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Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌)

Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌)

开本: 24cm 页数: 300页
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Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119120492
  • 条形码:9787119120492 ; 978-7-119-12049-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌) 内容简介

  《中国共产党人 谷文昌(英文)》以报告文学的形式,叙述了中国共产党人的楷模——谷文昌的生平事迹。谷文昌是习近平总书记6次点赞的一名共产党员,一位县委书记。谷文昌在福建省东山县,担任县委书记十年,改变了东山的面貌。他践行“不把人民拯救出苦难,共产党拿来做什么”的誓言,率领福建省东山县人民苦战十年,筑绿色长城、治风沙,为民敢扛一片天,对党和人民高度负责的精神,赢得了民心,老百姓尊他为“谷公”,“先祭谷公,后祭祖宗”,也成为当地多年的习俗。谷文昌是践行社会主义核心价值观的先驱者,是践行中国共产党群众路线的干部典范。谷文昌的事迹展现了中国共产党人崇高的人格魅力,诠释了中国共产党好干部的标准。

Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌) 目录

Chapter 1 Before the 1949 Liberation
A Peasant’S Pedigree
Peasants and Leading the Peasants
Fire Proves Gold

Chapter 2 Dongshan Island at Dawn
The Darkest Hour before Dawn
Marching into Dongshan Island
HeaW Responsibilities
A Twisting and Arduous Path

Chapter 3 Those Who Win the People’S Hearts Win the Wlorid
The Sea of Tears
Always alongside the People
Establishing Cooperatives
Creating a Chinese Political Term

Chapter 4 Defending the People’s Government
Setting Sail on a Voyage
Dongshan Island before the Storm
Defending Dongshan Island

Chapter 5 Facing Poverty
Dramatic Changes in Dongshan
Tiding over Difficulties
Helping Fix a Family
The First Dream

Chapter 6 Building Socialism in Dongshan
Constructing the Homeland
Combating Nature

Chapter 7 A Communist’S Confidence
Youth and Love
Revolution and Development
Moving forward in Perplexity

Chapter 8 In Face of
Seeking Truth from Facts
Seeking the Way Out

Chapter 9 Dongshan County in
A Changing Road
Keeping Faith
Oath to Ideal
A Dream Broken by Wind

Chapter 10 Gu Wenchang in
Selfless,Thus Fearless
Wise Decisions Made
Never Yield to Difficulties
The Turnaround

Chapter 11 Gu Wenchang’S Last Years
Sticking Together in Tough Times
Not a Single Tree to be Felled
Straightening up the Back

Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌) 节选

  《中国共产党人 谷文昌(英文)》:  Two terms - revolution and liberation - were on the lips of many in China during the Chinese People's War of Resistance against }apanese Aggression (1937-  1945), but taking practical action to acLueve revolution and liberation was no simple matter - It could cost you your life. So what d/d revolution and liberationmean to a peasant? Gu Wenchang, a symbol of a generation, yearned to shake off poverty and slavery, live a worthy life, and expel the Japanese aggressors. He upderstood these revolutionary principles, and he bravely spread these ideas to the peasants in and around Nanwan Hamlet. He did not join any political party or progressive organization at that time, but through his own experience and his own feelings, he became politically awakened.  He described real events he had experienced to his peasant friends in and around Nanwan Hamlet. “I saw the Eighth Route Army bring water and rice to us peasants and help us clean the yard. Some of them even provided us with medical treatment.”  They asked, “Is it really that good?”  “I have seen it with my own eyes.” Gu Wenchang did not get carried away “Just think about it. Wherever the Eighth Route Army arrives, the villains run away, or they will get caught……”  They said, “Of course the evil are afraid of the good ... But who will lead the revolution and the fight against the Japanese in Nanwan Hamlet?”  “Someone will,” answered Gu. “It is just a matter of time. When that time comes, we must unite and devote ourselves to the revolution……  The mindset of the Chinese peasants in the rrud-20th century, when they began to accept the idea of revolutionary theory, was simple enough - Revolution meant survival. It was hoped that the revolution would ensure that their basic needs were met. The targets of the revolution were despotic landlords, localty-rants, and evil gentry who had long oppressed the peasants. Few of the peasants knew Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, and even the name of Mao Zedong was un-familiar to many until the revolution began to achieve penetration and success.  In September 1934, Gu Wenchang was 19 years old. As winter approached,in order to protect his foot-bound wife and three sons from starvation and cold,his father Gu Jihuo once again climbed up the cliff, carrying a wooden frame on his back, a machete on his waist, and a long rope on his shoulders. He had al-ready experienced countless such days, and he could not have expected this to be his last. But Gu Jihuo fell from a substantial height. Gu Xiuzhen, his eldest son,watched helplessly as his father fellin front of his eyes.  Gu Jihuo lay semi-conscious across his son's shoulders, listening to his son's heavy footsteps. With bewildered eyes still open, he remained consaous until he saw the outline of his home.  ……

Gu wenchang: the man who greened an island(中国共产党人 谷文昌) 作者简介

  孙永明,Sun Yongming was born in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province in 1955. He is a member of Fujian Writers'Association and China TV Artists Association(CTAA).He has published several works of non-fiction, in-cluding In the Shade of the Tionshon Mountoins:External Officials Supporting Xinjiong(1998-2010).The documentaries he has written include The Road Builders of Fujian(1991-1992) and The Bond be-tween Fujion and Tibet: Fujian Officials Working in Tibet(1995). His writings have won the Best Works Award organized by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, Best Documentaries Award of Fujian Province, and Best Literary Works of Fujian Province.
