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21世纪高等学校计算机教育实用规划教材计算机基础与实践(英文版)(第2版)/张桃红等 版权信息

21世纪高等学校计算机教育实用规划教材计算机基础与实践(英文版)(第2版)/张桃红等 本书特色

本书是创新方法工作专项项目“科学思维、科学方法在高等学校教学创新中的应用与实践——KM教学法的研究与实践”的主要研究成果之一。全书共分两篇:*篇为理论篇,包括Computer Basics and Digitization, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Operating System, Networks, Python Programming Language, Computer Careers and Ethics; 第二篇为实践篇,包括Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Excel 2010, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2010。本书开篇给出理论知识的逻辑结构图,每章均有本章的知识逻辑结构图,相关知识点附有KM图,在教学上实现“薄—厚—薄”的教学回路,力图在内容、阐述等方面形成新的模式。本书适合高等院校作为“大学计算机基础”课程的双语教材和留学生教材,也适合作为学习计算机及英语的入门参考书籍。

21世纪高等学校计算机教育实用规划教材计算机基础与实践(英文版)(第2版)/张桃红等 内容简介

本书是创新方法工作专项项目“科学思维、科学方法在高等学校教学创新中的应用与实践——KM教学法的研究与实践”的主要研究成果之一。     全书共分两篇:篇为理论篇,包括Computer Basics and Digitization, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Operating System, Networks, Python Programming Language, Computer Careers and Ethics; 第二篇为实践篇,包括Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Excel 2010, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2010。     本书开篇给出理论知识的逻辑结构图,每章均有本章的知识逻辑结构图,相关知识点附有KM图,在教学上实现“薄—厚—薄”的教学回路,力图在内容、阐述等方面形成新的模式。     本书适合高等院校作为“大学计算机基础”课程的双语教材和留学生教材,也适合作为学习计算机及英语的入门参考书籍。

21世纪高等学校计算机教育实用规划教材计算机基础与实践(英文版)(第2版)/张桃红等 目录

Part I Theory Part
  Chapter 1 Computer Basics and Digitization 3
1.1 Computer Basics 3
1.1.1 An Overview of the Computer Development 4
1.1.2 The Digital Revolution 5
1.1.3 Computer Types and Uses 6
1.2 Digital Data Representation 8
1.2.1 An Overview of the Digital Data Representation 8
1.2.2 Numbering Systems 10
1.2.3 More Data Representations 14
1.3 Information Security 21
1.3.1 An Overview of Information Security 21
1.3.2 Information Security Techniques 21
Exercises 23
  Chapter 2 Computer Hardware 24
2.1 An Overview of the Computer Hardware 24
2.2 Microprocessors 27
2.2.1 Microprocessors Basics 27
2.2.2 Processor Logic 28
2.2.3 Microprocessor’s Performance 30
2.3 Memory 32
2.3.1 Random Access Memory 32
2.3.2 Read-only Memory 33
2.3.3 Cache Memory 34
2.3.4 Virtual Memory 34
2.4 Storage Devices 35
2.4.1 Storage Basics 35
2.4.2 Magnetic Storage Technology 36
2.4.3 Optical Storage Technology 37
2.4.4 Solid State Storage Technology 38
2.5 Input and Output Devices 39
2.5.1 Input Devices 39
2.5.2 Output Devices 43
2.5.3 Installing Peripheral Devices 51
Exercises 53
  Chapter 3 Computer Software 55
3.1 An Overview of the Computer Software 55
3.1.1 Software Aspects 55
3.1.2 Software Development 56
3.2 Software Categories 60
3.2.1 System Software 60
3.2.2 Application Software 63
3.2.3 Development Software 69
3.3 Installing Software 70
3.3.1 Installation on Windows 70
3.3.2 Installation on UNIX/Linux 72
3.4 Security Software 73
Exercises 76
  Chapter 4 Operating System 77
4.1 An Overview of the Operating System 77
4.2 Operating System Basics 80
4.2.1 Operating System Activities 80
4.2.2 User Interfaces 82
4.2.3 The Boot Process 83
4.3 Types of Operating Systems 84
4.4 File Management 88
4.4.1 File Basics 88
4.4.2 Application-based File Management 92
4.4.3 File Backup 97
Exercises 102
  Chapter 5 The Networks 103
5.1 An Overview of the Networks 103
5.2 Network Devices 104
5.2.1 Wired Devices 104
5.2.2 Wireless Devices 107
5.2.3 Transmission Media 107
5.2.4 Network Topologies 110
5.3 LAN 111
5.3.1 Communications Protocols 111
5.3.2 Network Setup 118
5.4 Internet 120
5.4.1 Internet Basics 120
5.4.2 Internet Access 126
5.4.3 Internet Services 131
5.5 The Web and E-mail 135
5.6 The Network Security 145
Exercises 149
  Chapter 6 Python Programming Language 150
6.1 An Overview of Python Programming Language 150
6.1.1 History of Python Programming Language 150
6.1.2 The Features of Python Programming Language 151
6.1.3 Development Environments 152
6.2 Basics of Python Programming Language 152
6.2.1 Python Program Overview 152
6.2.2 Objects 153
6.2.3 Expressions 154
6.2.4 Statements 155
6.2.5 Functions & Modules 156
6.3 Python Flow Control 157
6.3.1 Sequence Structure 157
6.3.2 Selection Structure 158
6.3.3 Loop Structure 161
6.4 Data Type 166
6.4.1 List 166
6.4.2 Tuples 170
6.4.3 Strings 173
6.4.4 Sets 176
6.4.5 Dictionary 181
6.5 Graphics 185
6.5.1 Graphic Rendering Based on Tkinter 185
6.5.2 Turtle Drawing Based on Turtle Module 187
6.5.3 Draw a Square 188
6.5.4 Draw a Polygon 189
6.5.5 Draw a Circular Spiral 189
  Chapter 7 Computer Careers and Ethics 190
7.1 Computer Careers 190
7.2 Professional Ethics 193
Part II Practice Part
  Chapter 8 Microsoft Word 2010 197
8.1 An Overview of Word 2010 197
8.1.1 Microsoft Word 2010 Components 197
8.1.2 Layouts in Word 2010 199
8.2 Building a Basic Document 201
8.2.1 Creating a Document 202
8.2.2 Using Template to Create a Document 202
8.2.3 Saving a Document 202
8.2.4 Closing the Document 203
8.3 Functions of Word 2010 204
8.3.1 Editing the Text 204
8.3.2 Spelling and Grammar Check 205
8.3.3 Document Settings 208
8.3.4 Integrating Pictures and Text 216
8.3.5 Table 217
8.3.6 Page Design and Printing 220
  Chapter 9 Microsoft Excel 2010 222
9.1 An Overview of Microsoft Excel 2010 222
9.1.1 Microsoft Excel Interface 222
9.1.2 More about Worksheets 222
9.2 Working with Worksheets 228
9.2.1 Entering Worksheet Content 228
9.2.2 Editing Worksheet Content 229
9.2.3 Formatting a Worksheet 232
9.3 Functions of Excel 2010 235
9.3.1 Using Formulas and Functions 235
9.3.2 Analyzing Excel Data 240
9.3.3 Creating a Chart 244
  Chapter 10 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 252
10.1 An Overview of PowerPoint 2010 252
10.1.1 Components of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 252
10.1.2 Presentation as a Slide Show 256
10.2 Creating, Formatting Slides and Slide Views 256
10.2.1 Creating Slides 256
10.2.2 Formatting Slides 256
10.2.3 Slide Views 258
10.2.4 Basic Operations of Slides 261
10.3 Settings in Presentation and Slides Show 263
10.3.1 Setting Presentation Appearance 263
10.3.2 Setting Slide Show Effect 266
10.4 Presenting Slides 271
10.4.1 Slide Show 271
10.4.2 Hiding a Slide and Showing a Hidden Slide 272
  References 274
