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剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3

剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3

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剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3 版权信息

剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3 本书特色

Active Grammar是剑桥大学出版社语法系列丛书之一,其*的特色就是把语法学习融入具体语境中,在真实、生动的语篇中去讲解与练习语法,从而使得枯燥的语法学习充满了趣味性。所选的语篇来自历史故事、地理、社会、科学等各个领域,涉及面广,练习题有对话、谜语、电子邮件、短文等多种形式,并配有大量插图,可读性强,学生在学习语法的同时也能开阔视野、增长知识。本丛书分三个级别,满足了不同程度学习者的需求。每个语法点都配备了大量的练习,习题设置上有难有易、题型多样、极具创造性。在图书的编排上,每个单元一个语法点,学习者既可以按照顺序逐一学习,也可以根据自身情况只关注自己需要的部分。本丛书既可以供自学使用,也可以作为课堂教材使用,是系统地学习英语语法的极佳选择。

剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3 内容简介

《剑桥国际英语语法》( Active Grammar)是剑桥大学出版社专为非英语国家学习英语的青少年读者编写的系列英语语法学习用书。为了更好地服务于中国的青少年读者,我社特引进本系列图书,并邀请国内有丰富教学经验的语法专家对其进行翻译、补充以及本土化改编,使得本系列图书既适合国内青少年朋友自学使用,又可以在语法课堂上教学使用。本套语法系列图书包括三个级别:初级(Level 1)、中级(Level 2)、高级(Level 3)。本册是其中的高级(Level 3),供高级水平英语学习者使用,难度适合国内高三、大学及以上水平的读者(欧洲语言共同参考框架,C1–C2)。

剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3 目录

Tenses 1 Present simple and present continuous 2 Past simple and past continuous; used to and would 3 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous 4 Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous 5 The future 1: will, be going to, present continuous, present simple 6 The future 2: other ways to refer to the future, the future in the past 7 The passive 1: basic passive forms 8 The passive 2: complex passive forms Medals 9 Modal verbs 1 10 Modal and non-modal verbs 2 11 Other ways to express modality R1 Review: present simple and continuous; past and perfect tenses; the future; the passive; modals 12 Determiners 1: articles and demonstratives 13 Determiners 2: quantifiers 14 Pronouns and possessives 15 It and there 16 Nouns and noun phrases 1 17 Nouns and noun phrases 2: gerunds R2 Review: determiners; pronouns and possessives; it and there; nouns and noun phrases Prepositions, adjectives and adverbs 18 Prepositions 19 Prepositions after adjectives and nouns 20 Verbs + prepositions; prepositional verbs 21 Adjectives 1 22 Adjectives 2 23 Adjectives 3 24 Adverbs R3 Review: prepositions; adjectives; adverbs Verb structures 25 Phrasal verbs 26 Infinitives and -ing forms 27 Copular verbs 28 Verbs with two objects 29 Advanced verb structures R4 Review: phrasal verbs; verbs with infinitive or -ing; copular verbs; verbs with two objects; advanced verb structures Word formation 30 Prefixes and suffixes 31 Compounding 32 Word formation 1: conversioh 33 Word formation 2: other sources Conditionals, clauses, questions, indirect speech 34 Conditional clauses 35 Other conditional forms 36 Relative clauses 37 Adverbial clauses 38 Question forms 39 Indirect speech 40 Emphatic devices 41 Linking words 42 Reference techniques 43 Ellipsis and substitution 44 Formal and academic English 45 Informal and spoken English 46 International English Appendices Answer key

剑桥国际英语语法:高级:Level 3 作者简介

Fiona Davis曾执教于葡萄牙、西班牙、墨西哥、厄瓜多尔的英国文化委员会和位于伦敦的贝尔语言学校,在英语作为外语方面有着丰富的教学经验。自1999年以来,她作为项目经理和编辑从事英语作为外语的出版工作,特别关注适合中小学生的语言材料。她为剑桥大学出版社编辑、出版过多部著作,其中包括Exploring Grammar in Writing, Grammar for CAE and Proficiency等。
