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黄帝内经选读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117255516
  • 条形码:9787117255516 ; 978-7-117-25551-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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黄帝内经选读 内容简介

成肇智、陈家旭主编的《黄帝内经选读(英文版)(精)》是一本综合性的医书,在黄老道家理论上建立了中医学上的“阴阳五行学说”、“脉象学说”、“藏象学说”、“经络学说”、“病因学说”“病机学说”、“病症”、“诊法”、“论治”及“养生学”、“运气学”等学说,从整体观上来论述医学,呈现了自然、生物、心理、社会“整体医学模式”(另据现代学者考证,认为今本中的黄老道家痕迹是隋唐时期的道士王冰窜入 )。其基本素材来源于中国古人对生命现象的长期观察、大量的临床实践以及简单的解剖学知识。

黄帝内经选读 目录

Notes on Compilation and Translation Brief Introduction to Huangdi Neijing Chapter Ⅰ Health-Preservation Section 1. First excerpt of Suwen·Treatise on Preserving Essence in Remote Antiquity Section 2. Second excerpt of Suwen·Treatise on Preserving Essence in Remote Antiquity Section 3. Third excerpt of Suwen·Treatise on Preserving Essence in Remote Antiquity Section 4. Excerpts of Suwen·Great Treatise on Adjusting Vitality in the Four Seasons Chapter Ⅱ Yin-Yang and the Five Elements Section 5. First excerpt of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Yin-Yang of the Human Body Corresponding to that of Natural Phenomena Section 6. Second excerpt of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Yin-Yang of the Human Body Corresponding to that of Natural Phenomena Section 7. Third excerpt of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Yin-Yang of the Human Body Corresponding to that of Natural Phenomena Section 8. Fourth excerpt of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Yin-Yang of the Human Body Corresponding to that of Natural Phenomena Section 9. Fifth excerpt of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Yin-Yang of the Human Body Corresponding to that of Natural Phenomena Chapter Ⅲ Visceral Picture Section 10. Excerpts ofSuwen·Treatise on the Six Seasonal Phases and the Visceral Picture Section 11. Excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on the Secrete Classics in the Imperial Library Section 12. Excerpts ofSuwen·Another Treatise on the Five Zang-organs Section 13. Excerpts ofSuwen·Another Treatise on the Meridians Section 14. Excerpts ofLingshu·Acupuncture Based on the Regulation of Mind Section 15. Excerpts ofLingshu·Five Flavors Section 16. Excerpts ofLingshu·Invasion by Pathogens Section 17. Excerpts ofLingshu·Production and Circulation of Nutritive Qi and Defensive Qi Section 18. Excerpts ofLingshu·Classifying the Vital Substances Section 19. Excerpts ofLingshu·Morphology of the ZangFu-organs Chapter Ⅳ Etiology and Pathogenesis Section 20. Excerpts ofLingshu·Occurrence of Various Diseases Section 21. First excerpt of Suwen·Treatise on the Human Vital Qi Communicating with Nature Section 22. Second excerpt of Suwen·Treatise on the Human Vital Qi Communicating with Nature Section 23. Excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on Varied Types of Pain Section 24. Excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on Adjusting Meridian-Qi Section 25. Excerpts of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Most Essential Doctrine Chapter Ⅴ Diagnostic Techniques Section 26. First excerpt of Suwen·Treatise on the Essentials in Diagnostics Section 27. Second excerpt ofSuwen·Treatise on the Essentials in Diagnostics Section 28. Excerpts of Suwen·Regulating Qi of the Five Zang-Organs Based on the Different Seasons Section 29. First excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on the Valuable Collection of the Pulses without Stomach-Q/ Section 30. Second excerpt ofSuwen·Treatise on the Valuable Collection of the Pulses without Stomach-Q/ Chapter Ⅵ Therapeutic Principles Section 31. Excerpts of Suwen·Great Treatise on the Yin-Yang of the Human Body Corresponding to that in Natural Phenomena Section 32. Excerpts ofSuwen·Great Treatise on the Most Essential Doctrine Section 33. Excerpts ofSuwen·Treatise on Transmission of Biao and Ben Disorders Section 34. Excerpts of Suwen·Regulating Qi of the Five Zang-Organs Based on Different Seasons Section 35. Excerpts ofLingshu·Skills Imparted from a Great Master Section 36. Excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on Cereal Soup, Turbid Liquor and Sweet Liquor Chapter Ⅶ Diseases and Their Syndromes Section 37. Excerpts ofSuwen·Treatise on Comments on the Febrile Diseases Section 38. Excerpts ofSuwen·Treatise on Cough Disease Section 39. Excerpts ofSuwen·Treatise on Bi (Arthralgia) Disease Section 40. Excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on Flaccidity Disease Section 41. Excerpts ofLingshu·Edema and Distention Section 42. Excerpts of Suwen·Treatise on Cereal Soup,Turbid Liquor and Sweet Liquor List of Main Reference Books