tips 189

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 190

Ⅶ. Exercises 190

Task 19 Flight Delay 航班延误 191

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 191

Ⅱ. Dialogue 191

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 199

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 200

Ⅴ. Tips 202

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 203

Ⅶ. Exercises 203

Task 20 Complaints Handling 处理机上矛盾、投诉 204

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 204

Ⅱ. Dialogue 204

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 211

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 211

Ⅴ. Tips 212

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 212

Ⅶ. Exercises 212

Project 9 Emergencies 紧急情况 214

Task 21 First Aid and Medical Assistance 应急医疗救护 214

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 214

Ⅱ. Dialogue 214

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 221

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 222

Ⅴ. Tips 225

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 226

Ⅶ. Exercises 228

Task 22 Severe Turbulence 重度颠簸 229

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 229

Ⅱ. Dialogue 229

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 230

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 231

Ⅴ. Tips 231

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 232

Ⅶ. Exercises 233

Task 23 Dangerous Goods and Accidental Fire 危险品与意外失火 234

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 234

Ⅱ. Dialogue 234

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 237

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 238

Ⅴ. Tips 239

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 239

Ⅶ. Exercises 240

Task 24 Cabin Depressurization 客舱释压 241

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 241

Ⅱ. Dialogue 241

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 243

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 243

Ⅴ. Tips 244

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 244

Ⅶ. Exercises 245

Task 25 Hijacking and Explosive Objects Threat 劫机与爆炸物威胁 246

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 246

Ⅱ. Dialogue 246

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 248

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 250

Ⅴ. Tips 251

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 252

Ⅶ. Exercises 252

Task 26 Return Flight, Diversion and Emergency Landing 返航、备降与迫降 253

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 253

Ⅱ. Dialogue 253

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 259

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 260

Ⅴ. Tips 261

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 262

Ⅶ. Exercises 263

Project 10 About Landing 着陆前后 265

Task 27 Preparations before Landing and Special Care 着陆前的客舱准备与特殊旅客照顾 265

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 265

Ⅱ. Dialogue 265

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 268

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 268

Ⅴ. Tips 270

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 270

Ⅶ. Exercises 271

Task 28 After Landing 着陆后 271

Ⅰ. Warm-up Questions 271

Ⅱ. Dialogue 272

Ⅲ. Popular Words and Phrases 274

Ⅳ. Practical Expressions 274

Ⅴ. Tips 275

Ⅵ. Supplementary Reading 276

Ⅶ. Exercises 276

References 参考文献 278

民航空乘英语实用口语教程/李屹然 作者简介

李屹然,南京旅游职业技术学院,讲师,李屹然,女,1992.12出生,中共党员,毕业于南京师范大学实用英语专业,外语系学习部部长,获取TEM-8英语专业八级证书、上海高级口译证书;曾就职于中国国际航空股份有限公司,获得国航空乘广播词,民航英语中级,头等公务两舱服务技能,国际航线,高原航线等专业技能证书。现任南京旅游职业技术学院空乘专业教师,2014年主持结项江苏省大学生创新项目“英文翻译辨识度调查研究”;2014.9独著论文“关于国内英文翻译辨识度现状的研究《英语广场(学术研究)》”;2014论文成果在江苏省大学生创新创业优 秀成果交流展示会上进行了交流。
