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中国民居建筑英语 版权信息

中国民居建筑英语 本书特色


中国民居建筑英语 内容简介

本教材为适应建筑专业大学英语教育改革编写而成的, 在ESP教育理念的基础上, 以“任务型教学”为指导, 以中国传统建筑文化和中国各地传统建筑代表为主要内容, 着重训练学生的阅读、翻译和口语能力, 以期给建筑类专业的ESP教学提供一本有用的教材。本书共10单元, 介绍了中国传统建筑的特点和文化及国内主要传统建筑的特点和代表。本教材的练习体现了“任务驱动”的理念, 强调以学生为中心, 以职业活动为导向, 以任务为载体, 让学生在做中学, 学中做, 在任务的完成中构建应用语言的综合能力。每单元的练习紧扣该单元主题, 合理安排, 以知识的输入促进语言输出的目的, 同时为学生提供拓展学习的信息和空间, 以利于学生开展自主学习。

中国民居建筑英语 目录

Unit 1 The History and Culture of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture Text A The Origin and Development of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture Text B The Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture and Culture Speaking and Writing Unit 2 The Composition and Characteristics of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture Text A The Composition of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture Text B The Characteristics of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture Speaking and Writing Unit 3 The Characteristics of the Art of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture Text A The Group Layouts and Image of Detached Houses Text B The Space Composition and Detail Decorations Speaking and Writing Unit 4 Tianjing Courtyard Houses ( I ) Text A Vernacular Houses in South China Text B Dongshan Engraved Building of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province Speaking and Writing Unit 5 Tianjing Courtyard Houses ( II ) Text A Some Tianjing Courtyard Houses in Zhejiang Province Text B Some Typical Tianjing Courtyard Houses in Other Southern Provinces Speaking and Writing Unit 6 Chinese Traditional Courtyard Houses Text A Introduction to Chinese Traditional Courtyard Houses Text B Some Typical Chinese Traditional Courtyard Houses Speaking and Writing Unit 7 Crisscrossed-wood Structure Text A Introduction to Crisscrossed-wood Structure Text B The Vemacular Houses of the Tujia People in West Hunan Province Speaking and Writing Unit 8 Vernacular Houses in the Region of Rivers and Lakes Text A Introduction to Vernacular Houses in the Region of Rivers and Lakes Text B Tongli Town, the Region of Rivers and Lakes, Jiangsu Province Speaking and Writing Unit 9 Cave Dwellings Text A Introduction to Cave Dwellings Text B The Kang Baiwan's Manor of Gongyi, Henan Province Speaking and Writing Unit 10 Garden Houses Text A Introduction to Garden Houses Text B The Vemacular House Gardens in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province Speaking and Writing 参考答案及译文

中国民居建筑英语 作者简介

